Chapter 138

Yun Chu's eyes lit up: This magic weapon is good, it can't be penetrated!The safety factor is so high, I like it very much.

Because her own cultivation is low, she can't see through the cultivation of these two demons, but she can still clearly feel that these two strong men are much stronger than the wretched man she beat up before, and they are top masters .

The Demon Realm is martial, and their fighting skills are not as fancy as the disciples of the Immortal Sect. Most of them are head-to-head and straightforward.

When they fight, the male hormones are bursting, which is very exciting.

The fight on the stage over there was in full swing, and the small calculations in Yunchu's mind had already started to crackle here.

She watched intently and concentratedly, even if the blood splashed, she couldn't care less about fear.I was still thinking about how to deal with such a powerful enemy...

The demon cultivator with a dagger in his hand is good at gold-type spells, and his protective shield is very hard and difficult to break through.Supplemented by the unexpected attack of the short knife, it has clearly gained the upper hand.

The magic cultivator with a meteor hammer in his hand is good at water spells. Most of his attacks are output in a large area and consume a lot of spiritual energy. He has no advantage in two-two battles. Comparatively speaking, he is more suitable for group attacks.

However, although his attacking spells are useless, his ability to manipulate water spirits is also very good, especially the water system shield is also made to be watertight.

These two people, at first glance, their talismans are all offensive players, but they are actually defensive players, the kind that consume each other's mana, so the battle line is very long.

Therefore, a quarter of an hour passed quickly, and there was no winner or loser on the stage.

Yunchu watched this battle with great interest, but Qingxie behind her lacked interest.

He lazily raised his eyelids, and said a little tiredly: "Did you take my words as a deaf ear?"

The two demon cultivators who were still fighting fiercely on the stage all looked terrified, showing panic and fear.

Then the next second...their spiritual power hadn't recovered yet, and the magic weapon was still shining as before, but their bodies suddenly exploded, turning into a pile of stumps and pieces of flesh.

Yun Chu hadn't seen enough of fighting techniques at first, and was still thinking about countermeasures while watching, and didn't react at all to this sudden scene.

When the strong smell of blood hit her nostrils, she suddenly widened her eyes, leaned over the table and retched.

Qing Xie gave her a sideways look, with a very disdainful expression: Isn't this woman very courageous?It's just a few dead people, how can you be so scared?

Then he chuckled again, feeling that he thought highly of her before.He has low cultivation and mediocre aptitude, but he just likes to bluff.

I was stunned by her for a moment before, but now I think it must be because he has been imprisoned for too long and has degenerated.

Qing Xie ignored Yun Chu's reaction and let her lie there retching, then raised her hand and pointed at the other two demon cultivators, "You, and you, go! The rules are the same as theirs!"

After selecting the candidates, he pointed at the pile of rotten meat on the ground with a sinister smile, "I'll give you a quarter of an hour too, don't disappoint my kindness."

At this time, all the demon cultivators in the palace were facing a formidable enemy, for fear that they would be picked.

And the two people who were picked had extremely ugly expressions, and the way they looked at each other was extremely complicated.

The two people who were selected for this evil challenge were not from the opposing camp, but two brothers.

The good brothers who once supported each other survived together in this harsh environment of ghosts and ghosts, with deep feelings.

But at this moment, they have to stand on the stage and fight to the death...killing each other.

(End of this chapter)

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