Wear it in my sister's cultivating texts and let loose

Chapter 129 One Arrow and Three Carvings

Chapter 129 Killing three birds with one stone
"This...isn't that good!" Yu Zhong hesitated, with a bit of embarrassment on his face.

The second child didn't take it seriously, "Brother, big things can be achieved without paying attention to small details, this is a clever plan that kills three birds with one stone!"

Seeing his complacent and conceited face, Yu Zhong panicked with a little embarrassment on his old face, "Well...how can you kill three birds with one stone?"

"Get rid of the two big troubles of Yuanji and Lanping, and let us go back to Liaodu to get promoted and get rich. Isn't this killing three birds with one stone!" Children's joints can't figure it out.

Yu Zhong smiled wryly, what kind of trick full of loopholes kills three birds with one stone?
"Or... let's think about it in the long run!"

The second child was not angry, and said eagerly: "Brother, it is because you are always so indecisive that you landed in such a field today! Think about how beautiful we were in Liaodu back then!"

Yu Zhong was helpless, feeling a little bit driven away.

In fact, since the Demon Lord Yuan Ji didn't kill people at will, his life in the ghosts and ghosts is still very good.

In Liaodu, there were too many people with ulterior motives, and he was already tired of intrigues all day long.

Now in the Nether Palace, the Demon Lord doesn't care about things, and he doesn't have too many rules. He is basically in charge of the people below.Among the many demon cultivators, he is also majestic and unambiguous.

But once he returned to Liaodu, he would not have such days.

Alas... It's a pity that the second child and the others, I'm afraid they don't think so!
"This matter is not easy, we still have to be more careful and plan again and again!" After thinking secretly for a moment, Yu Zhong finally agreed, but he left some leeway.

The second brother showed joy, and immediately said: "Don't worry, brother, we will play by ear when the time comes!"

Yu Zhong was depressed in his heart: If he doesn't do it, once his brothers are instigated, most of them will disobey him.The prestige that I have finally established will also be destroyed.

That's all... that's all there is to it!Play by ear!

In the demon king's dormitory, the fake demon king was still staring helplessly at Yun Chu who was lying on the bed and pretending to be dead. He gritted his teeth for the last time, stepped onto the bed gracefully, and kicked her off.

Yun Chu fell to the ground with a "slap", rolled twice, and stopped when his head hit the corner of the table. He was suddenly dizzy for a while.

For some reason, from the very beginning, she was hot all over again, as if she had been scorched.

But it was not as serious as the time when I became a rabbit. This time I felt like I was in a high-level sauna. I was a little out of breath, but it was not particularly uncomfortable.

Moreover, the injury to the internal organs seemed to have improved a bit, and the torn colic in the body eased a lot.

Is she terminally ill, or is there something weird about her body?
While thinking about it, she felt that lying on the ground was really uncomfortable, so she moved her head secretly, and turned her eyes to look at the fake demon king on the bed.

Unexpectedly, the false demon king was still staring at her at this moment, his eyes were extremely unfriendly, the corners of his mouth twitched, and his cold eyes were filled with anger.

Yun Chu forced a smirk at him, then slowly turned his head back.

"I regret it!" The fake demon king sat on the edge of the bed with his arms folded, his voice filled with evil fire, "If I hadn't never broken my promise, I should have killed you now!"

Yun Chuquan pretended not to hear it, and tossed on the ground for a while, feeling a little pain in his ass, then looked back at him, blinked his big innocent eyes, and asked very sincerely: "The ground is a bit hard, little brother, can I get on the bed?" Lie down for a while?"

The fake demon king is violent: "No! Give me death!"

Yun Chu is as good as he is: Good!Now that you say that, I'm relieved!
(End of this chapter)

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