Chapter 219

Yun Chu glanced at it in horror, and found that it looked familiar.

A flash of light flashed in her mind and she remembered.

This is the master Yao who met once, probably called Yao Narcissus!
Yun Chu recalled it for a while. In his memory, she was a very arrogant girl. When she spoke, she was eccentric, and when she looked at her, she also had a look of jealousy and hatred.

The impression is quite deep, but why is this girl getting married?

so suddenly...

And this Senior Sister Yao, who is about to get married soon, has such an ugly complexion, she seems to have cried, her eyes are red and swollen, and heavy powder can't cover them.

The car curtain was suddenly lifted, but she just sat there dumbfounded, with a little panic in her eyes, but she didn't make any movements, it could be seen that she was locked in the sedan chair.

Could it be that she was forced to marry?This is a bit miserable!

This senior sister, whom I am not very familiar with, is full of weirdness.

Yun Chu clicked his tongue twice in his heart, and then he didn't plan to read any more.

Forced marriage is forced marriage, what does it matter to her?

Yunchu mourned for poor Senior Sister Yao for three seconds, then moved his eyes away from the somewhat chaotic welcoming procession, and continued to appreciate the beautiful scenery by the lake as the night fell in the distance.

Adhering to the most important point of the eight principles of cannon fodder survival, that is, never meddle in other people's business!
Turning a blind eye to the suffering of others, this is something Yun Chu, who still had a little "Mother's heart" before time travel, absolutely couldn't do it, but after time travel...

Hehe, I never suffered a loss before.

After going through so many bad things, she became more and more cautious, and only wanted to develop insignificantly. fucking tomorrow...

"Do you know him?" Seeing that Yunchu had no interest in the married bride, Yuan Ji asked deliberately.

Yun Chu laughed, "I know her, but I'm not very familiar."

"I heard that there are rumors of happiness in the human world, how about I take you to ask for a glass of wedding wine?" Yuan Ji stared at her with a smile, his eyebrows and eyes were soft, but his tone was not refusal.

Yun Chu was dazzled by his smile, and felt that he was a little too close, the two of them could smell their breath, a little too intimate.

Those dark and deep eyes were like a whirlpool, trying to suck her in.

She was a little dazed, and before she could recover, she was hugged by Yuan Ji, jumped up, and flew into the air in an instant.

Yun Chu was so frightened that he quickly hugged his neck, secretly hating him: Another roller coaster... I can't bear it, okay?
Fortunately, I was so handsome by you just now!It's crazy!snort!

"You're still so timid!" Seeing that she didn't even dare to open her eyes and hugged him tightly, Yuan Ji joked, but couldn't hide the smile in his voice.

Some are greedy for her dependence at this moment.

Then he deliberately fell from the sky and landed on a stone bridge.

"It's still early, let's take you for a stroll first."

Yun Chu was so ashamed and annoyed, he hummed and wanted to curse, but Yuan Ji had already put her on the ground.

She staggered two steps before she stood still, and she greeted all eighteen generations of the Great Demon King's ancestors in her heart.

Yuan Ji continued to hold her hand, leading her to roam the streets.

Because mortals and monks live together, there are many shops specially prepared for monks on the street, selling some common talismans, panaceas, and magic weapons.

Yun Chu was penniless, and Ben didn't have much interest, so he just looked at it absent-mindedly.

But when he walked to a booth, he was suddenly attracted by a small bell.

That bell looked very familiar, she had had one before, but somehow lost it.

That was the sound transmission bell given to her by her sister Yun Huan...

Seeing the almost identical Chuanyinling again, Yunchu's nose felt sore and he almost shed tears.

In the past few months, after going through so much suffering, she never missed Yun Huan for a moment.

She hated herself for losing the sound transmission bell... But she also knew that even if she had the sound transmission bell, it would be useless, instead she would strengthen Yun Huan's determination to save her and put Yun Huan in danger.

So, everything is God's will in the dark.What is lost should not be found.

Yun Chu's vision was blurred, and he quickly turned his head away, wanting to continue walking.

Yuan Ji beside her grabbed her, picked up the sound transmission bell from the booth, broke Yun Chu's hand, and put it in her palm.

Yun Chu was a little taken aback, and didn't say much, just sniffed, his voice choked up, "I... have no money!"

"I owe it first!" Yuan Ji smiled, turned around and handed a spirit stone to the peddler.

The peddler, who was still dozing off just now, looked at the glowing red spirit stone in his hand and didn't realize it, "Your...your guest, this...can't be found!"

"Is there anything else you want?" Yuan Ji looked at Yun Chu again.

The peddler laughed and said, and quickly answered, "Whatever the girl likes, take it away, take it away!"

Yun Chu held the slightly hot sound transmission bell and shook his head lightly.

"Forget it!" Yuan Ji smiled, wrapped her arms around her shoulders familiarly, and led her away.

The peddler looked at the backs of the two going away, and was stunned for a while, thinking where did they come from the gods and couples, why even the backs looked so good.

Suddenly, he thought of the spirit stone he was holding in his hand, and hurriedly held it tightly very preciously, almost jumped up with joy, packed his bag, and went straight home.


Ever since holding the sound transmission bell in her hand, Yunchu has no intention of going shopping. She lazily follows Yuan Ji, being pulled, hugged, and dragged by him, just like a wooden figure.

But today, the Great Demon King has great patience and high interest. After visiting the clothing shop, he went to the spice shop, the makeup shop, and even the musical instrument shop. He chose a lot of things for Yunchu on his own initiative.

The shopkeepers of every shop seemed to have seen treasures when they saw him, and they served him so considerately and thoughtfully.

Yun Chu was caught off guard and didn't know how to deal with it.

In the clothing store:
Seeing that most of the clothes Yunchu usually wears are white and green, Yuan Ji guessed that she likes these two colors, so he chose two pieces of gauze for her, one green and one white, and asked the monk in the shop who specialized in tailoring to make it directly for Yunchu. Several elegant fairy dresses.

Shark yarn is worth tens of thousands of gold and is extremely popular among female monks.

But ordinary low-level monks can't afford to wear them.

As a result, when the other women in the store saw Yun Chu, who was dressed in white gauze and was so beautiful, their eyes overflowed with envy, and they couldn't stop their eyes from lingering on Yuan Ji.

Quite a bit of wanting to throw myself into the arms but feel ashamed of myself.

In the spice shop:
The slippery female shopkeeper was full of praise for Yunchu's beauty, and confidently mixed several spices for her.

It's just that the way she looked at Yuan Ji was a little too ambiguous.The winking eyes fly straight away, probably thinking that he is a playboy from some family, who loves to spend money to please women, and tries his best to seduce him.

Yun Chu stood aside and watched Yuan Ji deal with the pestering female shopkeeper. He thought that with the temperament of the big devil, he might get impatient and tear him up directly.

Unexpectedly, he could still chat and laugh with that woman, and by the way, throw a few meaningful glances at himself from time to time.

(End of this chapter)

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