Chapter 113 Yunhuan's Chaos

Is it wood?But in her body... the fire spirit is obviously the most active.

Whenever she has a violent reaction, the fire spirit in her body will burst out, which becomes the best outlet for her emotions.

Therefore, she is often hot, blushing, and hot...

But for these, the little thing seems to know nothing about it.

Yuan Ji silently looked at her soft sleeping face, leaned over and kissed her gently on the forehead.

The sleeping Yun Chu was stimulated by his cold lips, and he hummed slightly uncomfortably.

Yuan Ji raised the corners of his lips, pressed it against her ear, and whispered, "Wait for me... to come back!"

Then he turned over and got off the bed, and his figure disappeared into the bedroom.


Tianyi Gate, Qingling Cave.

Yun Huan finally woke up from her lethargy, without having to share the joys and sorrows with Yun Chu, her body recovered quickly, her spirit veins had almost recovered, and her complexion gradually turned rosy.

When she woke up, her first reaction was to summon her sister's life lamp. Seeing that the light was still bright as before, she was slightly relieved.

"Master is awake?" Ci Xuan sat a little far away, his voice echoing in the empty cave.

Yun Huan calmed down, and replied with a hoarse voice: "I'm sorry, I got you in trouble!"

Ci Xuan was a little surprised: when will his little master apologize to others!

Ci Xuanlue coughed a little uncomfortably, still maintaining the refined style of the sect leader, "How is the master?"

"It's almost okay, thank you for saving me!" Yun Huan was still depressed, and his voice was buzzing, "Are you okay?"

Ci Xuan smiled lightly: "No problem, master don't worry!"

Yun Huan nodded and fell silent.

Ci Xuan sat cross-legged, raised his eyes slightly, and saw that small group of white shadows were dejectedly thinking, so he sighed softly.

"Master still intends to go to the Nether Ghosts?"

Yun Huan bit her lower lip and remained silent.She would naturally go, she couldn't let her sister be in danger and sit idly by.

Cixuan stared at her expression, feeling helpless and unable to ignore her, "Okay, I will accompany you when the master recovers well!"

Yun Huan looked up in surprise, feeling a little complicated...

She remembered that the setting for herself in the book was related to the head of the sect, Cixuan, but the person in front of her was too kind to her, and it seemed to be a little different from the original setting, which made her very uncomfortable.

Many things in this world seem to be different from her original settings.

For example, Cixuan, the head of the sect who saved her now, although he has been conniving at her actions, he is a bit flattering.

In her original text, she is a person who looks gentle and jade-like, but in fact has a deep scheming heart and will do anything to achieve her goals.

Later, in order for the male protagonist to return to the Heavenly Court, he even did such a cruel thing as overthrowing the Tianyi Gate and the entire Sixteen Mansions of Zhongzhou.

But looking at it now... why did he risk his life to save himself?Something is wrong!
Shouldn't he want to get rid of this trouble of himself?

Is this still written by her?

A bunch of messy things made Yun Huan completely confused.

She was upset, wondering whether these changes were a good thing or a bad thing for her and her sister.Originally, some things were predictable, but they seemed to have changed.

Could it be that the time travel between her and her sister has completely affected the world?
Yun Huan's mind was a little confused, and she tried her best to sort out her original settings in the book to see what changes had occurred with what she knew now.

After thinking for a while, my chest began to feel tight, and my head became dizzy.

"Master has just recovered, so don't worry too much." Ci Xuan's voice had returned to his usual distant and ethereal voice, and he advised Yun Huan.

Yun Huan realized that his current state was very wrong, and immediately began to adjust his breath again.

That's all!It's useless to think too much now, as long as my sister is still alive, it doesn't matter if the rest of the things are changed...

(End of this chapter)

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