Chapter 242

Junyi saw this scene from a distance, and the smile on her lips disappeared.He squinted slightly at Yun Huan, and a sharp gleam flashed away in his eyes.

Just a moment later, he turned back into that gentle and timid boy again.Pushing aside the crowd, he walked to Sister Yunchu's side, leaned over and saluted Yun Huan first.


Yun Huan lay on Yun Chu's shoulder without moving, not even raising her eyelids.

She just wants to be with her sister now and doesn't want anyone to disturb her.He didn't like to see this disciple who came forward to salute.

Junyi was also very honest, obediently standing behind Yunchu with her hands down.

Right now, Yunchu only has his own cute and cute little sister in his eyes, and he can't tolerate others.Rubbing Yun Huan's somewhat messy hair, her heart was soft and warm, full of warmth and affection.

Some of the surrounding crowd have seen the world, looking at Junyi's attire, they can tell that he is an inner disciple of the Tianyi Sect, and after hearing his "Master Zu", they can know who the woman who just descended from the sky is.

The name of Yun Huan, the ancestor of Tianyi Sect, is known to everyone in the entire sixteen prefectures of Zhongzhou.

His various outstanding deeds are also widely circulated in the major sects of cultivating immortals, and he can be regarded as a character that ordinary people don't want to mess with.

He even won the top 6 of the most difficult characters in the celebrity list of cultivating immortals in the human world.

Therefore, when they heard that this "celestial sister" was actually Grand Master Yun Huan of Tianyi Sect, some sensible people immediately ran away, for fear of being caught by the grand master's casual eyes and included in the blacklist for rectification.

As for the ordinary residents of Qinglian City who are not monks, their interest in the two girls cuddling in the street has gradually faded.

In Qinglian City, mortals and monks live together. Although monks who can fly into the sky and escape from the ground are not common, they are not rare, and they are nothing new.

If it weren't for the thunder and lightning and Yun Huan's aura of descending from the sky, it wouldn't have attracted so many eyes.


Taoist Master Liu Feng, who was directing his disciples to deal with the remnants of the Cheng family in Cheng Zhai, felt a toothache when he felt Yun Huan's breath.

How did this ancestor come here?

Could it be that he felt that he was not doing his job well, so he came here to supervise himself?
Hasn't she been retreating these days?
Because Liu Feng offended Yun Huan before, he has been cautious in dealing with things recently.

When the master lost his apprentice inexplicably, and was told that he was not lost, but that he had gone down the mountain to practice and experience, the master has been in seclusion all the time, and has never come out to cause trouble.

He also relaxed his vigilance, and only then did he accept such a good job in the hands of the head to enhance our prestige.

Cheng's family is also a long-established family of cultivating immortals, and he suddenly found it strange to marry their old rival Yao's family.

After observing for a period of time, I found out that it has something to do with that senior sister Yao Mudan...

That woman is also ruthless, her apprentice has done such nasty things, and her cultivation base has been abolished, how can she push people to Cheng's house, even a fool can see that she has ulterior motives.

She also wanted to pour this basin of dirty water on the master's head... Are the head master and their elders from the same sect blind?

Alas, women, they are all really stupid!

As a result, these two families fought to the death and exposed each other's dirty and dirty behaviors, ruined their reputations and also lost the face of their sect.

Liu Feng shook the folding fan in his hand, his face was gloomy.

The dog-legged disciple with eyesight next to him asked earnestly, "Master, what's wrong with you? But what's wrong?"

Liu Feng supported his forehead with a fan, and squeezed out a loving and modest smile, "Master and her old lady are here in person, let's go out to greet her!"

Several disciples looked stunned, and some who knew the inside story even looked at each other.

At this time, he didn't care about his noble demeanor anymore, so he quickly sacrificed his flying magic weapon and prepared to greet the master ancestor.

That old master was narrow-minded, if he was late for a while, maybe he would be hated, and they didn't dare to delay.Ever since Yun Huan gave Yao Shuixian a whip and beat her into a semi-crippled body, the disciples in the sect grew a little more afraid of this master who would go crazy at the slightest disagreement.

Liu Feng, who has a criminal record, of course didn't dare to delay, took the lead to fly with the fan, and led more than [-] disciples, lined up for a long walk to greet the ancestor.

However, they just flew over Cheng Zhai when they saw a white shadow disappear before their eyes with a "swoosh"...

The group of people who had just flown into the sky were stunned for a moment, watching the white shadow go away, their faces were stupefied.

It was just now that he vaguely saw the master holding someone, that posture... Could it be that he robbed some innocent young master? you want to pretend you didn't see it?Well, of course I have to pretend not to see it.

The bewildered disciples winked at each other and looked up at the sky, thinking that what just appeared was an illusion.

Ordinary disciples have poor eyesight, and they each made up a taboo play in their brains, but Liu Feng, who has already passed the tribulation and became a fairy, can see clearly, and the little ancestor who flashed past in front of him is clearly holding her baby. The little apprentice who can't do it - Yunchu!
How is this going?

Didn't the devil king of ghosts and monsters be taken away, and he was already dead?

Liu Feng felt that this matter was a bit big, the head of the house held a meeting a few days ago and said that something big happened in the Demon Realm, and that the dreaded Nether Palace was burnt down for no reason.

Mojun Yuanji went to Liaodu, and it seemed like a bloodbath...

The head also told them not to associate with people from the Demon Realm recently, built a protective circle for the Tianyi Sect, sent a hundred disciples to inspect the sixteen prefectures of Central Continent, and reported back immediately if they found anything unusual.

Even the head of the sect is so cautious, it is naturally a serious gaffe.

Then what happened to the little girl who was kidnapped by the devil?Could it be that this bloodbath in the devil world has something to do with her?

This thought suddenly appeared in his mind, and Elder Liu Feng's expression became even uglier.

How is it possible, such a little girl with a low cultivation base, apart from being a little more outstanding, is basically a waste... What use can she be?

Thinking of how she was chased by a low-level wolf during the primary trial that day, she felt funny.

Hahaha, such a stupid female cultivator can only be liked by the half-blind master.He had to be accepted as an apprentice... In the end, he caused a lot of trouble because of his monstrous appearance.

Liu Feng laughed secretly for a while, then returned to Cheng Zhai.

The disciples had their own concerns and followed behind Elder Liu Feng in an orderly manner.


Yun Chu didn't want to go back to Tianyi with Yun Huan at first, but she had always been unable to hold back this younger sister, seeing her heartbroken and unwilling to separate from her, her heart softened and she could only follow her heart.

Yun Huan happily dragged Yun Chu to Tianyi Gate, holding Yun Chu tightly and refused to let go all the way.

(End of this chapter)

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