I love you

Chapter 13 A touch of sadness

Chapter 13 A touch of sadness

Chapter 17 A touch of sadness

The class in the afternoon is still boring!Lan Mo rested her chin on her chin, not listening to the teacher's frothy and boring lectures on the podium, and Mo Lan's eyes half-squinted to look at the falling cherry blossoms outside the window!It's beautiful, the pink petals are falling with the wind, and there are bursts of pink cherry blossom rain.However, Lan Mo looked very sad.The beauty of the cherry tree has been brewing for a year, and in the end it only blooms for a short time, just like love.

what is love?Is it worrying, or inexplicable missing!Love like mom and dad is wonderful!But it was so short, so short that both parties went to heaven together before they had time to hate each other!
Withdraw your gaze and pull out a blank sheet of paper!Take out a pencil, and draw a picture of a happy family of four with the only scene left in your mind!

"Pa-ta! Pa-ta!" Two crystal clear tears dripped onto the already formed picture!
Mom and Dad must be very happy in heaven!
The subordinates continued to polish the sketches in their hands, bit by bit outlining the gentle smile of the mother and the eyes full of love of the father...

They have been away for 10 years, and they often worry about who they were back then.

In fact, if it wasn't for my cousin who rescued me at that time, I would definitely be with my mother and the others now!
Thinking of what happened back then, there was a sharp pain in my heart, and the tears flowed more and more disobediently.

Thinking about what happened just after the accident, I really made my cousin and the others worry a lot.If it wasn't for her cousin who kept yelling at herself, she might still be in that lightless world now...

Seeing the wet scene, Lan Mo stopped her busy hands and gently wiped away the tears that were about to fall again from her eyes.

Do not cry!Isn't the cousin who has promised to be strong?Promise that my cousin will live happily every day, and will I go with Xiaoru to do things that my parents have not done?
cousin!How are you?Thinking of my favorite cousin, I couldn't help picking up a piece of white paper again, and sketched my cousin's appearance with a few simple strokes!
Looking at the figure in the painting, Lan Mo couldn't help stroking his eyebrows, eyes, high nose bridge, and tightly closed lips!Cousin, I miss you so much!However, I am also afraid to see you!

Laughing at herself, she blamed Yushi for making her think of sad things!However, it's really not my style to be an ostrich like this!However, if she is not an ostrich, how will she face those miscellaneous things.

He picked up a textbook casually, clipped the drawing of the family of four in the book, carefully folded the portrait of his cousin, and put it in his pocket.Holding up his chin again, he stared out of the window at the rain of cherry blossoms flying all over the sky... his thoughts drifted to the distant picture.

What happened to Lan Mo, why are you crying?Did someone bully her?Marui felt uncomfortable looking at the side face looking out of the window.I don't like such a quiet Lanmo, I don't like Lanmo who looks at the cherry blossoms in a daze!I don't even like Lan Mo who shows inexplicable emotions to the drawing!

What did she draw just now?He could vaguely see that it was a portrait of a man, but he couldn't see clearly!

Marui really hoped that get out of class would be over immediately, so he could ask Lan Mo!God seems to have heard his prayer, and the bell soon reminded me of the end of get out of class...

As soon as the get out of class bell rang, Marui stood in front of Lan Mo's desk, stared at her big cute eyes and said worriedly: "Lan Mo, Lan Mo, what's wrong with you?"

(End of this chapter)

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