I love you

Chapter 65 The Awkward Brother and Sister

Chapter 65 The Awkward Brother and Sister

Chapter 72 The Awkward Brother and Sister

Fujiwara quickly shifted to catch the ball, and hit the ball to the corner before Lan Mo was in a good position. Just when everyone thought it was over, the trajectory of the ball changed, and it——it flew towards Lan Mo. Mo's standing position.Lan Mo swung...

"Boom!" The ball landed on Fujiwara's field, and after it bounced out of bounds, Gulu, Gulu rolled to Fujiwara's feet, as if mocking her incompetence.

"Continue!" Lan Mo clasped her hands in fear, bent over to put herself in a good posture, staring at Fujiwara's every move, completely ignoring the expressions of the outsiders.

This time Marui couldn't keep his mouth shut at all, staring at Lan Mo in disbelief with one foot as the axis, and easily fighting back, he didn't come back to his senses for a long time.

Except for Yukimura and Sanada, almost everyone in Li Haida agreed with Liu Renji's data analysis just now.It's unbelievable that their special caregiver has a crush on the big iceberg in Qingxue.

The game continued, and Lan Mo tied the score with the ball from the near corner and Tezuka's field. Now it is the last point of the last game.Everyone held their breath, looking at the nimble figure on the court, waiting for the last ball to drop.

Lan Mo watched the little ball fly towards her, she raised her arms gracefully, and swung the racket, looking at the same posture as usual, but deliberately lowered the racket a little bit when swinging, the little ball was The net spun and flew out, and a short ball caught Fujiwara off guard.However, she rushed forward at the last moment, but the ball did not bounce after landing, but rolled towards the net...

The racket in Fujiwara's hand fell to the ground with a bang, and her whole body seemed to lose support, and she slowly fell to the court.Staring desperately at the rolling ball, her beautiful face gradually became distorted. She raised her head and looked at Lan Mo with red eyes, and shouted at her hysterically: "You...you nasty woman, how dare you play tricks? I!"

"Just kidding, I don't have the American time to do these boring things."

"I don't believe it, you can play a zero-style, I don't believe it, let's compete again, and compete again."

"Hey, you look like a lost dog now, it's so shameful."

"You are!"

Lan Mo shrugged his shoulders, walked slowly to the front of the net, picked up the small ball just now with his racket, held it tightly in his hand, and raised a beautiful arc at the corner of his mouth.

The last move was finally learned.

It's a pity that my cousin couldn't see that he succeeded in hitting the ball for the first time. If he saw it, he would definitely praise his progress, and he could also take the opportunity to ask him to do something.

All this is my own imagination, how could my cousin praise himself like before, they can't go back to the past at all, and I personally ruined such a beautiful relationship, everything is my fault, I blame myself.There was a wry smile on the corner of his mouth, and he looked at Xiaoqiu with a strong sense of loss in his eyes.

I don't want to anymore, I'd better go back and rest, and everything will be fine after waking up.

Lan Mo shook her head, held the racket, lowered her head, and walked slowly towards Renzu.

"Xiaolan, you did a good job!"

Lan Mo raised her head, with a smile on the corner of her mouth, and teased: "If I find you a life partner like that, Ren Zu's mother will kill me." As he spoke, he handed the racket to Ren Zu.

"Ah!" Ren Zu hit her head with a racket, and said with a half-smile: "You also have people to be afraid of."

Lan Mo yawned lazily, and looked at him with a smile.

Renzu's scalp was numb from her gaze, and he was about to speak, but he accidentally saw the person approaching, and was slightly taken aback.

"What's the matter, Yushi, it's not because you can't get beautiful women..."

"Xiao Lan!" The heavy voice sounded like a silent Hong Zhong.

Lan Mo paused slightly while holding the racket, and the smile on his face froze instantly.

Why him?Why did you meet him at this time?

Lan Mo turned around slowly, the dark blue eyes gradually reflected the tall and straight figure of the man, the short golden hair shone brightly in the sun, and the black eyes behind the boundless eyes also clearly reflected his own figure.

As if for a moment, time stopped flowing - God knows, at this moment, she almost exhausted all her strength so as not to burst into tears on the spot.

Why did it appear?Appearing in my world so viciously when I wasn't mentally prepared?

Lan Mo's heart felt as if someone had punched her hard, and there was a pounding sound, which made the roots of her ears numb.

Even so, she was even more expressionless, the more turbulent her heart was, the more motionless her face was.From Tezuka's point of view, she just took a breath, then bowed calmly, politely and without emotion: "Long time no see, brother."

The golden color in Tezuka's brown eyes was even worse. He subconsciously crossed his hands on his chest, raised his jaw slightly, and subconsciously said in an orderly tone: "Immediately, go home!"

As if touched by the reverse scale, Lan Mo raised her head abruptly, uncompromising stubbornness bloomed in her dark blue eyes, and a word was clearly uttered from her cherry lips: "No!"

Tezuka frowned slightly, stretched out his hand and pushed the frame of the glasses, and said seriously, "Why?"

"Do you need a reason?" Lan Mo imitated Tezuka and folded his hands on his chest, staring at him coldly, and neither of them spoke for a while.

For some reason, everyone in Qingxue felt a chill behind their backs, as if seeing two Tezukas...

"Hehe, I don't know who releases more air-conditioning compared to Tezuka and Xiaolang?" An extremely gentle voice interrupted the confrontation between the two icebergs.

The two confronting each other turned their heads at the same time, and four sharp eyes shot at a harmless smile, with curved brows and eyes.

Fuji Zhousuke shrugged, spread his hands, and said with a light smile, "Brothers and sisters who have a good understanding."

"No two! Go..."

"Please continue, please continue." Fuji interrupted Tezuka with a smile, and took a step back.

Tezuka frowned, and instead of insisting on finishing what he said just now, he turned his attention to Lan Mo again.

After being ridiculed by Bu Er, Lan Mo realized that what he just did was too radical.She raised her hand to push back the obstructing hair, and looked up at Tezuka slightly.

"Brother, I'm fine now, and I don't want to go home." Rou Rou's voice was firm, and there was irresistible persistence in her dark blue eyes.

"It's just nonsense."

"I've always been messing around like this, brother, just indulge me one more time." Lan Mo lowered her eyelids, not looking at Tezuka's expression, but the hand hanging by her side had been clenched tightly at some point, and the stabbing pain in her palm The pain made her maintain her last shred of sanity.

Tezuka didn't speak, but narrowed his eyes slightly, staring at his younger sister who didn't dare to look at him for a moment.I hope I can see some clues in her expression, I hope I can know the reason why she doesn't want to go back.

Lan Mo, who could not answer for a long time, turned around slowly.Don't stay here anymore, don't face such a cousin again, if this continues, she will not be able to bear it, she will say things that hurt him, and do things that hurt him.

She lifted her extremely heavy legs and took the first step with difficulty.But there is a kind of expectation in my heart, I hope my cousin can hold her, I hope he can stop facing me so coldly.

All these hopes were shattered after she took a few steps.

Cousin, goodbye!
Lan Mo took a deep breath, bit her lips tightly, suppressed the feelings in her heart, and strode away from the tennis court without any regrets...

"Xiaolan—" Enduring anxiety and wanting to follow, only to find someone chasing after him one step ahead.Forget it, with him following, Xiaolan should be fine.

(End of this chapter)

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