Chapter 145 Find... Her
"Could it be that he ran away?" Qing Xie muttered to himself, frowning even tighter.

Yuan Ji was tossed by the Silk Entangling Gu to the point where he could hardly use his spiritual power, and even simple voice transmission was barely supported by perseverance.

He put one hand on the ground, pressed his chest firmly, and finally struggled to say two words: "Look for... her!"

Immediately, there was no more life.

Qingxie trembled three times, his spirit froze, and he exclaimed: "Yuanji? Yuanji...don't...don't die! I'll look for it right away! I...surely find it!"

Faced with the evil spirit of Yuan Ji's face, the black robe trembled, and he leaped into the air, the surging spiritual power spread like a giant net, and the spiritual consciousness stretched out the largest diameter, searching for traces of Yun Chu.

In just a few breaths, beads of sweat oozed from his forehead, and his face was extremely ugly.

His spiritual sense has already reached out so far... How could it be that he still hasn't found her breath?
What is going on?

At this moment, Qing Xie regretted it very much.

He never thought that his impulsive anger would lead to such a situation, and he didn't know what to do.

He was like a child who made a mistake, dejected, but he didn't dare to let go.

Although no trace of Yun Chu could be found, the entire Nether Palace was under his watch at this time, and he could detect any changes.

After searching for a while, he was surprised to find that Lan Ping was missing too... and there were hundreds of demon cultivators missing in the entire Nether Palace.

Is it him...

As soon as he thought of this, he was furious, and his figure flashed like a hurricane, blowing towards the bedroom where Lan Ping lived temporarily. As soon as he opened the door, he swept away all the maids inside.

Qingxie stepped into the inner room in a mess, stared at a shivering maid prostrated in a pile of blood, and asked coldly, "Where's Lan Ping?"

"Young...young lord, go back to Wu... city and collect dew... dewdrops." The maid answered with a trembling voice, her face pale.

Qing Xie shrank her cold eyes, raised her sleeves, threw the maid flying away, turned around angrily, and released her spiritual pressure.

Dozens of maids who were still alive in the whole hall disappeared in an instant, and the side hall fell into a dead silence, and the smell of blood permeated, extremely strong.

When the demon king is furious, he can only calm down temporarily by killing people.

But once he made a move, it was difficult for him to restrain the urge to kill... After he went out, he crushed the heads of a dozen male cultivators wherever he passed, causing panic.

After a sharp whistle, he summoned the black-feathered black-eyed eagle, jumped on the eagle's back, and flew back to Wucheng.


Two hours ago, Yun Chu was still standing at the door to sort out his thoughts. After thinking for a long time, his mind was still a mess.

Where did Yuan Ji go?What happened to his poison?

Where did the evil come from?What is his relationship with Yuan Ji?
Why did Liaodu send envoys over when Yuanji's poison was released? What is the purpose?

Why does that young man named Lan Ping want to see her?
Will I, a poor cannon fodder who has no relationship with the Demon Realm, be implicated innocently?

... Just like that, the huge question marks almost burst her head.

She found that her mind, a time traveler, couldn't figure out the world of cultivating immortals at all. She felt depressed for a while, and then she missed her sister especially.

She took out the magic weapon Yun Huan gave her before from the storage magic weapon, rubbed it in her hand for a long time, but the feeling of missing did not decrease but increased.

I don't know how long I have been in this ghostly ghost, and whether Yun Huan has finished her retreat...

I hope not!I hope she hasn't realized that she is lost, and I hope she is more rational and doesn't come to disturb the muddy water of Demon Realm.

 Check in the chapters, cuties, let me see that you have been here, hee hee, I will remember your names, and I will love you...

(End of this chapter)

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