Wear it in my sister's cultivating texts and let loose

Chapter 198 Specially Customized Big Bowl

Chapter 198 Specially Customized Big Bowl

Boss Niutou brought out two big bowls of broth, walked to the table with big strides, and placed them in front of the two of them with a bang.

"Wait a moment!"

Yuan Ji came back to his senses, looked at the two bowls of broth in front of him, raised his eyebrows lightly, and called out to Boss Niutou, with a cold voice, "Your business is so unfair now, will you still be tempted by the wind?"

Boss Niutou was not shocked by his momentum at all, and his tone was still very rude, "If you like to eat or not, if you don't eat, get out!"

Yuan Ji's eyes turned cold, he chuckled, and stared at Boss Niutou with a chill.

Boss Niutou flinched a bit, but he was unambiguous, and stared back at him with his hips on the spot, his eyes were fierce and fearless.

When Yun Chu saw the atmosphere of the two men's swords being tense, she suddenly felt very depressed. She looked at the bowl of broth in front of her, which was obviously twice the size of Yuan Ji's bowl, the corners of her mouth twitched, and she silently changed the two bowls.

He respectfully pushed the big bowl in front of Yuan Ji.

The weird atmosphere between the two was interrupted by her petty touch, and the boss of Niutou frowned, "Little girl, don't spoil him! For this guy, you can't give him a good breath! Otherwise he Designate to push your nose on your face, and you won't know how you will be eaten!"

Hearing Boss Niutou's meaningful words, Yunchu's heart trembled, and a dry wry smile appeared on his face: Brother Niu, I don't have your courage!Moreover, I don't have your body.

You are the first one who dares to challenge the Great Demon King and is still alive...I admire, I admire!
Yun Chu really wanted to give Boss Niutou a thumbs up, but the face of the demon king sitting opposite was obviously even uglier. She could only hang her head silently, not even daring to make a sound, pretending that she didn't exist.

"It's specially prepared for you, how can I force it..." Yuan Ji had a smile that was not a smile, and with a bad tone, he pushed back the bowl that was pushed over.

Yun Chu continued to laugh dryly, and lightly blocked the large bowl that was pushed over like a basin with his hands, "Actually... I have a pretty small appetite!"

"Little girl, you're welcome! Uncle Niu knows how much you eat. I made this bowl specially for you. It's the only one. You can't give it to this kid cheaply!"

Yun Chu had a question mark on his forehead: "Is this bowl specially made for me by you?" ...Is my salary so high?

In your Wucheng this time, do you especially welcome the big eater?
She froze there, neither moving nor moving, very embarrassed.

Yuan Ji saw enough of her embarrassment, with a smile on his lips, but a look of reluctance slipped through his eyes, he let go, took another spoon, scooped up a spoonful of broth, and handed it to her lips.

Yun Chu froze for a while, thinking that the big demon king must have fallen ill again, thinking about it all day long, it's really weird.

First, he snatched a bowl of broth from her childishly, and now he feeds her with his own hands inexplicably...

What's the situation?
Could it be that he ate her popular vinegar and forced himself to drink the whole pot of broth?
Ma Dan, really unpredictable, small belly!

"Your injury is still unhealed, what an inconvenience!" Yuan Ji added lightly.

Yun Chu murmured in his heart, feeling that he was already as good as he could be, his limbs were healthy, and the newly grown bones seemed to be stronger than the original ones, so there was really no need for this.

But seeing Yuan Ji staring at her with great interest, she felt a little guilty, so she could only hold the tip of the spoon with her mouth open, suck the soup inside into her mouth, and then express her gratitude to the big devil with eyes full of smiles Feelings.

Seeing that she had finished drinking, Yuan Ji scooped up another spoonful.

Yunchu felt very bitter: No way, is it possible to feed her all the time?When will this big pot be fed?Now that she is full, can she still escape...

 So sleepy~ Just sauce~

  Good night, babies~

  I love you very much!Especially when you are still with me at night, vote for me and check in, cuties.

  Hahahaha, mua~

(End of this chapter)

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