Chapter 214 Very Special Healing
Yuan Ji sighed, and gently caressed her back with his palms, injecting a bit of spiritual power into her, to please her.

Yun Chu's face was flushed, he took a breath, but suddenly felt a cold hand on his back, through the thin clothes, the cold touch caused a shiver.

She shrank back, but the hand didn't move away as if it was growing on her body.

It was also at this moment that Yunchu realized that he was only wearing a thin undershirt, which was still very see-through...

When she lowered her eyes, she could even see the blood vessels on her arms clearly, let alone other places.

Suddenly there is a feeling of wanting to "die".

She tried to pull the quilt over, trying to cover up as much as possible, but her cheeks were on fire again.

However, her sneaky little movements were stopped by the Great Demon King, who took her dishonest hand into his own.

Yuan Ji inspected Yun Chu's body with his spiritual sense, and found that he was still weak. He sighed softly in his heart, hugged her and placed her on the couch again, then leaned over and covered her.

"You...what are you going to do?" Yun Chu stared at the face that was constantly enlarging in front of her eyes, the cold breath made her heart tremble, and she stuttered in fright.

"Heal your wounds." Yuan Ji smiled lightly, took off the outer robe that was covering his body, exposed the white chest inside, and stuck it directly on it.

This scene really irritated her so much that she couldn't open her eyes...

Yun Chu, who was so shy that he wanted to dig a hole on the spot, had a look of lovelessness: Huh?My good body must have been "healed" by you to become like this!
Ma Dan, do you still want to be shameless?
As a big villain, you are a bit aggressive, okay?
Seeing that she was so shy that her eyes were closed tightly, her brows were furrowed, and her eyelashes were trembling, Yuan Ji hooked the corners of his lips, scraped lightly on her delicate nose, and rolled over from her.

Feeling that the pressure on his body was released, and the cold breath left temporarily, Yunchu finally heaved a sigh of relief, and said to himself: It's okay, it's okay, the big devil's health is still not good, and he finally escaped another catastrophe.

However, before she could finish her breath, Yuan Ji had already lay down beside her, and pulled her into his arms again.

The scorching cheeks were directly attached to the skin on the big devil's chest, and the cold and tender touch caused a tingling sensation in the bottom of my heart.

Yun Chu felt that he could no longer breathe, his brain buzzed, and it shut down.

What made her even more unbearable was that Yuan Ji, who took her into his arms, even snorted, and said with a strange smile, "You are really... so hot!"

Then he hugged her tighter.

Yun Chu curled up like a boiled shrimp.

Yuan Ji bent his lips, his eyes were clear, and he slowly closed his eyes.

Yun Chu, whose brain was down, only felt a burst of strong light, and his consciousness began to slacken.

She vaguely felt something forcefully intruding into her world, invading her consciousness and even her primordial spirit...

But she didn't feel the other party's malice and aggression. Instead, she had a very strange feeling. It seemed that the arrival of this foreign body comforted her soul.

There was even a hint of joyful pleasure... I can't explain it clearly, but it made her intoxicated and attached.

Somehow, she felt the beating of another heart, not very clear, but with a strong sense of security, she easily accepted its existence.

Her scorching body gradually cooled down, and the comfort brought by her spirit made her tremble and sigh comfortably.


(End of this chapter)

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