Wear it in my sister's cultivating texts and let loose

Chapter 254 This Weird and Cruel Competition System

Chapter 254 This Weird and Cruel Competition System

Seeing several disciples looking at her, they looked strange.

Yun Chu quickly restrained his expression, tried not to show embarrassment, gently patted his hand away, smiled, and almost squeezed out a sentence from between his teeth: "Thank you for your concern, junior brother, my injury is almost healed, I can do it myself."

Yuan Ji smiled lightly, raised his brows slightly, his face was unbelievably good-looking, but his eyes were a little cold, "Oh, is that so?"

Yun Chuyi trembled, and immediately grabbed his retracted hand like a conditioned reflex...

Then I cursed loudly in my heart: Damn!

"Brother, you have a heart."

Yun Chu supported Yuan Ji's hand and jumped off the gourd, shaking awkwardly.

And the gazes cast on the two of them became even weirder.

Changci glanced at them from the tip of his eyes, and gave a "cut" in disdain, as if saying: You two are the only ones who have a lot to do!
As if he didn't see it, Qi Mo followed Ci Hai in a regular manner, shoulder to shoulder with Chang Ci.

Among the crowd, a tall and straight young man was particularly conspicuous. He had a warm smile on his face from beginning to end, but there was only coldness in his eyes.

Yun Chu seemed to have sensed something, and looked into the distance, only to see a familiar blue shadow submerged in the crowd.

"Let's go!" A cold light flashed in Yuan Ji's eyes, and he urged Yun Chu with a light smile.

Yun Chu hummed, and followed him into the crowd.


Because the grand event is coming soon, this small Zhongling City is particularly lively.

Tian Yimen and his party were arranged to rest in a simple and elegant inn to prepare for the Bell Detention Conference two days later.

"What do the fairies lack? We have everything in the city. Magical talismans, medicines for detoxification, detoxification, miasma avoidance, all kinds, and fair prices. Fairies can go shopping in the streets when they are free." The waiter at the inn where a female disciple went upstairs said so.

Yunchu and the others expressed their understanding, and went into the allocated rooms.

There are not many female disciples from Tianyi Sect this time, only seven of them, and the remaining 25 are all male disciples.

Although there is no gender discrimination in practice, it is still difficult for women in this world. There are very few women who can get the opportunity to cultivate immortals, let alone those who have cultivated to the ruins. There are not many in the entire Tianyimen. The second competition basically came.

Yun Chu was allocated a small single room, while Qi Mo and a senior sister named Song were allocated a slightly larger double room.The two separated.

Because he had already prepared enough magic pills and talismans before coming here, Yunchu didn't plan to go to the streets, so he simply set up a barrier in the room, and then began to meditate and take a rest, and went through the competition process by the way.

The Bell Detention Conference is divided into two parties. The first party is a team competition. The same door draws lots, bound in groups of four, and enter Lingyu Mountain together to arrest designated monsters and snatch the bells they hide on their bodies.

According to the level of the monster, the color of the bell is also different.

The team competition adopts a point system, and the team with the highest score at the end wins.

This competition system seems simple, but one of the pitfalls of the team competition is that different teams can "detain" each other, that is, snatch the bell.Therefore, while killing the monsters, the disciples also have to beware of whether there will be people around to snatch them, because there is a greater danger hidden in the danger.

There are even some teams that don't arrest monsters at all, just wait to see other people work hard, and then reap the benefits...

This is very shameful.

This kind of competition rules means that the disciples not only have to fight with monsters, but also have to be on guard against being "catch the cicadas" at all times. The psychological pressure is really great.

Fortunately, there is also a supervisory system, that is, disciples of different sects are not allowed to kill each other, otherwise they will be disqualified and severely punished.This can be regarded as slightly avoiding some vicious incidents.

After the cheating team competition, there will be a three-day rest, and then there will be an individual competition - fighting skills.

There is a large fighting platform in the center of Zhongling City, which is specially prepared for the second match.

The individual competition is also a lottery system, which is similar to the rules of most competitive competitions. Preliminary rounds, preliminary rounds, semi-finals, finals, and the final three winners will be rewarded generously.

In the team competition, only one team will win in the end, and they can get rewards, and their sect will also become the top of the five immortal sects, and they will get a token of building immortals, which can give them priority in gaining benefits in many things.

So the team competition is actually more valued by the elders in the sect. Many elite disciples have already been divided into groups and have been working together for a long time.It is for the benefit of the sect and the honor of the sect.

Tianyimen was the winner of the last team competition, and the Token of Building Immortals is now in the hands of Elder Cihe.

Ambitious elders really want to continue this honor, so the disciples sent by Tianyimen this time can be said to be weak.

But this has another problem, that is, for the honor of the immortal sect, disciples belonging to different teams of the same sect will unite, resulting in an unfair competition system.

In order to solve this problem, the five immortal sects united and formulated a restrictive rule: disciples of the same sect cannot form groups, and the bells obtained cannot be transferred or robbed.

That is to say, the same sect cannot rob the same sect, only other sects can rob.Moreover, teams of the same sect cannot join forces to arrest monsters. Once there is a joint arrest of monsters, the bell will become invalid.

It can be regarded as guaranteeing a little fairness of the game.

However, Yunchu still felt that there were too many bugs in the competition system of the bell detaining conference, and that it would be a lot of trouble just to say that he could snatch the bell.If it weren't for the sixteen elders elected by each sect to supervise the whole process, those quick-minded disciples would not know what extraordinary things they would do.


Yunchu himself doesn't care about winning or losing, the competition is also a kind of experience, and it is enough to achieve the purpose of experience.

And she also wanted to take this opportunity to really get to know all kinds of monsters and poisonous grasses.It doesn't feel real to see it only on the picture.Only when you can really see and feel it, and understand the attributes by yourself, can you make alchemy better.

She meditated all night, and went to the square early the next morning to gather and draw lots.


Although Zhongling City is a small town located in a canyon, it has beautiful scenery and unique buildings. Most of them are two or three-story chic small buildings with carved beams and painted columns, which are very beautiful.

In the center of the city, there is a very grand palace and a large square that can accommodate thousands of people.

Yun Chu had a rest all night, and woke up refreshed in the morning. Seeing the big devil waiting for her downstairs was not so annoying anymore.

The bell on the tower in the distance rang three times, and the disciples of the five gates had already gathered neatly in the square, all of them were immortal and powerful, and they were worthy of returning to the ruins, and there were almost no crooked melons Split dates.

Yun Chuluo was at the end of the line, without squinting, not interested in the disciples of other immortal sects at all.

She didn't even recognize all the brothers and sisters of her own sect!

In order to avoid unfair grouping, the magic weapon used to draw lots for grouping is actually an old roulette wheel. When each participating disciple walks to the roulette wheel, the roulette wheel will divide the lottery according to the person's attributes, cultivation level, and qualifications. Compared with artificially drawing lots Much more fair and reasonable.

 This format...hahahaha

  The old thief Fujian will always be a god!

(End of this chapter)

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