Wear it in my sister's cultivating texts and let loose

Chapter 149 The Three Princes of Sao Manipulation

Chapter 149

Lian Zhao stared at her for a while, as if to distinguish the truth of her words.

After a moment of silence, he smiled again: "I have a deep love for the girl, but today I can only end up with this. It's really sad."

Embarrassment appeared on Yun Chu's face, and he smiled apologetically at him, but actually rolled his eyes inwardly.

Lian Zhao still smiled softly, and his white fingers with well-defined knuckles brushed the stone table. On the table appeared several delicate dishes, a white porcelain jug, and two delicate wine glasses.

"Today is considered destined. I wonder if the girl can have a drink with Xiao Wang?" Lian Zhao skillfully filled the wine glass and handed it to Yunchu.

Yunchu: No!When we were in kindergarten, the teacher taught us not to put things in our mouths from strangers.hehe!Who knows what unclean things you put in there.

Thinking this way in her heart, she didn't show anything on her face, she just smiled apologetically and said: "The little girl is too strong to drink, I'm afraid she can't drink much."

"It's just fruit wine, not intoxicating." Lian Zhao smiled amiably like a neighbor's big brother, coupled with his handsome appearance, it was hard to refuse.

Yun Chu didn't agree with him, but he felt that verbal refusal was useless, so he could only smile and take the wine glass from his hand, staring at the wine in it intentionally or unintentionally.

With just one glance, she sensed something was wrong.

This wine...is red.

The dark red color is like the wine drunk before crossing, but the color is darker.

Moreover, the wine gave off a pungent smell as soon as it was in the hand, and it smelled like a fishy smell.

Seeing that she picked it up, Lian Zhao expressed satisfaction and poured himself a cup.

Then he raised his sleeves and raised his glass, inviting her to have a drink together.

Yun Chu smiled, and brought the wine glass to his lips, but he didn't sip a drop, and only lightly touched his lower lip.

The moment some warm wine touched her lips, she heard the whining of some kind of beast in a trance, and she was startled, almost throwing the wine glass in her hand.

"Miss is so disrespectful to Xiao Wang, you only have to drink up this small cup!" Lian Zhao persuaded her with a smile, seeing that there was still a lot of wine in her cup.

While he was speaking, a light flashed in his eyes.Yun Chu inadvertently met his gaze, suddenly felt dizzy, and uncontrollably went to take the wine glass again, trembling slightly, brought it to his mouth.

Lian Zhao saw that she was about to drink up the wine in the glass, with a weird smile on his face.

Yun Chu didn't see his smile, but felt that the moment his lips came into contact with the wine, there was a fishy smell in his nostrils, which made him very uncomfortable.

She was obviously resisting, but her body was a little out of control.After struggling for a while, she followed her heart and bit the tip of her tongue, forcing herself to wake up.

With a flash of thought, she swallowed the blood in her mouth, her face showed embarrassment, she shook it as if she was overwhelmed with alcohol, and let go of her fingers by the way, letting the wine glass slip from her fingers.

There was a crisp bang, and the small white porcelain wine glass was shattered, and the dark red wine spilled on the ground.

Seeing that she still didn't drink up the contents of the cup at the last moment, Lian Zhao's eyes showed a moment of cruelty.

He melted another wine glass, filled it up and handed it to Yunchu, "It's okay, there is more!" This time he was still smiling, but his expression was obviously a little impatient.

Yun Chu rested his cheeks on his hands, leaning against the stone table, his cheeks were flushed, as if he was drunk.

Turning a blind eye to the wine glass that Lian Zhao handed over again, he mumbled inarticulately, "I'm afraid the little girl is drunk, please trouble the prince to send me back..."

 Beautiful... yet another chapter missing with the title and comment.

  Woohoo, I completely forgot what I wrote before!
(End of this chapter)

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