Chapter 109 Gossip
Yunchu was rescued by the kind-hearted big devil, and avoided hitting the back of his head on the ground, but wanted to faint immediately in annoyance.

It's a good thing that Mingyou had already flashed away, and there was no one around, otherwise, her face would have been thrown into the Pacific Ocean!

Yuan Ji let go of her, with an ugly face, waved the hem of his robe, and turned sideways.

Because of the action just now, the Nether Flower on Yunchu's head fell to the ground, returning to its withered appearance.

Yuan Ji glanced at the flower, twitched it lightly with his fingers, and the flower on the ground turned into powder and disappeared without a trace.

Yun Chu rubbed his sore chin, and out of the corner of his eye, he caught a glimpse of the ears of the Great Demon King hidden under his black hair, which seemed a little red...

Wow!Yun Chu was extremely surprised.This was the first time that the Great Demon King had such a strong reaction, like a shy boy whose parents broke his relationship.

Yun Chu thought to himself: So the Great Demon King is also afraid of pain!Alas, she is more pitiful than her, her ears are red from the pain!

"Your cultivation base...why is it so weak? Change to the magic way! I can teach you..." The two were back to back in silence for a moment, Yuan Ji coughed lightly, "It's much better than fairy art, try it!"

Yunchu: I'm sorry, can I refuse your overbearing offer?

"Okay, it's just that you are so busy and I don't want you to be too tired, why don't you ask Mingyou to guide me, what do you think?" Yun Chu smiled sweetly...and felt very bitter.

"I'm more suitable than her!" Yuan Ji's words cannot be questioned.

Yun Chu nodded obediently, thinking how to avoid this matter.

"Can you walk on your feet?" Yuan Ji looked at her ankles under her skirt again.

Yun Chu nodded his head, "You can walk, you can walk!"

Yuan Ji stared at her with profound meaning.

Yunchu immediately changed his words: "I...can't go! It's hard work...Your Majesty!"

Yuan Ji snorted softly, "Trouble!" Then he hugged her skillfully.

Yunchu: I am a hard-working pillow!The big devil always likes to hug me!I really want to strike!

In Lingkun's cave, a huge black-feathered black-eyed eagle is lying on its nest and sulking: Didn't you agree to come and see me?Why did it disappear as soon as I felt a little breath?

Woohoo, no one hurts this baby, this baby is suffering in his heart!


When it was time for the usual changing of the guard, a few idle demon cultivators gathered in the hut to discuss matters in a low voice.

"Madam went out for a stroll in the garden today, and within half an hour, she was carried back by the demon king to be lucky again..." The male cultivator who had just entered the door had a gossip-like expression on his face.

"Since I came back yesterday, the Demon Lord has been with her in the dormitory for seven or eight hours... Tsk tsk, can such a delicate little lady, Madam, be able to bear it?"

The male Demon Xiu who was sitting at the table drinking tea had a lewd smile on his lips, and touched his Adam's apple when he spoke, feeling his throat was dry and hoarse.

Another demon cultivator laughed and said, "It's not that I couldn't bear it. I heard that my legs became weak after walking for a long time... That's why I was hugged back by the demon king!"

"The demon lord has just tasted the taste of a woman, and he doesn't know how to pity her!"

"Tell me, this devil...would...make that little lady..."

" must be so!"

A few people whispered to each other, talking spittingly, and the more they said, the bigger the scale.

"I heard that the Demon Lord is going to give the Demon Lord a marriage, and he will send an envoy over in the next few days."

"Marriage? Which princess is it? The demon king wants to marry the princess, what about that delicate little lady?" Someone rolled his Adam's apple and licked his dry lips.

"What else can I do? Her cultivation level is not high, and she is an unidentified female cultivator of the fairy sect, but she has some flair. The devil is tired of playing, so he naturally gave up!"

(End of this chapter)

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