Chapter 191 Difficulty self
Yun Chu didn't know how long he had been in a coma, but he felt that his body was getting hotter and hotter and more uncomfortable...

There was a little guy next to her ear who kept making noises, calling her "Master" and telling her stories.

She couldn't understand any of the stories he told, and she just felt bored.Coupled with the scorching heat of her body, she really wanted to drive that noisy little thing away.

However, she felt that the child was a little pitiful.He recognized the wrong person, but he was still so excited that Yun Chu was too embarrassed to dampen his enthusiasm.

Otherwise, just be his "master" for the time being.

Children are always easy to coax.Later, I will slowly help him find his "master".

As soon as this idea came to Yunchu's mind, her body became even hotter.

Her heart was beating wildly, as if a fire was burning in her heart, and then the fire was passed along the blood to every corner of her body.

The fire was very domineering, and it burned even more intensely than when he drank "fake wine" before.

However, her body seemed to be much "stronger" than that time, and she didn't suffer as much as the last time for this incomparable scorching heat.

It's just that it's so hot and dry that I really want to take a cold bath...or hug a big ice cube.

"get out!"

Yun Chu was dazed by the fire in his body, when he suddenly heard a cold and pleasant voice.

She knew who the owner of the voice was.

When she heard this voice, her heart calmed down for no reason.

Like a drowning person with no one to rely on, he finally grasped her life-saving straw.

So according to her own heart, she stood up with all her strength and grabbed him tightly...


Back in a low stone house in Wucheng, Yuan Ji had just placed Yun Chu on the bed when she suddenly got up and hugged her neck tightly.

Yuan Ji was stunned for a moment, he wanted to put her in a good place, and then deal with the little fire spirit who was constantly tossing in her body, but he was at a loss by the sudden action.

"You..." Yuan Ji's voice froze, and he wanted to push Yun Chu away from him, but her body was hot and soft, and he couldn't bear it after just pushing...

Forget's not impossible.

Also, not that it can't be handled...

Yuan Ji's thoughts were confused for a moment, he held Yun Chu in his arms, and let her writhe in his arms, the thoughts that he had finally suppressed were about to gush out again.

"Hot... so hot!" Yun Chu hummed as he was scorched by the fire in his body, pressed his face against Yuan Ji's cold and hard chest, and rubbed hard, but he still refused to give up, and grabbed his neck again. Move up to find his cheek.

Yuan Ji's body was stiff and he didn't dare to make any movements. The poison in his body hadn't been suppressed completely, he was afraid that he would lose control if he moved...

One of the side effects of the Silk Entangling Gu is the desire for the person he likes.

This is also a very important reason why he had to avoid going out to practice before.

He was afraid that the Gu poison would break out and hurt her when he couldn't restrain himself.

But now, the little guy is constantly challenging the limit of his endurance, and the hot little hands even slipped inward along the skirt of his clothes...

Why is she so bold?

Usually he pretended to be timid and shy, but at this time he was bold and indulgent, provoking his last sanity.

"Yuan...Ji, I feel so uncomfortable..."

She pressed against his cold cheek, her tone was soft as if she was acting like a baby.He kept rubbing his nose against his face, as if it would make him more comfortable.

(End of this chapter)

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