I love you

Chapter 84 Lost in Game 2

Chapter 84
Chapter 92
"Okay, I promise." She must make something extremely unpalatable to make her lose the competition.

"By the way, you have to taste the other party's food first." After Lan Mo lazily threw out another sentence, he quickly took out a sealed box from the bag and put it on the table, then put the pot on the table. On the stove, light the fire and pour oil.After doing all this, she opened the sealed box, put some black things that were suspected to be reptiles into a basin, washed it carefully with water several times, and put it aside for later use.

"Then... what is that!" Marui, who finally saw what Lan Mo was going to do, asked with wide eyes and doubts, "Is that kind of thing edible?"

"That's Xia Chan's chrysalis." Where did Lan Mo find that kind of thing? I haven't heard that it can be eaten, so it won't cause food poisoning.

Liu's explanation made the whole team in the tennis club look disheveled, and they all regretted it to death. They should not have agreed to Lan Mo's request just now, but now they really want to eat those pupae that are so dark and so yellow that people have no appetite just looking at them. .

"Stab la la..."

As the chrysalis was poured into the oil pan, the water on the chrysalis began to boil in the oil pan, making a crisp sound, and then a strange smell poured into the noses of everyone present...

After a few minutes, Lan Mo took out the fried pupae with a colander and put them on a plate covered with green vegetables.

"Hey, Oshima-san, I'm done." Lan Mo put the plate away and said with a smile, "Now you can taste it."

Oshima Zhumi looked at a plate of black and strange things in front of her, and asked calmly, "This...what is this!"

"Fried golden cicada." Lan Mo breathed out like blue, and smiled sincerely, "This taste is very good, please taste Oshima-san." For a spoiled young lady like you, it would be strange if you dare to eat it .

"Please taste it, I guarantee you will never forget this taste." Lan Mo picked up the plate and put it in front of Oshima Zhumei.

"This..." Akimi Oshima resisted the desire to vomit, and stammered, "Wait... When I'm done..."

"You can take a rest, you don't need to do it." Lan Mo explained with half-closed eyes, "I have made it clear just now, the last one should taste the food prepared by the other party first, if you delay, you will lose. "

"You... you are cheating!"

"Oh?" Lan Mo raised her eyebrows, waiting for her to finish speaking with a half-smile.

"You got some inedible bugs, it's not a trick or something." Oshima Zhumei suddenly brightened her eyes, pointing to the black things on the plate and said, "As long as you find someone who dares to eat here, I will admit defeat." .”

"Keep your word!"


Lan Mo walked directly to Xingcun with a plate, and smiled slightly, "Jingshi, I invite you to eat the nutritious golden cicada, this is the only one here." After speaking, she picked up a golden cicada and sent it to Xingcun's mouth side.

"Do you have to eat it?"

"What do you say?"

"Hey!" Yukimura opened his mouth, bit the black thing gently, and chewed carefully.

Everyone in the room stared at Yukimura's expression, wanting to see the scene where the famous Yukimura Seichi changed his face, but they were disappointed. Yukimura swallowed what was in his mouth and commented with a smile, "Salty Moderate, crispy on the outside and tender on the inside, with a unique taste and a very fresh feeling."

"Of course, how can I get something that I can't eat? What if I eat something bad?" Lan Mo said while pinching a golden cicada and chewing it in her mouth contentedly. This is the only time for Jin Chan, otherwise you will have to wait a year to eat fresh ones."

"Is it really delicious?" Marui swallowed, looking at Lan Mo's expression in disbelief.

"Don't you know after you taste it?" Lan Mo handed the plate to Marui, turned around and walked in front of Akimi Oshima, and threw three words to her neatly, "You lose."

"Please proceed to the second competition." Manually, the odds of winning are really slim.

"The second round will be Yamada-san's handicraft competition with you, and it will be held in an empty classroom nearby." Oshima Atsumi clenched her fists, concealing her unwillingness.You can't lose your composure at this time, there is still a chance!

"Lan Mo, Lan Mo, this is delicious, is there any more, is there any more." Marui, who had the courage to eat a golden cicada, suddenly said.

Lan Mo turned around, shrugged helplessly, "No more, if you want to eat, you need to find it yourself at night."

"Okay, I'll go find it." Marui said anxiously when he saw a few hands suddenly reaching out to the plate, "Ah, don't take it, it's mine, Masaharu, you're so treacherous, how can you take two? Give me, give me back..."

"Wentai." King Ren put the things in his mouth to his mouth, and said slowly, "Good things are for everyone to share."

Lan Mo looked at them, rolled her eyes indecently, turned to Oshima Zhumei and said, "You can go now." After speaking, she packed up the sealed box she brought, and walked slowly towards the door with the bag.

"Give it to me." Yukimura took the bag in her hand, gently held her hand, and left...

Needles, threads and fabrics of various colors, and some other colorful materials lay neatly on the table.The girl sitting on the chair beside them stared at them without blinking, as if as long as they looked at them like this, they would act on their own and quickly sew a beautiful doll.

"Hey!" Lan Mo sighed softly, and resignedly picked up a piece of white cloth with the same skin color, spread it on the table, and grabbed the pen that was put aside, planning to draw the outline of the character on it first, and then Cut it out and sew it up...

The nib slides gently on the fabric, and in a short while, a lifelike Q-version character is born.

Lan Mo looked at the characters in the painting, frowning slightly.

How did you draw Jingshi, do you want to redraw it?

Out of the corner of her eye, she caught sight of Sayuri Yamada who was already sewing at another table, which made her give up the idea of ​​redrawing.

Lan Mo picked up the scissors at the side, and carefully cut out the front and back pieces along the outline.

"Huh!" Lan Mo finally let out a sigh of relief seeing the two pieces of fabric that had been cut intact.When he thought of what to do next, his relaxed mood was hit hard again.

The next step is to sew them together with a needle and thread, but her needlework, in the words of King Ni, is unworthy of being a woman.

Lan Mo scratched her head in distress, finally gritted her teeth, turned the two pieces of cloth over and aligned them, then picked up the needle on the side, and started sewing slowly.It's not just sewing things, acupuncture and moxibustion can be easily solved by yourself, but I'm afraid that I may not be able to handle these two small pieces of cloth.

"Ah!" It was a bad start, and the first needle pierced the index finger.

Looking at the oozing red blood, Lan Mo curled her lips, put her index finger in her mouth and sucked it gently.

Ren Wang, who taught Lan Mo how to do handicrafts, saw this scene and wanted to hit the wall.After so many days of teaching, she still gets prickly hands. She is really a standard manual idiot.

"It must be very painful! Lan Mo is so pitiful."

"Wen Tai, the pity is that those fabrics were ruined by Xiao Lan for nothing." King Ren rubbed his temples helplessly, in order not to be hit by Lan Mo's handwork, he simply turned around and didn't look at it.

Yukimura didn't speak all the time, he just quietly looked at the things in Lan Mo's hands, watching her being stabbed by needles again and again, as if he was the one who was stabbed.Several times I wanted to tell her to stop doing it, but seeing her serious appearance, I finally couldn't say anything to make her admit defeat.

Lan Mo automatically shields everything from the outside world, completely immersed in the two small pieces of cloth in her hands.After suturing stitch by stitch, she picked up the foam sponge that had been prepared by the side, stuffed it in bit by bit, and then tidied it up.I don't know how long it took, and a Q version of Yukimura's little doll that was not satisfactory was born in her hands.

(End of this chapter)

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