Wear it in my sister's cultivating texts and let loose

Chapter 260 Fighting monsters!so excited!

Chapter 260 Fighting monsters!so excited!
The inner third ring is a good place, Yunchu thought it was good, and other disciples naturally thought it was good, so I ran into disciples from other groups for three or four days in a row. I didn't meet a few, and after three or four days, I didn't gain much.

After entering the mountain for [-] days, seeing no progress, Junyi proposed to go a little further in and enter the inner second ring road to check the situation.

Yun Chu agreed, she had wanted to go inside a long time ago, but she didn't want to cause unnecessary trouble to others, so she kept silent.

Yuan Ji didn't even talk much since he entered the mountain, and he never had any opinion on other people's proposals, but his attitude was always cold, like an iceberg that had been frozen for thousands of years.

Even Senior Brother Li, who is talkative and shows off, is gradually afraid to talk to him...

For going to the deep mountains, Li Jin disagreed in his heart, but the minority obeyed the majority, not to mention that he was the highest among the four, so of course he couldn't admit that he was cowardly, so he agreed.

Of course, the main thing is that he has a solid foundation in his heart. He has saved a lot of good things over the years, especially the few treasures that help escape are still very effective to use. If he is really in danger, he will take the best policy.

The four of them reached an agreement and slowly walked into the inner second ring road. The trees here are denser, and the mountains and forests are darker and quieter. The huge canopy blocks a large area of ​​the sun, forming a closed space, which is completely different from the outside.

Yun Chu walked very carefully, but still couldn't suppress the excitement in his heart.

The more monsters she kills, the more her heart goes wild, and something in her blood seems to be slowly awakening, making her more and more enjoy the feeling of blood spurting when killing monsters.

It's not that I like killing, but I like the feeling of fighting...

The previous monsters were too weak, she wanted stronger opponents, stronger opponents who could inspire her more potential...

She wants, wants crazily...

Because of these changes in herself, whenever she meditates late at night, she will fall into a short period of confusion.

The soft and docile self in the past seemed to have disappeared and became a little strange, but she didn't hate the present self... Although the desire in her heart was aroused, she was not ashamed of her own desire.

On the contrary, I feel that this is a mentality change that she must undergo on the road to becoming stronger, and it is also a manifestation of her slowly adapting to this cruel world.

This is a world where the weak prey on the strong. The weak can only be bullied, and only when they become strong can they be free.


After walking to the depths of Lingyu Mountain for half a day, feeling the eerie and strange atmosphere around him, Li Jin became more and more flustered and timid, and he was reluctant to speak out, so he gently advised the three of them to rest here for a while, waiting to observe the situation Go deeper.

Yun Chu stopped when he heard the words, raised his eyebrows lightly, "There is a cave in front..."

"How do you know there is a cave?" Li Jin was a little surprised.

Yun Chu laughed and said, "The sound of the wind is a bit unusual, and there is a trace of wet and cold evil spirit, not very strong..."

Li Jin's eyes lit up, there are usually many monsters hidden in caves, if it is true as Yun Chu said, then this trip will be a big profit.

It's just... what if there is a big monster?The cave is no better than the forest, and it is not easy to escape.

With this in mind, Li Jin took out the compass and walked a dozen steps in the direction Yunchu pointed, muttering something, staring at the compass closely, seeing that the pointer was turning continuously, but it was not strong, and his heart was slightly relieved.

"There are seven or eight third-level fire bats and one fourth-level golden-eyed bat." He smiled triumphantly, obviously trusting his compass.

Yun Chu nodded, but frowned slightly, "There seems to be something else..."

"Junior Sister, my compass will never be wrong within a mile!" Li Jin was full of confidence, and was not very happy about Yun Chu's distrust of him.

Jun Yi took two steps closer, glanced at Li Jin's compass, half-closed her eyes and smiled, "Brother, this compass is indeed very effective, but this cave may be deeper than we imagined."

"Junior Brother Jun, do you also think that senior brother will make a mistake in judgment?" Li Jin's face was a little blue. He hadn't had much chance to show himself in the past few days.

Yun Chu felt a little danger, but he wasn't sure. He glanced at the big devil standing behind him and saw that his expression was normal, so he didn't say any more.

Junyi didn't care about anything, and everything followed Yunchu's wishes.

Seeing that he had finally found his place, Li Jin found the entrance of the cave and burrowed in.

The entrance of this cave is not big, but the inside is very deep, Yun Chu lit the lamp in his palm, carefully inspecting the surrounding stone walls.

The cave is quiet, except for the occasional dripping of water from the rock above the head, making a slight sound.

Yuan Ji was at the end, his spiritual sense had already searched the entire cave, he followed Yun Chu absent-mindedly, looking at the woman's face reflected in the flickering fire, he lost his mind for a moment.

As Li Jin went deeper, the cave gradually opened up. After turning into a corner, as Li Jin said, he encountered seven or eight fire bats with their teeth and claws open.

They were all third-level monsters. Yun Chu and Yuan Ji didn't even make a move, and they were dealt with by Jun Yi and Li Jin.

Seeing that he didn't make any mistakes like his own investigation, Li Jin became more and more proud, and prepared to deal with the fourth-level golden-eyed bat and get his demon pill first.

However, just as he was going deep into the cave indicated by the compass, there was a sudden crackling sound from the surroundings, from far to near.

The compass in Li Jin's hand started to spin crazily. He couldn't help but turn pale with shock, and hurriedly said, "Six...level six...no, it's a monster of level seven. Hurry up, run!"

However, before his words fell, there was a violent vibration in the cave, and the four of them scattered to avoid the falling rocks. When the surroundings calmed down, they found that the exit behind them had been blocked, and they were already trapped in the cave. In the cave.

Yun Chu wasn't too flustered, instead he was a little excited when he smelled a powerful monster aura. Holding the six talisman papers in his hand, he jumped out in the direction of the monster's footsteps.

"Senior Sister!" Junyi kept her eyes on Yunchu from the beginning to the end, and found that she wanted to block her movements, "The seventh-level monster is no small matter, even the body of a real fairy may not be able to kill it! It should not be in the list of arresting bells. Just avoid it!"

"It has found us, and it is inevitable, so we can only fight!" Yun Chu's voice trembled slightly, with uncontrollable excitement.

Level seven monster!It was the first time she met...

It just so happens that the magic weapon she wants is still short of materials!

"Junior Brother, how careful you are!" She turned off the lamp in her palm, her eyes shining brightly in the dark cave.

Junyi followed her, and was shocked by the light in her eyes the moment she turned around, "Senior sister, you..."

"Here we come!" Yun Chu interrupted him, "I want to set up an formation, so don't barge in!"

After she finished speaking, she disappeared without a trace. Junyi frowned slightly, but before she could distinguish, another shadow rushed past her, like a gust of cold wind.

(End of this chapter)

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