Wear it in my sister's cultivating texts and let loose

Chapter 229 Something Big Is Going To Be In The Demon Realm

Chapter 229 Something Big Is Going To Be In The Demon Realm

The main peak of Tianyimen, Zhengxintang.

At this moment, Ci Xuan was summoning the elders in the sect to discuss matters, and Ci Hai deliberately delayed for a long time before arriving late.

Several elders who were usually dissatisfied with him sneaked a few glances at him after he came in, with displeased expressions on their faces.

"Relying on his cultivation and seniority, Ci Hai is not paying attention to the head of the sect anymore. He heard that he had a dispute with the head of the sect a few days ago. He really doesn't know what to say and is extremely arrogant!" An elder couldn't help saying Shout out to the rest of the elders who have made good friends.

"He can be late for such a big event, it shows whether he takes our Tianyimen seriously!"

"He is used to being free and unrestrained, when did he put us in his eyes?"

"That's right! How can we compare with Senior Brother Ci Hai! He used to be an immortal in heaven..."

"Hey, don't you think that his current temperament is somewhat similar to that shameful ancestor? The same arrogant and wanton rampant!"

A few people glanced at me, exchanged voices with each other, and held a private meeting.

Cixuan, who was sitting cross-legged in the center of the main hall, looked a little dignified, "Okay, everything is over for today, let's go!"

Everyone in the hall was resentful, looked at each other a few times, got up and walked out.

As soon as Ci Hai found a corner to sit down, he heard Ci Xuan call the meeting over, he didn't move, and dozed off while sitting on the futon.

The elders who passed by his side snorted disdainfully, all of them held their heads up with their hands behind their backs, and couldn't understand him very much.

Ci Yuan, who was at the end, frowned slightly. When he walked to Ci Hai, he wanted to say something, but seeing his eyes closed and disapproving, he still shook his head and didn't say much.

Everyone dispersed, only Ci Xuan and Ci Hai remained in the inner hall.

"Daojun, are you still angry?" Ci Xuan restrained his previous gloom, with a gentle smile on his face.

The two of them did have a dispute a few days ago, but it was because Ci Hai didn't bring back Wangyou, but brought back the bad words of Queen Mother Xi.

Ci Xuan was not angry at that time, he pondered for a while, but decided to go to West Kunlun himself, but was stopped by Ci Hai.

Ci Hai has always disliked meddling in other people's business, and usually seems easy-going and has no temper.But this time, he was really angry.

Seeing that Cixuan didn't listen to dissuasion, he simply cast a spell to trap him.

At that time, Ci Xuan was very anxious, not as calm and calm as usual. First, he didn't want to make Yun Huan suffer any more, and second, he wanted to meet Queen Mother Xi in person...

I want to ask her what she meant by what she said?
Under impatience, after being trapped by Ci Hai, he was full of dissatisfaction, and then he had a dispute with Ci Hai, and even resorted to magic weapons to fight against it, causing a big quarrel.

This scene happened to be seen by several elders who came to ask for rewards for the trial, and Ci Hai's reputation for being disrespectful to the head spread.

However, in fact, although the two had a fight, it did not affect the relationship between the two. What others saw was only the surface.


"Don't dare to dare, if you have something to say to the head, just tell me!" Ci Hai half-closed his eyes and smiled, his whole body was full of laziness, "I brought back Yao Mudan's body, what do you want to do with it?"

Ci Xuan's heart relaxed slightly, but his expression was a bit dignified, "Wait for Master to leave the customs!"

"She's still in seclusion? Isn't she in good health?" Ci Hai now has a headache when he thinks of that master.

"Maybe we can make a breakthrough this time..." Ci Xuan had a strange expression on his face. Since Ci Hai returned from West Kunlun that day, he began to avoid Yun Huan, and it was even difficult for him to mention her.

Ci Hai was quite surprised, "Breakthrough? Heavenly Wonderland?"

Ci Xuan smiled lightly, did not answer, but changed the subject, and said solemnly: "Mr. Dao, something big has happened in the Demon Realm!"

"What's the matter?" Seeing that Cixuan's expression was not quite right, Ci Hai noticed something was wrong, changed his lazy manner, and sat up straight.

"The Nether Palace was burned down, and Yuan Ji went to Liaodu."

"Burn? This..." It was intentional!
Ci Hai had a strange expression. More than 1000 years ago, he had some contacts with Yuan Ji, and he knew more about the devil world than ordinary people.

After hearing Ci Xuan's words, he immediately realized a problem...

No wonder, Yuan Ji appeared here!

It seems that he still underestimated Yun Chu's position in Yuan Ji's heart.

Ci Xuan didn't know what Ci Hai was thinking, and thought he was just surprised, so he continued: "Yuan Ji went to find the Demon Lord to ask him to be held accountable, I'm afraid the intention is not shallow...the Demon World will not be peaceful!"

"The devil world is not at peace." Ci Hai added, he didn't seem to take it seriously, but in fact he was extremely unsettled at the moment.

Yuan Ji is now clearly near Qinglian City, who is the one who went to Liaodu instead of him?
I always feel that there is something weird here...

"Mr. Dao," seeing Ci Hai frowned in deep thought, Ci Xuan called out, "If the demon world really becomes chaotic, I'm afraid the three worlds of immortals, demons and humans will lose their balance..."

"That's not something I should care about!" Ci Hai suppressed the doubts in his heart for the time being, stood up and patted the rough cloth robe on his body, "You should go and see Yao Mudan's body."

"You just deal with it!" Ci Xuan's always indifferent face showed a bit of disgust, "I have sent someone to deal with the matter of Yao Cheng's family. Daojun has been tired for the past few days, go back and take a good rest!"

Hearing the words, Ci Hai didn't try to persuade him much, he just calmly saluted, "Thank you, Sect Leader."

Ci Xuan nodded, "Dao Monarch, please!"


When Yun Chu followed Yuan Ji back to the inn, he was exhausted and fell asleep on the bed with his head covered.

It's just that although she was extremely tired, she didn't sleep well.

In the dream, she passed through closed wooden doors one after another, trying to find a way out, but there was a bloody corpse hidden behind each door, each of them looked at her with wide eyes, as if she wanted her to pay for her life, vicious and extremely terrifying .

She was terrified... lying on the bed sweating profusely.

Lying beside Yunchu, Yuan Ji felt the trembling in her body, his expression was slightly cold, he activated his consciousness, and penetrated into her dream.

This is not the first time he has investigated Yunchu's dreams.

In the past, most of her dreams were very peaceful, with singing birds and fragrant flowers, quiet and peaceful, most of them were sweet dreams.

Occasionally, I would dream of something scary, such as thinking heavily of a woman whose face I couldn't see clearly.

However, this time, the scene in Yunchu's dream was a little scary...

Yuan Ji stared coldly for a moment, then escaped from her dream, pursed her thin lips, and disappeared in the inn.


Deep in the dense forest on the outskirts of Qinglian City, when Ci Hai arrived, he saw that eye-catching white shadow from a distance.

"Devil Lord, long time no see!" He greeted Yuan Ji with a smile, and looked him up and down in surprise.

"You are trustworthy!" Yuan Ji's voice was still very cold, with a condescending sense of oppression from a superior.

(End of this chapter)

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