Chapter 193 She is not her...

"You are talking nonsense, my master is not so weak!" Xiao Huoling was very annoyed by being dragged towards Yunchu's body, and felt that Yuan Ji's words like this were a great insult to his master.

"She's not her!" Yuan Ji replied coldly.

"You're talking nonsense, she is!" The little guy didn't believe it, he clearly felt it, it was the master's aura, Yuan Ji, a devil, why should he say no.

"If you feel it carefully, you will know! She has already died, even if she can be reincarnated, she is no longer her!" Yuan Ji sighed softly, and still did not ruthlessly deal with this friendly little fire spirit.

Tu Huo Huoling was silent for a while, and cried out with a "wow"...

"You lied! You lied! It's all your fault, you give me back the master! You give me back!"

Yuan Ji chuckled, and Yuanshen once again grabbed Xiao Huoling who wanted to escape in Yunchu's body, "It's actually not bad to change it. You know, what difference does it make to you!"

"Yuan Ji, you have no conscience, it doesn't make any difference!" Little Huoling cried, sucking his nose hard, his voice full of grievances, "You can do what you like, and you can't do what you don't like? My master treats you so Well, but how did you treat her!"

Yuan Ji's voice suddenly turned cold, and he roared in a low voice, "Since you don't like her so much, get out of her body immediately!"

Little Huoling was terrified, and very sullen: Hmph, if you tell me to get out, I'll get out, I don't want to lose face?
"I...I don't want to! I want to follow the master! I have already chosen her...You can control me!"

Yuan Ji sneered, "Do you think I can take care of it? If I do, you know the consequences..."

"...Ah! Yuan Ji, you... have no conscience, you bastard! Why did my master fall in love with you blindly back then!"

Yuan Ji obviously didn't want to listen to Little Huoling's nonsense anymore, his patience was exhausted, he grabbed Huoling by the tail and was pulled out by him.

In the quiet room, Yuan Ji slowly got up from Yun Chu's body, seeing the blush on her cheeks slowly fading, he was slightly relieved.

Suppressing the crazy thoughts of his body and mind, he quickly tidied up her somewhat messy clothes, carried her to the side of the bed, let her lie comfortably, and covered her with a thin quilt.

Looking at her soft and peaceful sleeping face silently, his heart gradually regained clarity. He spread his palm, revealing a small ordinary-looking walnut.

Yuan Ji stared blankly at the walnut for a while, a faint smile formed on his lips.

Going around, his fate still cannot be changed!

Debts are easy to repay, but love is hard to repay...

That's all, as long as she's here.

As long as she is there, he is no longer alone.


Yunchu had a very, very long dream, in which many strange scenes appeared, all of which she had never experienced before but felt very familiar to her.

She was still conscious, watching what happened in each scene with cold eyes, without any emotion.

I always feel that these scenes may come from the original memory of this body.

After all, she is a time traveler!

Although it is her sister's novel, but a book is a world, and the people in it are all alive.

She thinks she doesn't have this messy memory of beatings and killings.All she can remember is the gags with Chen Yunhuan, as well as day and night rushing to make announcements, writing manuscripts, and being ridiculed by others all the time.

I fell down countless times, got up countless times, and then continued to be ridiculed...

Go round and round until the moment when you can become a blockbuster.

It's a pity that she didn't become a blockbuster.

(End of this chapter)

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