Chapter 196 The Untieable Hair

Originally, he was weighing the pros and cons, calculating how to get the most benefit from it, but now he just wants to tear down the entire Nether Palace, and slaughter all those beasts that are not as good as pigs and dogs!
Furious, Lan Ping led his personal guards out of the deputy envoy's room, and walked back and forth on the corridor for a long time before calming down.

He guessed that Qingxie meant to slaughter the entire Nether kill every single one.

But he didn't want to do it himself, but wanted to watch these people kill each other!

Lan Ping thought of the look in the eyes of the half-truthful Demon Lord when he asked him to come back, it was cruel, vicious, and full of resentment, it was a look that absolutely did not intend to let it go.

The third prince died, but the Demon Lord didn't have any scruples. It seemed that he didn't care about it at all, and he wasn't afraid of being held accountable by the Demon Lord. This is very strange in itself.

After thinking about it, Lan Ping was finally convinced that the Demon Lord Yuan Ji had turned his back on him, and he no longer planned to be his puppet in the Nether Palace.

That being the case, what else is there for him, a man who is controlled by others!
Anyway, it is always going to destroy this place, so I will contribute to the flames and do my best to wipe out the beasts in this Nether Palace one by one!


Qing Xie read it right, Lan Ping is indeed a good helper.

That kid looked like a sissy, and he spoke in a weird way, but he was quite bloody, and he would never give up on people and things he didn't like.

This is quite against his temper...

That's why he showed kindness and saved Lan Ping's life.

The young master Qingxie, who had been sour from returning to Wucheng, was riding a black-feathered black-eyed eagle, circling over the Nether Palace, and seeing the wailing below, he felt very happy.

The big dog-eat-dog scene always gets him excited.

This Lan Ping is more resourceful than he imagined.

Well, that's fine.

Let's keep this kid for now, maybe he can use it later!

Back to Wucheng.

At the door of the dilapidated stone house, Yuan Ji was still leaning against the door with Yun Chu around.

Yun Chu was a little reserved at first, but he gradually got used to it. While watching the people coming and going in the market, he relaxed his tone and deliberately chatted with him.

"Your Majesty, where is Mingyou?"

Yuan Ji pressed his chin against her head, and said in a muffled voice, "She has something to do, I let her go!"

"Oh." Yun Chu obediently responded, thinking that Yuan Ji would not lie.A person as proud as he is shouldn't bother to lie.

"If you need, I'll call her back again." Yuan Ji's fingers were still secretly entangled with her hair, after rubbing it for a while, he found that the lock of hair was knotted in a mess on his fingers, and he couldn't get it out no matter what... …

There was a little embarrassment on his face: she must be too fragrant...that's why he was distracted.

How to untie this hair?

Yun Chu didn't notice anything unusual, and was still thinking about something.After blinking, he asked again, "Your Majesty, when shall we go back?"

"No." Yuan Ji's expression was a little flustered, staring at her black hair tangled between his fingers, extremely tangled.

If you can't solve it, just cut it off!
As a result, Yunchu unknowingly lost another handful of hair.

It's also fortunate that she didn't know, otherwise she would be so distressed that she would cry.

Yuan Ji concealed the hair entangled between his fingers, and then answered her question seriously, with a touch of tenderness in his voice, "I won't go back for now, I'll wait for you to take care of your body."

"Oh." Yun Chu lowered his head and didn't say any more.

She felt that her body was fine, and she had broken through to the third level of transformation just now, and she felt very happy in her heart.

But the Great Demon King said so, it is meaningless to refute him.

(End of this chapter)

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