Wear it in my sister's cultivating texts and let loose

Chapter 249 That Special "Senior Sister"

Chapter 249 That Special "Senior Sister"

Yun Chu put the rag into the water basin, and obediently walked to Yuan Ji's side, taking four or five steps away.

Yuan Ji raised his wrist, made another cup of tea, and handed it to her very naturally.

Yun Chu was stunned for a moment, took two steps forward to take it, and took two steps back silently.

Yuan Ji pursed his lips and smiled lightly, but his eyes dimmed slightly.

He wanted to pull her to his side, but he knew that doing so would only make her more disgusted... In the past, she didn't care what she thought, and just did whatever she wanted, but now it's different.

"You lived in this house?" He looked at her with a light smile and asked, his eyes were gentle, and his voice was rare and clear.

"Yeah." Yunchu was a little nervous, and she held the small teacup tightly in her hand and rubbed it. The rough texture rubbed her fine white hands into red marks, but the warmth in her hands somewhat dissipated the bottom of her heart. the cold.

Yuan Ji raised his head and looked around the room. There was her breath here, and he could smell it as soon as he entered the door.

Simple and simple, very suitable for myself today.

"In the future, we will also be in the same family, you don't have to be so restrained." Yuan Ji propped his elbows on the table, tilted his chin and stared at her with a half-smile.

"Don't dare! I don't dare to be a fellow student with Your Majesty." Yun Chu said honestly, but kept his head down, not daring to look at his face.This evildoer looks so good-looking, it will make people lose their minds after looking at it for a long time...

Yuan Ji sighed, with a complicated look on his face.His eyes fell on her hand holding the teacup, and he wanted to shake her hand, but was distracted by her timid appearance.

Although it is not enough now, but fortunately, it will be long in the future.

"I will come here often as a guest in the future, and I welcome you here anytime... Senior Sister."

His voice was a bit ethereal, and the words "Senior Sister" were deep and gentle, with a special smell, which fell into Yunchu's ears and made her feel numb.She was stunned for a moment, not knowing what to do, when she suddenly felt her body lighten up, and when she regained her senses, she had already arrived in the outer courtyard.

Was she kicked out by the Great Demon King?
Looking at the closed door, Yun Chu was a little stunned, his last words were still echoing in his ears, and his face began to have a fever before he knew it, even his ears felt a little hot.

After being stunned for a long while, he breathed a sigh of relief.

Although I don't know his purpose, there shouldn't be any crisis for a while.

Although Martial Uncle Cihai is ignorant of worldly affairs, he is not one who will let the Tianyi Sect be destroyed.

As long as the Great Demon King doesn't threaten Tianyimen or hurt Yunhuan, everything else is fine.What I should be most concerned about now is how to improve my cultivation base, comprehend the Dao, and overcome the calamity and ascend as soon as possible, so as to have the power to protect myself.

"Xiao Chu?"

Yunchu summoned his own small white boat, and as soon as he stepped on it, he saw a slightly hunched figure with his hands behind his back walking out of the herb garden.


Seeing the long-lost Master Ci Hai, Yun Chu couldn't hide his excitement, and immediately jumped off the small white boat, and bowed to Gong.

Ci Hai's eyes softened, and he smiled, "My good boy, I still need your care in the future."

"Master's words are serious... This disciple understands, and will definitely do his best." Yun Chu held back the sourness in his heart, and obediently responded.

Ci Hai nodded, "Go ahead, if you need anything in the future, feel free to mention it to Uncle Shi. Uncle Shi has studied a few new prescriptions recently and wants to share them with you."

Yun Chu also showed joy on his face, swept away the previous haze, answered "Yes" and saluted and left.

Ci Hai looked up at her receding figure, with his hands behind his back, and sighed leisurely.

He glanced at the wooden house where Yuan Ji lived, then quickly moved away, and staggered back to his own room.


Yun Huan searched for more than half a circle, and finally found Yun Chu's trace on Xiaolingfeng. Seeing Yun Chu talking with Ci Hai in the video, driving the magic weapon to fly back to Feixian Pavilion, he felt a little relieved, but still a little driven to distraction.

My sister is really... so difficult!

Yun Huan bit her lip, feeling sore inexplicably, put away the mirror, and flew to Thousand Purple Peak.

The peak master of Qianzi Peak was originally Yao Mudan, and there are hundreds of disciples on him.After Yao Mudan's death, these disciples were also investigated, and those who failed to process were re-arranged, and those who were in the same rank as Yao Mudan were taken to Xingshitang for interrogation.

Not all disciples of Tianyi Sect have masters, only [-]% of them are lucky enough to learn from masters, and the other [-]% rely on the support from the sect to practice on their own.

Inside the gate there is a unified Lecture Hall, Asking Hall, and Library Pavilion for disciples to use.The residence of the disciples without a master is also arranged in a unified manner, and the male and female disciples are separated, living separately in the Junzi Peak and the Fairy Peak.

At this time, the Thousand Purple Peak is empty, the bustle and bustle of the past is gone, and it is especially lonely.

The few disciples who were arranged to clean up were doing their jobs in a serious manner, and when they saw Yun Huan descending from the sky, they all stepped forward to salute somewhat cautiously.He lowered his head, not daring to look at this fierce old master.

Yun Huan strode past several people, walked vigorously, the pendulum fluttered lightly, and stepped into the inner hall without looking sideways.

"Come here!" After entering the door, she glanced around and called out coldly when she saw the familiar blue figure.

Qi Mo, who was bending over to sweep, turned his head when he heard the sound. Seeing that it was Yun Huan, he was taken aback for a moment before realizing that Nuonuo stepped forward and saluted respectfully.

"Qi Mo, kneel down!" Yun Huan retreated from the other disciples in the hall, staring at Qi Mo deeply.

Qi Mo didn't know why, but her master had ordered her not to think too much, so she knelt down on the ground with a bang.

Yun Huan looked down at her, and asked, "Didn't you go to the introductory ceremony today?"

Qi Mo replied respectfully: "No, the disciple has family duties."

Yun Huan stared at her for another moment, and Qi Mo, who was staring straight at her, felt uncomfortable before slowly opening his mouth, "From today onwards, you are my apprentice, go back and pack your things, and move to Feixian Pavilion within today."

Qi Mo froze, raised his head and looked at Yun Huan in disbelief, so shocked that he couldn't control his emotions.

This lofty and mighty master... wants to take her as his apprentice?

"You don't want to?" Yun Huan frowned slightly, condescendingly looking down at her flushed face from excitement, his eyes were slightly cold.

"Disciple is willing!" Qi Mo regained his composure, still unable to hide his excitement, his voice was a little hoarse.Realizing that he lost his composure, he immediately lowered his head, and then slammed his head on the ground.

"Okay," Yun Huan raised her hand to stop her endless kowtow, "I'll go to Zhengxin Hall and say something, and you go back immediately to pack your luggage and move here earlier."

Qi Molian answered yes, straightened up, and found that Yun Huan's figure had disappeared from his eyes.

She... is this dreaming?
How so unreal.

"Junior Sister, Master Master is gone, you still don't get up. Don't be happy and silly!"

"Congratulations, Senior Sister Qi Mo."

"Junior Sister Qi Mo, you are really lucky to be able to fall into the eyes of the master!"

"That's right, Junior Sister is amazing! I've long seen that Junior Sister Qi Mo is extraordinary. You see, it's really a turn of events."

(End of this chapter)

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