Wear it in my sister's cultivating texts and let loose

Chapter 211 The old nest was burnt down?

Chapter 211 The old nest was burnt down?

How long have you been dizzy?No, why did I get dizzy when I was doing well?

Yun Chu tried his best to recall what happened before he fainted, but he couldn't remember anything.

It can only be guessed that it was because of the battle between these two people that it hurt her fish in the pond, and she fainted because of the aftermath.

Well, okay!Fortunately, my life is still alive!
Yun Chu squeezed out a usual smirk, looked up at Yuan Ji, and said in a begging tone, "Your Majesty, I'm so tired, can you put me down?"

"Look below!" Yuan Ji didn't answer her criticism, but changed his posture of hugging her.

Yun Chu was gently supported by him, and his arms naturally wrapped around the neck of the Great Demon King.Only then did she realize that she was limp all over, and she couldn't exert any strength at all.

Are you going to dig coal?Why are you so tired?
Or... did you do something weird?
Yun Chu's face collapsed, and he was in a bad mood.

She lay softly on Yuan Ji's shoulder, followed his guidance to look down, and what she saw was a beautiful sea of ​​fiery red flowers blooming on top of ruins.

what is that?
What the hell is going on here?Why is it a bit spooky.

What about the flowers?It is the same color as blood, and at first glance, it makes you feel uncomfortable.

"That's the Nether Flower. The real Nether Flower." Yuan Ji noticed her surprise and smiled lightly.

When Yunchu came to his senses, he suddenly felt extremely surprised.It turns out that the Nether Flower is not that gray and withered, but it is such a bright blood color?

If that piece is Nether Flower, then what's going on around here...?

Where exactly is this?

There was a flash of lightning in Yunchu's mind, and he was so startled that he covered his mouth, "Your Majesty! Nether Palace..."

"Let's go!" Yuan Ji interrupted her, and a light beam lit up under his feet.

The strong light flashed away like lightning, and the figures of the two disappeared in an instant, submerged in the vast sky and earth.

The clouds finally stopped suppressing, and the heavy rain poured down, washing away the wreckage of the entire Nether Palace. In the bleakness, there was also vitality.


Standing on the eagle's back, Qingxie stretched out his hand outside the barrier to catch the falling rain.

"It's really rare that it can rain in this place!"

He sneered lightly, turned his head to look at Lan Ping, who was stunned and kneeling, "Let's go! Take me to Liaodu to see the real prosperity!"

Lan Ping's heart was agitated, he never thought that Nether Palace would be destroyed like this.

It's nothing to die a few people, but burning down the Nether Palace... the Demon Lord's anger, I'm afraid he can't bear it!

"You old servant is very good at arranging barriers, what's your name?" Qing Xie didn't care about Lan Ping's gaffe at the moment, but looked at the hunchbacked old servant standing behind him with interest.

"Little Zhuo Gu." The old servant coughed, his voice was old and weak.

Qing Xie glanced at him, showed a meaningful smile, and without further words, urged the black eagle to fly to the northeast.


In West Kunlun, Ci Hai stood cautiously outside Yaochi Palace.

The gate of the palace is heavily guarded, and no one is allowed to enter without a summons.He had been waiting here for a day, but he never saw Queen Mother Xi.

Does she refuse to see herself?
Ci Hai felt helpless and sighed in his heart.

When he was Daoist Yinghai, he had some friendship with the Queen Mother of the West, but now and then, he was relegated hundreds of years ago, and now he is just an unworthy earth immortal in the immortal sect of the human world Not the eyes of the incomparably noble Queen Mother of the West.

 At this point, the chapter on ghosts and ghosts is over...

  To be honest, writing this, I really have a lot of emotion.

  First of all, I would like to thank every little cutie who has accompanied me until now.

  As a new writer with no talent and not too hard work, I really have too many deficiencies, the plot is procrastinated, there are too many things I want to write, too messy, too complicated, the writing is fragmented, and the characterization is not full enough.

  I often fail to grasp the characteristics of the characters and write in a muddle.

  But even though I am so poor, you still accompany me to the present, I really don't know what else to say except gratitude in my heart!

  In the future, I will learn to clarify and refine the outline, and control myself not to add too many things, let alone make the world view too big, beyond the scope of my control.

  What I am most afraid of now is that I am clearly aware of my shortcomings, but I still haven't made any progress...

  This is what I can't accept the most, and what I feel the most sorry for you.

  One last thank you... thank you so much, thank you my cutie.

  ps: There will be a transitional plot in the future. After the transitional plot, the heroine will go back to Xianmen to reunite with her sister and start the road of practice.

  In this article, I won't describe too much about the heroine's practice, and I will still focus on dealing with various events later on.

  People involved: Yunchu, Yunhuan, Yuanji, Changci, Cixuan, Qi Mo, Junyi, Cihai, here is also a reminder to myself!
  Don't make it too big!
  You will soon be unable to hold at this level!
  Also, come on!Hard work makes up for it!I can drip, hee hee hee~
(End of this chapter)

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