Wear it in my sister's cultivating texts and let loose

Chapter 224 She Is Not Worthy To Be Little Sister Baozi

Chapter 224 She Is Not Worthy To Be Little Sister Baozi

It's not that Chen Yunhuan is too good at acting, but because she, Chen Yunchu, is too selfish.

She is not a good sister...she is not worthy to be Yun Huan's sister.

Later, she slowly realized...

She tried to make Yun Huan integrate into her circle of friends, but Yun Huan became more and more reticent every time.

During that time, she often heard her friends complain about Yunhuan's personality, saying that not only did their sisters look alike, but their personalities were also completely different.Talk about how likable she is, and Yun Huan is just as unlikable...

These seemingly joking words pierced into her heart like an awl.

As a result, Chen Yunchu, who has always been popular, also gradually lost friends.

She doesn't need the kind of friend who belittles her sister... her sister is enough to be her world.

If she is really the light, then she will only be the light of her sister alone, and drive away the darkness and all the unhappiness for her.

I don't know if it was her illusion, but Yun Huan's personality seemed to be much more cheerful later on, and she also had a few friends, such as Er Fatty, and her band's drummer Hammer.

There are many people who can appreciate Yun Huan's goodness, so they can also like themselves, sincerely like Yun Huan, accept her, and love her.


Yun Chu withdrew his thoughts, lowered his head, and there was only a faint wry smile on his face.

The sound of beatings and killings could still be heard endlessly in the Cheng family's courtyard, which was very harsh to Yunchu's ears.

She once again felt that she was out of tune with this world, but there was a person beside her who held her hand carefully.

The tears on her face were blown dry by the wind, her heart was cold, she wanted to shake off that annoying ghost's hand, but thinking of her own situation, she obediently did not resist and let him lead her.

Yuan Ji tilted his head slightly, stared at Yun Chu seriously, felt her dislike and rejection, hesitated, and was still reluctant to let her go.

"This marriage is a conspiracy." He didn't know what she remembered, why she was so sad, and wanted to comfort her but didn't know where to start, so he could only change the topic and explain a few words about the current situation.

"Your senior sister's marriage was specially arranged for her by her aunt, Yao Mudan, the elder of your school."

Yun Chu pursed his lips, suppressed the anguish and sourness in his heart, and listened to Yuan Ji's narration in silence.

"Yao Cheng's family is a family of immortal cultivators here, and each family has a mine vein... The momentum is changing, and they are constantly fighting with each other. There is a grievance that has lasted for hundreds of years, and it has only improved in recent years."

"Your senior sister, as you have seen, is now a useless person... Her only use value is to use her life to build another bridge for Yao Shi."

"The Cheng family didn't want to marry at first, but out of fear of Yao Mudan and the benefits of the marriage, they agreed to the marriage and asked for a hundred virgins."

"Yao Cheng's family is getting married... As you can see, it will not resolve the conflict, but intensify it.

What Yao Mudan wanted was this battle!She provoked and provoked conflicts, trying to get rid of the Cheng family through chaos. "

"Look over there..." Yuan Ji raised his finger and pointed to the distant sky, Yun Chu followed his gestures to look, and actually saw a few silhouettes of youths with swords in the clouds.

"That is the pawn arranged by Yao Mudan. There are not many people, but it is enough to deal with these low-level monks!"

"Why?" Yun Chu frowned, somewhat puzzled.

"Interests. The interests of the tribe, as well as her own desires." Yuan Ji said lightly.

Yun Chu pursed his lips and glanced under the eaves.

The fierce battle in the Cheng family's backyard was coming to an end. The originally extravagant courtyard was littered with corpses and rivers of blood... It was extremely miserable.

Desires are hard to fill!

She knew it was for profit, but what she didn't understand was: how dark it is to let so many people be buried with her desires!Is such a person worthy of being a fairy?
How much hatred must it be to arrange such a marriage for my niece and granddaughter and squeeze out her last use value?
The horror of the human heart is incalculable!

Yun Chu thought for a moment, and couldn't help but frowned: Could it be that because of this marriage, that Senior Sister Yao was expelled from the sect on purpose?
"No, Yao Mudan originally loved that grandniece very much. But now, she only hates her for not dying!" Yuan Ji seemed to know what she was thinking, and the corners of his lips curled slightly, "Here we come! I'll show you! "

As soon as the words fell, he couldn't help but pull Yunchu up, and the figures of the two disappeared above the eaves.


To the east of the Cheng family's mansion is a dense forest. Yao Narcissus, dressed in a messy scarlet robe, was dragged by several burly monks to flee deep into the forest.

"Let's go!" The man dragging Yao Narcissus saw her moving slowly, so he couldn't help urging her sharply.

"Brother, just kill this bitch, it's a burden to keep it!" Another man urged anxiously.

When Yao Shuixian heard that she was going to kill her, she immediately shook like a sieve, her legs were numb, she couldn't stand upright, and she begged for mercy.

Seeing this, the leading man took a deep breath, "This bitch is still useful, we can't just let her die like this! So many people died in our family, we can't just let her go so cheaply!"

At this moment, Yuan Ji and Yun Chu lightly landed in front of these dozens of people, blocking their way.

Everyone was already afraid of chasing soldiers and panicked. When the two of them appeared, they were immediately scared back again and again.

Yuan Ji's gaze fell on the unkempt Yao Narcissus, and he smiled coolly, "So the bride is here."

"Bold! Who are you...?" A few low-ranking monks couldn't see through Yuan Ji's cultivation. Seeing his white clothes and white hair, and his extraordinary bearing, they felt suspicious.

But seeing that there were only two of them, and the woman looked extremely weak, but there were a lot of people on their side, so they planned to fight...

Yuan Ji remained silent, the leader gritted his teeth, and winked at the people behind him, and immediately four strong men rushed towards Yuan Ji with their knives in hand.

Yuan Ji didn't even raise his hands, his body remained motionless, and when they were getting more courageous and approaching, he glanced at the four of them lightly.

... Immediately after hearing a "poof", a pile of blood mist exploded around.

The four big men died immediately, and there was not even a bone residue left.

The few remaining people panicked for a moment, their eyes widened in disbelief, they couldn't figure out who the opponent was, but they couldn't hold back the coercion, and fell to their knees one by one.

With a calm expression, Yuan Ji walked slowly to Yao Narcissus who was lying on the ground trembling, and stared at her coldly.

Yao Naixian felt a bone-chilling coldness, her body trembled, and it took a while before she struggled to knock her head heavily on the ground,

"My dear friend, please forgive me, please forgive me... I am a disciple of Tianyi Sect, I was the one who was murdered... My aunt is an elder of the inner sect, with powerful mana, as long as you let me go, I... will never treat you badly!"

Yuan Ji smiled lightly, did not speak, and slowly raised his hand hidden in his sleeve.

(End of this chapter)

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