Chapter 141 When will he come back?
Qing Xie smiled with a rare good temper, his eyes were deep, he frowned, raised his hand and rubbed her face indiscriminately.

"It's so ugly! Why are you crying? You are already so ugly, and you become even uglier when you cry!"

Yun Chu's face hurt from being rubbed by him, and he was a little dazed.Sniffing, looking at his dangling cuffs in front of his eyes, he wanted to wipe his snot on his sleeves.

Sitting at the bottom of the nine steps, Lan Ping, who was three meters away from the two, watched the interaction between the two, with an inexplicable smile on his lifeless face.

This little lady is really interesting!
Even Yuan Ji, who was always cold and arrogant, softened his heart in front of her.It really is not easy!

Alas, his errand this time is not easy to handle!

I don't know if it was because of Yun Chu's influence, or because of his own boredom, after the third round, Qing Xie stopped the deathmatch.

With a little drunkenness on his face, he staggered up while supporting Yun Chu's shoulders, waving his sleeves, "I'm tired, let's go!"

Yun Chu helped him down the steps, but Qing Xie suddenly stopped, looked back at Lan Ping, and said sarcastically:

"Commander Lan, I don't like this banquet very much. Next time, I hope you will put your heart into it, and don't lose your good reputation in Liaodu."

Lan Ping looked as usual, saluted respectfully, and said with a smile: "Yes, thank you for your advice! Xiao Ke will definitely do his best."

Qing Xie snorted softly, "That's good. Let's go back!"

The following words were spoken to Yun Chu, and the tone was a bit ambiguous.

Yun Chu pouted secretly, scolding him in his heart...

The fake demon king was very heavy, and even put most of his weight on her shoulders, which made her little arms and legs unable to support her.

Damn, you're not drunk, why are you pretending!Mental illness!

Yun Chu wished he could be thrown out, but he still supported him physically.

She lives under the fence, is cautious every day, and she doesn't know when she may belch, when will she be a head!
All the demon cultivators in the palace heaved a long sigh of relief when they saw that the death fight was over and the demon lord was about to leave. They knelt together and hurriedly sent the big demon away.

"Send a few people to carry out the fine wine from the wine cellar. It's rare that the atmosphere today is not bad. I promise that you will not return drunk." Qing Xie just started to take a step, then turned back and glanced coldly at everyone in the hall, with a smile on his lips , but the momentum is amazing.

All the demon cultivators kneeling on the ground were covered in cold sweat, and no one was spared.

The devil said he was enjoying the wine, but his tone was like a death talisman... Who can be afraid, not to mention that he releases spiritual pressure all over his body, and his power is overwhelming.

At this time, his outward momentum was only something that Lan Ping and the old servant behind him could bear, but it was also very hard to endure.

Only Yun Chu acted as if nothing had happened, completely unaffected by his spiritual pressure, supported Qing Xie, and slowly left the Nether Palace Lord's Hall.

Walking through the long corridor, strolling in the courtyard in front of the bedroom, looking at the purple moon in the sky, Qing Xie suddenly sighed coolly, "Those people are actually damned! Only Yuan Ji is to blame, he is so good-natured!"

Yun Chu was inexplicable and didn't want to answer the conversation, but when he heard Yuan Ji's name, a ripple appeared in his heart for some reason.

She... seems to miss him a little bit!
When this thought came to his mind, Yun Chu quickly turned into a devil villain, and trampled this thought to death in his own brain.

Stockholm?Damn, why does she miss a culprit who killed her!Are you out of your mind?
There is no harm if there is no comparison. She must have this idea because the fakes around her are too annoying.

"When will he... come back?" After a pause, Yun Chu's voice was slightly hoarse, but he still asked.

(End of this chapter)

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