Wear it in my sister's cultivating texts and let loose

Chapter 247 New Disciple Getting Started, There Are Pitfalls Everywhere

Chapter 247 New Disciple Getting Started, There Are Pitfalls Everywhere

Before Yun Huan returned to Feixian Pavilion, she suddenly felt flustered...

According to the news sent by Shen Qianzhu, just when she was arguing with Ci Hai, Yun Chu had silently left Feixian Pavilion.

Before leaving, he was probably afraid that she would see through and look for it, so he used a puppet talisman to pretend to be one, so Shen Qianzhu, who was not smart enough, didn't find it immediately.

Yun Huan's eyes were about to burst, fearing that there would be another accident to Yun Chu, she felt that the God who had dispersed and reunited led Zhu to look for her sister's trace.


Half an hour ago, Yun Huan had just left Feixian Pavilion when a cold voice came from Yun Chu's consciousness.

"come over!"

Yun Chu was all too familiar with this cold commanding tone. She froze all over, opened her eyes immediately, and let out a breath of foul air.

It is better to have news than to have no news.At least he came to find himself, which shows that she is still useful to him.She is obedient and obedient, and he probably won't make a move against Tian Yimen.

Yunchu made up his mind and planned to leave.Knowing Yun Huan's temperament, she must have something guarding her surroundings, so she played tricks and used invisibility charms and puppet charms to create the illusion that she was still in the house.

Then sneakily escaped from the window, exited the Feixian Pavilion, and used the transformation talisman to turn into an ordinary disciple with a public face, mingling among the bustling disciples.

Yun Chu originally thought that the Great Demon King was here to take her away, but following the direction of his sound transmission, he found more and more people as he walked, and began to feel that something was wrong.

At this time, Feilai Peak was extremely lively, and there were hundreds of disciples watching the ceremony.

Yun Chu followed Daliu into the disciple team and entered the inner hall. He was worried and couldn't figure out what the Great Demon King meant when he caught sight of the Great Demon King himself who was going through the last three apprenticeship ceremonies...

She froze in shock.

At this time, Yuan Ji has returned to his black clothes and black robes, and unlike his usual complicated attire, he is only wearing a simple black Taoist robe, his black hair is standing up neatly with black belts, and his whole body has an imposing manner. He has also restrained himself a bit. At first glance, apart from his outstanding appearance, which attracts people's attention, he looks like a young disciple who has just started and is a bit jerky on the whole.

Yun Chu looked dazed, completely unaware of what he was planning to do, and his eyes became more and more frightened.

If ordinary people sneaked in, they might be regarded as stealing teachers or spies, but this master sneaked in... Obviously it couldn't be for such a trivial matter.

Question: A powerful boss in the demon world, who has the ability to destroy the world, but inexplicably got mixed up in the team of Xianmen. Guess, what is his purpose?
Hehe, I can't figure it out at all...

The corners of Yun Chu's mouth twitched, and his face was full of lovelessness, but he found that Yuan Ji, who was being baptized in the hall, suddenly glanced towards him, his eyes were extremely sharp.

Yun Chu was terrified, and quickly shrank behind a few senior sisters to avoid his scorching gaze.

Standing in the lobby among a group of new disciples, Yuan Ji stood out from the crowd, and when he sensed the familiar aura, he couldn't help but curl his lips.

He glanced into the crowd and was even more amused to find her cowering.

"Let's serve tea!" Sitting on the elder's chair, Ci Hai cleared his throat, and looked at Yuan Ji reluctantly.

Yuan Ji smiled gently and politely, took the teacup from the tray, and gave it to Ci Hai.

Ci Hai accepted it with a smile, looking very satisfied, and kept nodding his head, "Okay, my good apprentice, I will practice hard with my master in the future, and I will be able to ascend to the immortal soon."

Standing behind Ci Hai, Chang Ci was stunned. He never expected that his new junior brother was actually...

With complicated emotions, I was speechless for a while.From the moment he entered the door, he kept staring at the back of his master's head with resentful eyes, and really wanted to shave off the few tufts of hair left.

Yuan Ji glanced at Chang Ci lightly, and smiled lightly.

He recognized Ji Ze from the first time they met, but... he wasn't all Ji Ze.

Insufficient mind and soul, after all, is somewhat incomplete.It doesn't look very comfortable either.

He sighed softly, a little regretful.

If there is a good opportunity in the future, let's help him find his incomplete soul!

Ci Xuan, who was sitting at the top of the head, also looked a little ugly at this time, but seeing Ci Hai's calm and composed appearance, he felt a little more relaxed.

He just heard the news that Ci Hai wanted to "receive apprentices" in the morning, and he thought he had heard it wrong several times.

Shouldn't Yuan Ji be in Liaodu at this time?How did you come to their fairy gate?

Why on earth did he pay homage to Hai as his teacher?
Could it be that the ghosts and ghosts couldn't get along anymore?
How can it be!

For Yuan Ji, there is nowhere to go... Wherever he is, he will revolve around him. Even if the Nether Palace is destroyed, he has nowhere to go for the time being, but as long as he thinks, the devil world is not Let him come and go?
What is he trying to do?
Ci Xuanyin couldn't help clenching his hands in his robe, his heart felt cold.

After that great battle, Yuan Ji has been silent for hundreds of years.

Is he not going to continue to be silent now?If he intends to threaten Tianyimen to use him for him... what should he do?
But to him, is he really useful?

"Don't think so much...it's nothing, it's just that I take in an extra apprentice! I'll take care of him."

Ci Hai's lazy voice sounded in his consciousness, Ci Xuan was silent for a long time, and then hummed lightly.

Other elders in the sect are also very concerned about Yuan Ji, a newcomer disciple. He seems to have very ordinary aptitude, and there seems to be nothing special about him except his appearance and demeanor. I don't know how he got into Ci Hai's eyes, and they are somewhat curious .

Especially those who are not used to Ci Hai's way of dealing with people on weekdays, and want to find an opportunity to sneer a few words.

It's just that when he happened to meet the dark pupils of this young disciple, for some reason, he couldn't say a word he wanted to say.


Many disciples came to watch the initiation ceremony today, and the seven young disciples of different shapes attracted a lot of attention, especially Mr. Yuanji, who was so outstanding that he looked a bit monstrous.

"Is that little disciple Master Ci Hai fancy?" A female disciple asked excitedly.

"Well, it's really good."

"It's not bad, but he's just a little boy. I think his aptitude is average, so maybe he's just a softie!" the male disciple sneered contemptuously.

As soon as this remark came out, another female disciple immediately teased with a smile, "Could it be the same as that junior sister Yunchu! Although she was born with outstanding talent and worshiped the ancestor as a teacher, she couldn't even do a basic trial." Can't make it through..."

Yunchu heard someone say that the big demon king is a little boy, and even dragged himself, so he immediately recited Amitabha silently in his heart.

It's fine to ridicule her, the big devil has a bad temper, brothers and sisters who are not sensible, you can take care of yourself!
Misfortune comes from the mouth, you know?

Didn't you guys see the big devil tearing people apart...Comparing me with him, woohoo, I'm afraid we'll end up playing together and never see the sun of tomorrow again.

(End of this chapter)

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