Chapter 232 Strange Atmosphere
Ever since Yuan Ji reappeared, Yun Chu lost the relaxation he had just had, and huddled up a little stiffly, staring at the fish being skewered on the grill, with complicated emotions.

The eyes of the dead fish seemed to be staring at him... a typical death without a close eye, a bit scary.

Not only did it make her lose her appetite, but she also felt a little bit empathetic.

But as the smell of grilled fish slowly spread around, she seemed to be aroused a little more appetite.

Foodie sucks!Always get slapped in the face!
Thinking of this, Yunchu saw that the big fish was already roasting and sizzling, and he really wanted to grab a handful of seasoning and sprinkle it on it.

It's a pity that there is no seasoning for such a fresh grilled fish.

The big devil turned the wooden stick himself, grilling the fish very evenly.

His movements are extremely elegant, his handsome face is paired with cold white and slender fingers, no matter what he does, he has a special sense of beauty.

Mingyou wanted to replace him, but he stopped him with a wave.

"You should go!"

There were only two fish, and before they were cooked, the big devil started chasing people away.

Mingyou should be, and will retreat soon.

But Yun Chu suddenly got up to stop her, and looked at Yuan Ji with a smile, smiling so flatteringly, "Your Majesty, You You didn't eat."

"Do you need it?" Yuan Ji skipped over Yun Chu, turned his head slightly to look at Ming You, his tone was slightly cold.

Mingyou immediately leaned over to salute, "I don't need this servant." Then he turned to Yunchu, "Thank you Madam for your concern, I haven't eaten for a long time."

"What a pity!" Yun Chu lowered his head, a little frustrated, with a look of disappointment on his face.

Yuan Ji frowned slightly, a little helplessly, "You stay!"

Mingyou was a little uneasy. She should have left earlier at this time, but the atmosphere when talking to Madam was so good that she ignored it.

The expression on Yunchu's face immediately changed from cloudy to sunny, and he smiled and moved over to pull Mingyou to sit beside him, which happened to be placed between her and Yuanji.

Yuan Ji remained calm and concentrated on grilling his fish, seemingly not paying attention to her small deliberate movements.

Yun Chu held Mingyou's arm, smiled brightly, leaned close to her and whispered, "It's okay, you eat my share!"

Yuan Ji lowered his eyes and raised his eyebrows, and couldn't help but laugh: She can be her own master now!Did he say he would give it to her?

Mingyou felt like sitting on pins and needles, "Ma'am, I really don't need servants."


It was only then that Yunchu realized something, and she was a little embarrassed, just now she was making things difficult for others.

It's just that the fish grilled by the Great Demon King is so delicious, she also wants to share it with Mingyou... Besides, she doesn't want to be alone with him, so it's rare to catch Mingyou for company.

well!It's because she thinks too little.

Mingyou is a subordinate of the Great Demon King, and his situation is not much better than his own... She will only make things difficult for her if she forces her to stay.

"Pay attention to safety, be careful in everything, put your own safety first, and I will come to see you when I have time." She didn't know what Mingyou was going to do in Minghai, but she realized that it must not be easy, so she gave a few last words of advice.

Mingyou nodded, hesitantly stood up again, faced Yuanji respectfully and said goodbye.

Yuan Ji gave a soft "um" without raising his head.

Yun Chu watched Mingyou disappear, feeling a little bit reluctant in his heart.

At this time, the sky was gradually darkening, and the flames of the burning bonfire became brighter and brighter. In the dancing flames, the two people sitting silently opposite each other were covered with a soft halo, but it also invisibly drew the distance between them. distance.

It was as if there was an indelible gap.

After the fish was roasted, a small machine appeared in Yuan Ji's hand, with exquisite dishes and a white porcelain flagon placed on it.

He skillfully disassembled the grilled fish, carefully removed the bones and bones of the fish, put the scorched fish meat into a small plate, and handed it to Yunchu.

Yun Chu was thinking about something with his head shrunk, when he saw the small dish he handed over, he took a long time to take it.

He fiddled with the fish with chopsticks, but didn't put it in his mouth.

"Don't like it?" Yuan Ji saw that she was silent, sitting curled up by the campfire alone, fiddling with the chopsticks in his hand, his face against the firelight was indescribably lonely.

Only then did Yunchu move, he put a piece of fish into his mouth, and said with a faint smile, "Your Majesty is really amazing, this grilled fish is really delicious."

"You don't have to eat if you don't like it, I didn't force you." Yuan Ji said in a calm voice, put down the chopsticks that continued to poke the fish, replaced the flagon in his hand, and raised his head to take a sip.

When Yun Chu raised his eyes, he happened to see his slightly rolling Adam's apple and delicate jaw when he was drinking with his head up. His heart trembled slightly, and he quickly lowered his head, "When will your majesty return the bell to me?"

"Eat the fish!" Yuan Ji stared at her with pitch-black eyes, and Yuan Ji's voice was slightly cold.

Feeling the chill he unintentionally radiated, Yunchu despised him in his heart: Oh, is this called persecution?You almost pressed my head and made me eat it!

She obediently carried the plate and put all the fish into her mouth, then handed the plate back.

The grilled fish is delicious, even without seasoning, it is still charred, tender and delicious.

It's just that after Mingyou left, she suddenly lost her appetite, her thoughts were confused, and she thought of many things.

After being silent for a while, she hugged her knees and asked in a muffled voice, "Your Majesty, after the Nether Palace is destroyed, will many people be homeless?"

Yuan Ji took a sip of wine, with a cold expression, "The Nether Palace is no one's home, it's just a cage, imprisoning a group of restless souls."

Hearing this answer, Yun Chu fell silent again.

So... the Nether Palace was burned down under your order, right?
You planned to destroy it from the very beginning, wanting to break that cage!
So, why did you take me back in the first place?Was it calculated from the beginning?

"What are you thinking?" Yuan Ji sensed that Yun Chu's mood was not quite right.

"Your Majesty, why did you appear in the Forbidden Forest that day?" Yun Chu bravely asked the question that she couldn't understand the most.

"This is not what you should know!" His voice suddenly cooled down, and his mood became inexplicably irritable.

Yun Chu smiled without any surprise, buried his head on his knees, and stopped talking.

Yuan Ji frowned and looked at her for a long time, the sun was setting and the surroundings became more and more lonely, a gust of cold wind blew past, and Yun Chu shrank himself even tighter.

Yuan Ji had no choice but to get up and walk over, took off his robe and put it on her body.

Under the huge robe and hood, there was still a chill left on his body, Yun Chu shivered, and then slowly got used to this "warmth".

Just now, she suddenly figured out something.

From the moment she confirmed that the Nether Palace was destroyed, but the Great Demon King didn't care, doubts arose in her heart, and she began to wonder whether everything she experienced was calculated by the Great Demon King.

Otherwise, why is everything so coincidental, and how can I be so miserable?

Ever since she was taken away by the Great Demon King, her unlucky progress bar has been gradually filled up...

First, she was discovered by the Seventh Princess and almost turned into a roasted rabbit, but the Great Demon King came forward to save her at the most coincidental time.

He also gently picked her up in front of the jealous seventh princess, which gave the impression that she was very deliberate, and clearly kept the latter hand, letting the seventh princess go back to file a complaint, and attracting envoys to investigate her as a "little fairy".

(End of this chapter)

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