I love you

Chapter 54

Chapter 54
Chapter 59
"Yeah." Yun Nuo nodded obediently, and said very embarrassedly, "I'm causing you trouble again."

"It's okay..." Tezuka replied very lightly.

The sky is orange-red under the rendering of the setting sun, the clouds flow leisurely, and flocks of birds spread their wings and fly by without leaving any traces.Fate is like God's magic wand, which condenses thoughts into a thread and binds two strange hearts.Many years later, when the girl thinks about it again, a happy smile will still appear on the corner of her mouth.

Tezuka developed a habit, whenever he walked to that place, he would stop involuntarily, and there was always a girl standing there with her back against the wall, smiling at him.

He would sit with her for a while, and she would talk about many, many things in her sweet voice like a lark, stories about her and her little bear, including the story of the shirt.

Her expression will change in different ways with her words, joy, anger, sorrow, joy, but she can't escape the sadness and happiness.He knew that these were the treasures in her heart, which no one could take away, even at the moment when her life ended.

She needs an audience, and he will be the best audience.

One day, she looked up at the sky and said softly: "Tezuka, do you think our meeting was arranged by Little Bear in the sky?"


"Hehe..." Xiyuan Yunnuo smiled softly, his eyes fell softly on Tezuka Kunimitsu's handsome face, and said: "Little bear is worried about me in the sky, so he sent you to my side to accompany me Live the most difficult days. I think I will never forget you in my life."

Tezuka pushed his half-framed eyes, and an imperceptible smile rose from the corner of his mouth.

However, no one thought that the parting would come so quickly, and before they had time to cherish each other, the moment of separation had already arrived.

Tokyo International Airport, Japan.

The sound of rumbling planes taking off and landing, soft and melodious languages ​​of various countries wafting in the air, travelers and relatives and friends who went out tearfully bid farewell at the immigration gate, and hurried businessmen rushed to get on and off the plane.

The girl leaned against the huge floor-to-ceiling windows, quietly watching the planes that were about to take off, her eyes full of confusion and loneliness.Stretching out his hand to stick to the cold glass, a wry smile rose from the corner of his mouth.

Once she wanted to leave here and wanted to forget everything in the past, but she couldn't remember when it started, she gradually changed.

She seemed to be able to let go of some things. Even if she recalled them, she would not be all sad. Happiness began to be slowly extracted from the past, turning into gorgeous treasure chests in her heart.

However, only parting was the only thing she couldn't say chicly.

Time passed quietly, and she would soon leave this country that gave her countless memories...

The hasty footsteps were exceptionally clear in the noisy world, Xiyuan Yunnuo's heart trembled slightly, and he turned around quickly.

The boy still didn't have too much expression, the only difference was that he was less stable.He was short of breath, covered in sweat, and there was faint anxiety in his dark brown eyes.

When he saw Xiyuan Yunnuo, he slowly slowed down and walked in front of her.

"I thought you wouldn't come." Xiyuan Yunnuo was very surprised, because she had heard from Tezuka that there was an important match today.

"I promised to give it to you." Wiping the sweat off his face, Tezuka didn't even have time to change out of his game clothes: "Fortunately, we caught up!"

Xiyuan Yunnuo smiled, without any sadness or forbearance, it was a real smile from the heart.

"Thank you, Tezuka..."

The shimmering sunlight fell on Xiyuan Yunnuo's body through the huge glass window, Tezuka was stunned at that moment, but he didn't know whether the sunlight was too bright or Yunnuo's smile was too beautiful.

That smile is deeply branded on the boy's heart, even after many years when he closes his eyes, it can still clearly emerge...

The beautiful female voice sounded from the radio again, but it was extremely harsh to the young girls at the moment.Xiyuan Yunnuo took a deep breath to hide his reluctance in his heart, and tried to smile: "Then, goodbye Tezuka."

Tezuka Kunimitsu nodded and said softly, "Goodbye!"

Xiyuan Yunnuo took a deep look at Tezuka Kunimitsu, as if he wanted to engrave the boy in front of him deeply in his memory.

Although the time together was short, he accompanied her out of the sadness like the end of the world, the wound in her heart was no longer bleeding, and Yun Nuo knew that she would never forget this seemingly indifferent and gentle boy in her life.


The rumbling sound of the plane taking off, the noisy voice of the crowd at the airport, the beautiful female voice on the broadcast...all disappeared in an instant. Tezuka stared blankly at the girl leaving, and his body could still feel the warmth of that short hug...

Xiyuan Yunnuo, the girl who suddenly appeared and brought him a strange journey in his ordinary life...

Goodbye, I hope you can get out of the sadness completely...

Tezuka Kunimitsu's expression softened a lot, he looked up at the blue sky, and sent silent blessings.

Tokyo in February is still a world of snowflakes, and the hexagonal water chestnut flowers dancing in the sky decorate this bustling city full of ancient atmosphere.An ancient cherry blossom tree stood alone in the courtyard, heavy snowflakes pressed on the top of the tree, a gust of cold wind blew, and the white and flawless snow fell on the wet ground, stained with earthy yellow.

"Sigh... I was originally pure and white, but why did I get dusty." A soft sigh.

"Pregnant women don't sigh." A heavy voice sounded, as clear as newly melted snow.

"Cut, it's really boring." The tea-blonde women sitting cross-legged on the ground said in unison, walked towards the sofa with their stomachs straight, grabbed the newspaper from the man's hand, and threw it aside, bowing slightly, their long hair untied She draped it down to cover her swollen face, half-closed her amber eyes, hooked the man's chin with her slender fingers, looked carefully, and chuckled, "Hey, brother, you are in the United States these days How do you take care of your skin? Teach me a trick."

"Let go!" The smell of shampoo entered his nose, the man frowned and shouted in a low voice.

"Don't let go!" The woman shook her head stubbornly.

"Tezuka Yunxi!" A cold current hit, and the originally warm room was filled with the atmosphere of Siberia.

"Sister-in-law, brother scare me!" The woman named Tezuka Yunxi straightened up, turned around and shouted towards the kitchen.

"He dares!" A black-haired woman came out of the kitchen, holding a shiny kitchen knife in her hand.

"Sister-in-law." Yun Xi slowly moved to the woman's side, making a pitiful look, "Sister-in-law Zi Nuo, my brother just yelled at me loudly, and then let out his air-conditioning desperately, which scared me and also scared me." There's a baby in the womb."

"Guoguang, is that so?" Yan Zinuo narrowed his black eyes slightly, and looked at her husband.

Tezuka Kunimitsu glanced at his sister, pushed his glasses, picked up the newspaper on the side, and continued the unfinished news just now. The cold air hovering over the living room suddenly dissipated.At this time, the more he explained, the more complicated it became. With such a younger sister, and a wife who loved her more than her husband, he could only choose to remain silent.

"Xiao Xi, don't bother with your brother, I made your favorite potato stewed ribs, go and taste if it suits your taste." Zi Nuo patted my sister-in-law's shoulder lightly, and said softly.

"Yes, I knew my sister-in-law was the best for me." Yun Xi smiled triumphantly, and headed towards the kitchen with her belly out.

"Yeah." Zi Nuo smiled lightly, watching Yun Xi's figure disappear around the corner, and then turned to Tezuka, four eyes, no, six eyes met, and saw the look of doting in the eyes of the other party.

"I dote on her too much." Tezuka put down the newspaper, got up and walked towards his wife, and took the kitchen knife she was holding on the way.

"You are just a younger sister, and I am just a sister-in-law. If we don't pet him, who will pet him?" Zi Nuo smiled back.

(End of this chapter)

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