Chapter 131

In the process of cheering for the Great Demon King, Yunchu fell asleep from exhaustion and pain.

When I woke up, I found myself lying on the bed. I was quite surprised, and I was still half surprised: Could it be that the big devil successfully snatched his body back?

Yay, you really deserve to be a boss!

However, less than a second after she was happy, she found sadly that she was not lying on the bed, but was locked on the bed...

Therefore, there is a 90.00% nine-in-one chance that the Great Demon King——is a failure!
In her current situation, that pervert must have done it!
Yun Chu's head was buzzing, and he felt uncomfortable all over.Her body was frozen and she couldn't move, except for rolling her eyes, she couldn't do anything to express protest.

Forget it, normal heart.There must be a way!

After comforting herself, she decided to think about how to untie this restriction...

However, as time went by, the normal state of mind also collapsed.

Yunchu began to hate herself for waking up, why didn't she fall asleep!
Now this feeling of not being able to move the body, but the brain is still very active, is simply too uncomfortable.

Most importantly, her stomach, waist, and legs were itchy, as if countless bugs were crawling on her body.

There was a disgusting sense of fear, and a sense of madness that itched to the point of madness, pulling her to the brink of collapse.

I really want to shake off all the bugs on my body, and then scratch it vigorously...

Time continued to destroy her will with the passing of minutes and seconds, Yun Chu began to relax and recite the Heart Sutra silently, only then did she feel that it was not so hard to bear.

After an unknown amount of time, light footsteps finally came from outside the door, and then the door creaked open, Qing Xie walked into the inner hall, stood in front of the bed, and stared at her coldly.

Yun Chu kept on chanting sutras, raised his eyelids slightly, glanced at him and then closed them, with a very contemptuous attitude.

Qing Xie raised his eyebrows lightly, snorted lightly, and sarcastically said: "You can bear it!"

Then he reached out to touch her body, picked up something and shook it in front of her eyes, "This kind of bug likes to eat human skin the most, how about it, isn't it very comfortable?"

Yun Chu opened his eyes, glanced at his raised cold white knuckles, and almost threw up...

The big fleshy worms are still pupae, blue and black, so disgusting!
She swallowed hard, her brows were furrowed, and goosebumps appeared all over her body.

It turned out that it was not an illusion, she really had bugs on her body, and they kept crawling on her body...

Ah - it's disgusting, it's terrible!This dead pervert is too damn perverted!

Yun Chu was scared to tears by the bug, but when he thought that if he acted too scared, the bug might catch her weakness and do something more disgusting, so he could only pretend to be calm.

Showing disdain on his face, he closed his eyes.That expression seemed to say: Oh, you are so naive!
Qing Xie had long noticed that when she saw the worm, her body stiffened and she broke out in a cold sweat. She felt relieved, smiled evilly, and was about to stuff the worm into Yunchu's mouth.

Just as his hand was about to pry Yun Chu's mouth open, it stopped in mid-air...

Forget it, that guy Yuan Ji is too scary, it's better not to mess with him!

Hey, it's not that I'm afraid of that idiot... I just don't want to bully women anymore!
Qing Xie swallowed, gritted his teeth and crushed the worm at his fingertips, hiding the wreckage and worm blood, and stretched out his hand to grab Yunchu's collar.

"Get up! I'm going to hold a banquet, you change into your clothes and accompany me!"

 Yuan Ji... where have you been?Your daughter-in-law is almost being bullied to death!Come back soon!


  I wish everyone a happy Lantern Festival. By the way, what kind of stuffing do you like for the Lantern Festival?
  There is no ticket, and those who check in are all little boys...

  Let me interject here, about the role of Qingxie.The name seems to be secondary.

  But when I think of this character, this name pops up in my mind... Little cuties, please work hard, Qing Ye, Qing Ye, it seems that I can call it twice more~~ la la
(End of this chapter)

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