Chapter 111 A Sudden Kiss
Their "Fighting the Landlord" bet is that the loser needs to show their magic weapon and show it off.

And the game has progressed until now, the loser has always been Mingyou.She has revealed seventeen magic weapons, big and small, and this natal magic weapon is also her last one.

In her current situation, it can be said that she has shown all her cards to others, which is extremely dangerous.

But since the Demon Lord agreed, she didn't think there was anything wrong with it.

After all, Madam's cultivation base is very low, so it doesn't matter whether she understands it or not!

And in actual combat, the attribute of the magic weapon is second, how to use it proficiently is the key.

Yun Chu moved to Mingyou's hand curiously, waiting to see her show the small ax in her hand exuding a strange brilliance.

She has seen too many strange magic weapons of Mingyou before, some she finds very interesting, some she thinks are tasteless, and some she thinks are awesome, and she wants to learn to make one...

As for this natal magic weapon, it is obviously the most outstanding among all the magic weapons. It is radiant and truly amazing.

Seeing that she really wants a talisman!I don't know what level I have to practice to be able to practice.

Mingyou was still thinking about chopping something to show the power of her axe, but Yuan Ji suddenly stopped her:

"This ax has the ability to cut mountains and seas, so it's not convenient to display it, that's all!"

Yuan Ji glanced at Mingyou meaningfully, "After playing for so long, you are also tired, go back and rest!"

The honest Mingyou understood and was very knowledgeable, so he immediately got up and saluted and said goodbye.Before Yun Chu could recover, she disappeared.

"Eh? It's okay if you don't show it, let's play two more rounds!" Yun Chu, who had reacted, whispered in the direction where Mingyou disappeared.

Yuan Ji got up slowly from the chair, walked to the side of the bed, stood in front of Yun Chu, stared at her with a smile on his lips, "She has lost everything, what else is she playing?"

Yunchu secretly hated: Heh, boss, you haven't lost yet!Do you think I want to see her magic weapon?

"What do you want to see? I can show it to you!" Yuan Ji leaned closer, leaning on the bed with his arms, staring into her eyes with a half-smile.

The two are so close that they can hear their breath.

Yun Chu's heart couldn't help beating wildly. Under the might of the Great Demon King, he just wanted to hide.However, just as she flinched back with a stiff smile on her face, Yuan Ji threw herself on the bed...

"I'm tired, sleep with me first! When I'm in a good mood, I'll show you all!" Yuan Ji's voice was low and hoarse, he shook the hem of his robe, and leaned on her body.

When the body bent down, he put his hands on both sides of her head, and used a circling posture to completely bind her under his body.

This posture was too ambiguous, Yun Chu couldn't stand it anymore, and became even more flustered.I just felt that his dark eyes were as deep as ink, and there were emotions that I couldn't understand flowing in them.

The more I looked at it, the more timid I became, so I quickly closed my eyes and began to recite the Heart Sutra silently.

Yuan Ji's chest was almost pressed against hers, and the soft touch touched his heartstrings through the thin fabric.

The tip of her nose lingered with her warm, soft and sweet taste, and her gaze unconsciously fell on her wriggling red lips.

Her petal-like lips reminded him of her wearing Nether Flowers, the most special color in the world.

This is the second time he has met a woman who can change the color of the Nether Flower...

The little thing in front of me clearly bears no resemblance to that "ugly" woman...

Seeing her with her eyes closed, her eyelashes trembling slightly, her lips twitching and reciting something, Yuan Ji, who came back to his senses, felt his heart tickled for some reason, numb and itchy, a little unbearable.

He was drawn by something, and he leaned down in a strange way, leaning against her, and lightly pecked on that ugly red lips.

Yun Chu opened his eyes suddenly, a red glow flew up on his face, staring at him in disbelief like an electric shock...

Yuan Ji was also a little stunned, and remained in the posture of straddling her and froze for a long while before rolling over from her under her shocked gaze.

Yun Chu, who was about to enter the state of mind after chanting sutras just now, completely broke his skills: I'm sorry... Could it be that the pillow is also in danger of losing your body?
Yuan Ji turned sideways, turned his back to Yunchu, and said coldly, "Sleep!"

Feeling lucky to survive the catastrophe, Yunchu immediately shrank back into the bed, bent over and began to sleep.

(End of this chapter)

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