Wear it in my sister's cultivating texts and let loose

Chapter 204 The Strange Operation of the Great Demon King

Chapter 204 The Strange Operation of the Great Demon King

Yun Chu raised her head and frowned slightly, she suddenly remembered that child who kept calling "Master" when she was unconscious.

Could it be... that's him?That child is the spirit that Yuan Ji spoke of?

Yun Chu put her hand on her chest, her expression became a little dazed and sad, she looked at Yuan Ji, and murmured, "Thank you!"

"Thank me for what?" Yuan Ji's pupils shrank slightly, his expression froze.The woman in front of him had a sad and indifferent expression, but her eyes were clear and sincere, which made his heart skip a beat, and he wanted to hold her in his arms again... he didn't want to let her go again.

It's just...he can't do it anymore!
When the feelings in his heart became stronger, he knew that he could no longer force her to stay by his side.

He has no chance... He can't do without this ghost, if he keeps her, he will only harm her!

Qing Xie has been sitting with his back on the black cloud several meters away from the two of them, sulking with annoyance, listening to the conversation between the two with his ears upright, when he heard that Yun Chu was still unable to control the spirit of painting fire, the corners of his mouth immediately turned He twitched and sneered.

"The ugly girl is so stupid! Do you know what the spirit of Tuhuo is? Just like you, you are worthy of being the strongest fire spirit master in the six realms? Hmph! The little fire spirit must have been imprisoned for a long time, and his eyesight is not good!"

Yun Chu ignored Qing Xie's sour and nonchalant ridicule, but carefully checked his body again with his spiritual sense, and he was really relieved that he found nothing unusual.

Yuan Ji glanced at her for the last time, with a complicated expression on his face, and with some difficulty, he conveyed his voice to Qing Xie, "I'll take care of the affairs of Nether Palace, and you send her back to Tianyi Gate."

Qing Xie, who had been ignored before, felt baffled at this moment. He turned his head and stared at Yuan Ji, gritted his teeth and said, "What do you mean? You want to let her go? Aren't you reluctant?"

"I'm not reluctant... You send her back, don't make any more troubles. Qingxie, you know my temper, don't do it again!"

Yuan Ji's expression was cold and serious, and as soon as he finished speaking, his heart started to thump uncontrollably. Finally, he couldn't help but took that step, and once again hugged Yun Chu tightly into his arms, and on her hair, He kissed her lightly, and finally smelled her body.

The man's white robe is like snow, but the girl in his arms is dressed in black like ink, one black and one white are entangled together, she seems to have his smell on her body.

Sometimes it's hot, sometimes it's cold, mixed with her unique sweet fragrance.

After this kiss, Yuan Ji let go of Yun Chu.

The black-feathered black-eyed eagle descended from the sky, Yuan Ji pushed Yun Chu onto the eagle's back, and without looking at her again, the white robe fluttered and fell down the clouds.

Yun Chu didn't realize what happened at all, and just as he figured out the situation, he was hugged tightly by the big devil, almost suffocating.

Just when she got used to it, the cold breath around her suddenly disappeared, and she was thrown into the soft feathers of the big black eagle.

There are question marks all over Yunchu's forehead: What are you doing?The old problem of the Great Demon King reappeared?What happened to this series of death operations?

Uh... Is he going to do something, because he feels that she is in the way, so he let the big black eagle look at him...

well!Poor prisoner, who has to be watched all the time!

But Yuan Ji threw her on the eagle's back, which made her heave a sigh of relief.

She didn't want to see the bloody scene below, and she had been regretting it just now, she shouldn't beg him to bring her here, if the big devil really took her down for a real scene, the little broth she just drank was destined to vomit come out.

(End of this chapter)

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