I love you

Chapter 39 Yushi, I Miss You

Chapter 39 Yushi, I Miss You
Chapter 44 Yushi, I Miss You
"Obey, dearest sister, the best and smartest sister in the world."

"Hehe, your mouth is sweet."

The clear lake water is sparkling under the sunlight, which is really beautiful!The fish are playing happily in the water, enjoying the warmth of the sun with peace of mind.At this time, a reflection suddenly appeared in the lake, frightening the fish to swim quickly to the depths of the lake.It's been a long time since there was any danger, a few bold fish poked their heads out secretly, and saw a handsome boy with violet hair standing by the lake.

Yukimura stood by the lake, looking at his own reflection in the clear water, his thoughts could not be calmed for a long time.

He doesn't know what's wrong?
Why did he unknowingly walk to this small lake on the Bingdi campus, and he didn't know the reason for the impatience that was churning in his heart from time to time?
He just wants to make sure who is the person who is close to Ren Zuzu?

Is it Xiaomo?It's still that Lan Ru who likes to spoof!
As long as he thought about the former possibility, he couldn't control the impatience in his heart.

Yukimura unconsciously clenched his hands hanging by his side, his two beautiful eyebrows frowned together, his face no longer had the smile that was like a spring breeze in the past, only a faint inexplicable worry was hidden deep in his eyes.

What happened to me?
Why do you care about her so much? Is it because you are worried that she will be deceived?After all, there are countless rumors about Ice Emperor Renzu.

He shook his head helplessly, with a wry smile on his lips.

All this seemed to become abnormal after Lan Ru showed up. Looking at Lan Ru who swayed to the tennis club from time to time, clinging to Xiao Mo, he had the opportunity to see another side hidden by her.

Thinking of how she coaxed and lied to her nonsensical brother, and thinking of how she was mad at being annoyed by her brother, Yukimura smiled slightly. She is not calm all the time, and she is not good at dealing with it. thing.


The fish in the lake jumped out of the water, making a slight sound of water, forming circles of ripples on the lake.

Yukimura looked at the ever-spreading ripples, and a slight possibility flashed in his mind, which made him stunned!
Could it be that reason?
He raised his hands and rubbed his dizzy temples, closed his eyes and wanted to seriously sort out his chaotic brain.

"Damn Yukimura Seichi!"

A word cursing him suddenly reached his ears, causing him to stop his thoughts, open his eyes, and after a moment of stupefaction, he quickly walked towards the lawn where the sound came from.

When he came to the side of the bush at half a person's height, when he saw Masaka who was sleeping sideways with his arms on his pillow, the corner of Yukimura's mouth raised a beautiful arc.The haze that had just weighed in his heart immediately dissipated, and his heart was filled with a touch of joy.

Pushing aside the bushes, Yukimura came to her side with light steps, knelt down to help her remove the leaves that fell in her hair, and helped her tuck her naughty hair behind her ears.

"Hehe..." Thinking of the last time she fell asleep and was too lazy to do anything, Yukimura couldn't help but chuckle.

A gust of wind blew by, raising his violet hair, revealing his eyes full of smiles, when he saw Lan Mo curling up slightly, he frowned slightly.He wanted to wake her up, but his hands changed directions in mid-air. His slender fingers unzipped the jacket, raised his arms, took off the jacket, and gently covered the sleeping person.

After doing everything, Yukimura got up, quietly left the lawn, crossed the bushes, turned around and looked at her deeply again, and walked towards the ice emperor tennis court quickly with a smile on his mouth.

On both sides of the main road of Hyotei Academy, tall sycamore trees stand upright. The early summer wind blows, and the green leaves rustle, playing the most beautiful and natural music to people walking under the trees.

How beautiful it all is!

Lan Ru, who was walking on the road, raised his arms and stretched his waist.

From now on, I am my elder sister, and I have to imitate my elder sister in all actions and language.The first step is to make yourself look lazy and uninspired, and you may fall asleep at any time.

Lan Ru patted her cheeks, pulled her eyelids twice with her hands, and pulled the corners of her mouth a few more times.He slapped his face twice again, took down his hands, and already had his sister's standard smile on his face.

Step two, sound!

Gently squeezed the adam's apple covered by the purple silk scarf a few times with his hand, "cough cough!" Coughed a few times, found a suitable voice, and said lazily: "Ah! Changed girlfriend again, really It was very nourishing."

Not bad, there are nine points like it!He nodded in satisfaction, and then checked the clothes on his body for the last time, especially after ensuring that certain parts would not be worn out, he showed a wicked smile.


Suddenly recalling the familiar Kansai accent behind him, Lan Ru felt a little surprised.They were so lucky to meet each other, and God was on their side.

Lan Ru turned around slowly, with a lazy smile on his face, and said softly, "Yushi, your little Lan misses you." She glanced at the beautiful woman who was holding Ren Zuzu's arm, her vision was pretty good, she could call 95 point.

"Miss me?" A trace of doubt flashed in Ren Zu's eyes, the person in front of him was indeed Xiao Lan, and what she said was like when she was acting like a baby, but there was something wrong.

Lan Ru walked between him and the beautiful woman, quietly pushed away a certain beautiful woman with a very bad complexion, stood on tiptoe, whispered into his ear, "Don't you believe it? We haven't seen each other for a long time .”

There was a cunning flash in the eyes covered by the glasses, the corner of the mouth raised a wicked smile, stretched his long arms around his waist, and whispered in his ear: "Xiao Ru, what the hell are you trying to do!"

"I'm not Xiao Ruo!" It's not a good thing to be recognized so quickly, as expected.

"Isn't it? Let me check and find out."

"I can't be here if I want to check, especially when there are light bulbs, I will be shy." Sure enough, it is more interesting to play with people like Yuji Ninzu. It's too much to think about, and it's not fun to play at all.

"I'll forgive you this time, next time I'm naughty, be careful of punishment!" Renzu let go of him, turned around gracefully, smiled softly at the pale blonde beauty, and said in an apologetic tone: "Qianhui, I can't do it this time." Accompany you, I will make it up to you next time."

"Yushi! It's boring to go alone, why don't you go with me?" The blond beauty grabbed his hand and shook it gently, her pleasant voice was soft enough to make any man die for her.

"No!" Lan Ru stepped forward, hugged Renzu's arm, and smiled brightly at the blond beauty, "Yushi, the rest of today's time is all mine, and I don't have any extra time to accompany you?" Yushi's future wife Be sure to get my approval, this woman doesn't know how to advance and retreat, she is out!

Ignoring the heartbroken beauty, Lan Ru put his head on Renzu's shoulder affectionately, "Yushi, let's find a place to talk about the pain of lovesickness."

"Okay!" Renzu didn't refute, and let him drag himself into the depths of the campus.For the sake of a stable life in the future, when Lan Ru is playful, you have to follow him, otherwise, he will definitely let you know what it feels like to regret.This is the most useful conclusion reached by several of them.

The tightly hugging back completely fell into the eyes of the two who had just walked to the corner of the plane tree road.

"Xianichiro, you go to discuss with Atobe first, I'll leave for a while." Yukimura said in a hurry, and walked in the opposite direction to the disappearance of Shinobu.

Looking at Yukimura's back, Sanada frowned subconsciously, then looked at the back where Shinobu and someone had disappeared, raised his hand and lowered the brim of his hat, he was so slack!

(End of this chapter)

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