Wear it in my sister's cultivating texts and let loose

Chapter 134 The Lamb Who Falls into the Wolves

Chapter 134 The Lamb Who Falls into the Wolves
Yun Chu showed a slight smile, gently lifted the hem of his skirt, stepped into the main hall, and walked up to the fake demon king step by step under the eyes of all the demon cultivators who were either happy, disgusted, hot, or cold.

Yun Chu, who slowly stepped into the palace, was like a sheep falling into a pack of wolves, being stared at by everyone.

But she didn't stop at all, her steps were extremely steady.Step by step, all the fear, shrinkage, resistance and timidity in my heart were crushed, the skirts flew up, my head was held high, and I strode forward.

Leaning on the big ebony chair covered with fox fur cushions, Qing Xie held his wine glass, lazily raised his eyelids, and looked at Yun Chu who was walking towards him with a sweet smile, and became irritable again for no reason.

This woman is used to acting hypocritical, could that guy Yuan Ji not see it?
He glanced at Yun Chu, then lowered his eyes to his wine glass, and glanced at Lan Ping, who was calmly sipping tea from the corner of his eyes.

Lan Ping has always acted like a nobleman, sitting at his own table, pouring and drinking by himself, with a generous demeanor.

When Yunchu came in, he secretly looked at him a few times.

The woman in a light blue long dress, in terms of appearance and color, is indeed very successful. As for him, who can be regarded as a beauty who can see all over the world, I have to praise him: she is talented!

It's just that he has never paid much attention to appearance, what really surprised him was the demeanor of the woman in front of him.

The sun is as bright as the morning glow, and the glow is as bright as a flower coming out of Hongbo.

It's really as graceful as a frightened bird, as graceful as a dragon swimming, with a frown and a smile, everything can be painted.

Lan Ping slightly raised his eyebrows, brought the teacup to his lips and pursed it lightly, and secretly laughed in his heart: No wonder the Seventh Princess is so angry that she still insists on taking her life.

She was indeed an overly eye-catching girl.It would be a pity if he died like this!
Yunchu walked to the opposite side of Qingxie, and rushed to him with the etiquette of the demon world. Seeing that his attitude was indifferent, and he didn't even look at him, he went straight to the right side of his lower head, facing Lanping.

Lan Ping raised his teacup familiarly, and gave her a meaningful smile, "Little Madam is rare to see, Lan Ping is being polite here."

Just as Yun Chu sat down, when he heard the shrill voice, his scalp tingled for a while, looking for his reputation, he forced out a perfunctory smile.

The man on the opposite side looked a bit thin and weak. He didn't seem to be very old, but he was a little sick, as if he was not fully developed, and there was still a hint of femininity all over his body.

Yunchu remembered Mingyou's evaluation of him: a knife hidden in a smile, a sword hidden in his mouth.

Although it is not good to judge a person by appearance, she really felt that Mingyou's evaluation was completely in line with the temperament of the person opposite, and it was very close.

Yun Chu smiled and nodded, not saying much.

But just as she moved her butt onto the stool, Qing Xie from above interrupted her movement with ambiguous words.

"Who told you to go there, come and sit next to me!"

Yun Chu chuckled dryly in his heart, saw that the maid had already moved the small stool under the foot of the false devil, rolled his eyes in his heart, and sat down obediently.

She has just decided that the role she will play today must be obedient and sensible, respond to calls, and never embarrass the fake devil king. She will do her best to let the fake devil king experience the best service in the new century. Little life.

Yun Chu sat down on the low stool with a smile, next to Qing Xie's legs, facing the humiliating seating arrangement, he didn't feel wronged at all.

Qing Xie was still very satisfied with her sense of taste, resting his forehead with his hand, leaning on the soft cushion, slightly raised his eyelids, and motioned Yun Chu to pour him wine.

Observing the words and expressions, Yungouleg quickly took the wine glass in Qing Xie's hand, picked up the silver jug ​​on the table to fill it up for him, and offered it with both hands.

(End of this chapter)

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