Chapter 107 Do you still want to go back?
Lingkun's lair was very large, and it was dark inside. The ground was covered with dead branches and weeds. As soon as he walked to the entrance of the cave, he felt the breath of wild beasts.

Yun Chu shrank back habitually, Yuan Ji kept holding her hand, seeing that she looked like she wanted to run away, he turned around and pulled her into his arms.

Being pulled into his cold and hard embrace again, Yun Chu gritted his teeth secretly, scolding his ancestors for eighteen generations in his heart.

After scolding, he regretted that he was too impulsive, the big devil has a bug, in case the mind reading skills are easy to use now, why not throw her to feed the big black eagle.

She raised her head with a guilty conscience, wanting to see the reaction of the big boss, but just happened to bump into those dark and deep pupils, her heart shrank suddenly, and she quickly looked away.

Yuan Ji lowered his head and stared at her, his dark and cold eyes shone with a faint light, and he tightened his arms around her slender waist.

Yun Chu was powerless to resist, so he could only secretly vent his anger in his heart, closed his eyes, and let him hug him and walk forward slowly.

Lying in Yuan Ji's arms, she could clearly hear his heartbeat beating like a drum in the silent cave. For some reason, she felt flustered and her cheeks became hotter and hotter.

"Didn't you see Lingkun twice? Why are you so scared?" Yuan Ji felt that the little face on his chest was hot, and asked her with a slight frown.

Yun Chu really wanted to show his sharp claws at him: Heh, am I afraid of the big black eagle?I'm afraid of you!

How can the big black eagle compare with you?You are the ancestor of the horror world!One look can scare a whole lot of people paralyzed!

"Go back!" Yuan Ji suddenly stopped, hugged her and turned to go out of the cave.

Yun Chu didn't react, he didn't know what he was going to do, but he heard that the heartbeat of the big devil seemed to be a little faster...a black line on his forehead.

Yuan Ji walked out of the cave in a few steps, and without the smell of wild animals, Yun Chu felt that he had come alive.

Yuan Ji let go of her, but still took her hand, and said in a soft tone, "The Nether Palace is too full of demonic energy. Here, you can't practice immortal Taoism, but you can try to practice demonic Taoism."

Yun Chu put his feet on the ground, secretly heaved a sigh of relief, let him lead him, and asked in a low voice: "The way of the devil, is it easy to cultivate?"

Yuan Ji turned his head to look at her slightly flushed side face, and the glowing Nether Flower in her hair, with a glimmer of light in his eyes, "It's much easier than immortality, and the speed of cultivation can also be doubled."

Yun Chu nodded: It sounds good, but...

"Sir, Lord Demon, if I cultivate the way of the devil, will I not be able to return to the Tianyi Sect in the future?" Yun Chu dared to ask what was in his heart.

Yuan Ji's face turned cold instantly, and he stared at her, "Do you still want to go back?"

Yun Chu smiled bitterly: At this time, should I say yes or no?If you think about it, will you die very quickly?
"I... want... don't you want to?" Yun Chu, who didn't want to tell lies, looked at the face of the big devil and laughed dryly.

Yuan Ji looked away, with a look of indifference on his face, "Actually, if you want to go back, it's not impossible!"

Yunchu: Heh!really?Then what are you doing with the look of "If you dare to bring it back, I will kill you"?

"That... Lord Demon Lord, I don't want to go back! This place is very good, I like it very much! Not to mention the delicious food and drink, the little maid is so cute! Especially Lord Lord Lord, you... well, I really like it!" Yun With a grin on his face at the beginning, his mother bought it in his heart.

If you don't tell lies, the other party will be irritable, so she should do as the Romans do!

(End of this chapter)

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