Chapter 164

Qing Xie continued to sneer: Demon Lord?What Yuan Ji puts in his eyes, he may not be willing to pay attention to!But relying on his little kindness and righteousness, he has used Yuan Ji for so long!He hasn't gone to them to settle this account yet!
Lan Ping saw that moving out the Demon Lord could not move the opponent, and he felt cold all over his body again, lying on the ground, his mind was spinning: Is the Demon Lord so angry because the little female cultivator was lost?Who did it?Why did the Demon Lord suspect him...

"Today?" Lan Ping suddenly thought of something, pulled the back of the hunched old servant, and asked in a hoarse voice.

"Thirteen." The old servant lowered his eyes and thought of a possibility in his heart.

Lan Ping gritted his back molars in grief, and passed the voice to the old servant, "Is it the third...I remember...he was in Wucheng recently...still looking for a suitable 'container'."

"Does the third prince dare to provoke the devil?" The old servant also had this guess, but he was still somewhat unsure about it.

"He's gone crazy now! In order to get Tu Huo Huo Ling, he will do anything! He doesn't even listen to the Demon Lord's persuasion, what else would he not dare to do!"

Lan Ping was already gnashing his teeth in anger, "He's trying to kill me! What he did is going to be blamed on me! I'm going to find him sooner or later!"

The battle in Liaodu is now intensified.As the eldest prince's person, he already hated the third prince to the bone, and now that he was plotting against him, it was even more difficult to swallow this breath.


"What are you doing?"

Qing Xie's cold voice came suddenly, startling Lan Ping and the old servant, almost hugging each other.

Qing Xie coldly glanced at the two people with strange expressions, knowing that they were speaking in private, but he couldn't hear what they said.

But it must have something to do with that woman!

These two people dare to lie in front of him at this time!
As soon as he thought of this, he raised his hand hidden in the sleeve of his robe again, filled with murderous intent, and formed several icicles, emitting a faint blue light, extremely sharp.

Feeling that the danger was approaching, Lan Ping swallowed hard.

At this time, it is still important to save his life. He can't take the blame for others and be killed unjustly for no reason.

"The demon king calm down!" Commander Lan, who was able to bend and stretch, got up from the ground quickly, regardless of his injuries, and half knelt on the ground, "Xiao Ke knows who did it! I will definitely help the demon king find his wife!"

Qing Xie stopped the hand that released Bing Ling, his face was expressionless, and he squinted at him coldly.

Lan Ping trembled under his stare. He was clearly one of the strongest in Liaodu, but he was still powerless in front of the Demon Lord Yuan Ji.

well!He really underestimated the Demon Lord in the past!
How could he have forgotten that Yuan Ji was the demon god who upset the heavenly court... Even if he falls now, it is not comparable to his level of cultivation!
Qing Xie put down his hand, but the ice in front of him did not disappear, and he still pointed directly at Lan Ping's master and servant who was kneeling on the ground.

In fact, like Yuan Ji, he was able to guess the changes in the monks' emotions through the fluctuations in their spiritual power.

He could see that Lan Ping was not lying, but he was very irritable at the moment, and always wanted to destroy something to relieve his anger.

Sensing the danger, Lan Ping didn't want to become cannon fodder in the hands of the Demon Lord, so he hurriedly said: "Xiao Ke's life is not worth mentioning, the most important thing is to find his wife. If Xiao Ke can't do it, the Demon Lord himself Can be executed at any time."

"If you can't find it, or if there is something wrong with her, I will let you all be wiped out!" Qing Xie's expression was condensed, and this threat sounded more like a sigh, with a deep meaning.

(End of this chapter)

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