Wear it in my sister's cultivating texts and let loose

Chapter 217 The Attractive Fairy Couple

Chapter 217 The Attractive Fairy Couple

Before she had time to rejoice at this thought, another picture appeared in her mind - the Nether Flower blooming in the ruins, that color is more beautiful than blood!
Yun Chu's head hurts a bit, the majestic, majestic and gloomy Nether Palace has actually been reduced to ashes...

She still can't believe it when she thinks about it.

correct!her wind chimes...

The row of more than a dozen strings of bone wind chimes is still hanging on the bed frame in the bedroom, and has not been taken down... It's a pity, such a rare thing.

Yun Chu bit his lip regretfully.

Walking to the door, Yuan Ji noticed her strangeness, turned around and asked her: "What's wrong?"

"The wind chime that your majesty gave me is gone..." Yun Chu looked a little languid, and was still thinking about other things.

"If you like it, I'll find it for you again." Yuan Ji smiled lightly.When I saw her before, I didn't show any liking, and thought she didn't like what I gave her.

It turned out that I still cared...

Yun Chu didn't say a word, and silently followed behind him.

The street market is very lively, and there are bursts of noisy sounds around.

Yuan Ji turned around and took Yun Chu's hand, carefully and solemnly, with a shallow smile, and accompanied her into the chaotic and splendid world of mortals.

In the inn, from the shopkeeper to the guest to the assistants and handymen, their eyes are always on the two of them.

It wasn't until they left that they came back to their senses and made low-pitched discussions.

"Those two were immortals from Tianyi Sect just now? It's the first time I've seen such a graceful appearance!" An elderly resident was amazed and asked.

"I don't know, but it's definitely not a mortal." The clerk held the broom, his face intoxicated, "I have lived here for a long time, and today is the first time I see them going downstairs. The girl didn't see clearly when she came, and today she saw the truth." Rong, I didn't expect her to be so talented!"

"That young master is even more talented, and his cultivation level is probably not low!"

"We haven't had such a noble person in Qinglian City for a long time!"

"Do these two have a famous post?" Several luxuriously dressed young people were gathering at the cabinet table, looked at each other for a few times, and they all looked a little strange, staring at the shopkeeper and asking.

"No, it's just an ordinary passerby!" The shopkeeper replied casually, then lowered his head and fiddled with the abacus at hand.

The young people didn't ask any more questions, took their house numbers and went upstairs.

In the side room of the local hall, the four young men had just sat down when someone asked suspiciously: "That woman just now, how does she look like Junior Sister Yunchu?"

"Brother, you too... I thought I was wrong. Junior sister Yunchu was seriously injured and she is recuperating in seclusion?" The youngest among the four stared wide-eyed, with a look of surprise and uncertainty.

"That's just an excuse to the outside world. I heard that Junior Sister Yunchu is actually missing." An older senior brother smiled with a mysterious expression on his face.

"Huh? How come! Didn't the master say..."

"Enough!" The young man with the most expensive clothes and the most immortal energy among the four said unhappily, interrupting the chat of the three of them, "I just admitted the wrong person! We are going down the mountain this time, but the master told us Yes, fellow juniors, please be cautious in your words and deeds, and don't spoil our important affairs for insignificant people!"

The three of them looked at each other in blank dismay, with different expressions, but they all answered yes.


Yun Chu followed Yuan Ji out of the inn and onto the spacious street, only to find that the surrounding area was full of lights and festoons, and it was very lively.

The scenery in this city is completely different from Huiwu City.

(End of this chapter)

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