Wear it in my sister's cultivating texts and let loose

Chapter 120 Analysis from the Little Smart Ghost

Chapter 120 Analysis from the Little Smart Ghost

Yun Chu was lying wrapped in a quilt, seemingly asleep, but his thoughts were flying wildly.

An envoy was sent from Liaodu, but by chance Yuan Ji was not there... I feel that there are too many strange things going on here.

Originally, she didn't want to care about Yuan Ji's affairs, but now these matters are obviously implicated in her, so she has to care about it.

"Youyou." She thought for a long time before getting up from the bed.

"The subordinate is here." Mingyou was still leaning against the door, several hours passed, and his movements remained unchanged.

Yun Chu dragged his cheeks, smiled softly, and said with some embarrassment: "I have a few questions to ask you, if you can't answer them, you don't have to answer them."

Mingyou was slightly stunned, stood up straight, showed respect, and said seriously: "Madam, ask!"

Yun Chu blinked, and asked the first question with a smile, "Where did you go?"

Mingyou said: "This subordinate doesn't know."

"Oh", Yun Chu didn't pause, and asked a second question: "What is the envoy here for?"

Mingyou said: "Come here to pass on the will of the Demon Lord. The subordinates don't know exactly what to do."

Yun Chu nodded, with the same smile, and asked again: "Why did the envoy come to see me?"

Mingyou hesitated for a moment, then lowered his voice, "You are the king's woman...and the first one."

"I remember you said that the devil doesn't like women...then why did he choose me?"

Mingyou frowned, and shook his head again, "Madam, I'm sorry, this subordinate really doesn't know."

Yun Chu's smile remained unchanged, and he said softly, "Okay, thank you very much."

Seeing a little worry on her smiling face, Mingyou was a little hesitant, and couldn't help adding: "Madam, please rest assured, this subordinate will definitely protect Madam well. Your Majesty... will never let Madam have any accidents!"

Yun Chu didn't expect Mingyou to say this to her, and he was somewhat moved in his heart, blinking his bright eyes and showing a knowing smile.

She already had some answers to what she was thinking.

When Mingyou met her gentle smile, he couldn't help but feel a little uncomfortable.But immediately afterward, what Yun Chu said took her by surprise.

The little girl on the bed had her arms around her knees, wrapped in a quilt, and her thin body was shrunk into a ball, but her expression was so calm and introverted, with bright eyes and a bright smile.

"The devil doesn't like women, so why did the seventh princess appear here? I can see that she admires the devil very much. Therefore, this Nether Palace must be her own idea!
However, although the seventh princess is arrogant, she acts quite cautiously.With such a character, it can be seen that her father loves and is strict with her. In addition, there are many brothers and sisters who have grown up competing for favor, so she dare not make mistakes easily.

Although it was she who wanted to come to Nether Palace, but with her character, she would definitely not make her own claims.So, after all, it was Mozun who had this idea, and she got this opportunity, right? "

Mingyou froze for a moment, but didn't realize what she meant for a moment.

Yunchu didn't intend to ask Mingyou to answer, but just smiled, and continued: "This is not the first time that Liaodu sent a woman to the Demon Lord! I must have sent a woman with a lower status and a beautiful appearance before." .

But in the end, he was either killed or sent away... That's why Mozun paid all his money and sent his most favored daughter here, didn't he? "

Mingyou was stunned, she hadn't told Yunchu anything, how did she guess it.Just because I met the Seventh Princess once, I can figure out her character?

By the way, have you thought of so much?
 Yay, what can I say tonight?Yuan Ji is not here, and a new character is about to appear. I don't know if everyone can accept it.

  Recently, I smoothed out the plot, and the code words are not so stuck, I am happy.

  Hahaha, writing a book is not easy, and it is easy to be autistic.The mood is also ups and downs.

  The group number I posted before was swallowed for some reason, so I reposted it, and there are cute ones who want to join the group, warmly welcome.

  1042864938 Hurrah.The author is always welcome

(End of this chapter)

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