Wear it in my sister's cultivating texts and let loose

Chapter 264 Suspicion with the Great Demon King?

Chapter 264 Suspicion with the Great Demon King?

Junyi withdrew her mind, calmed down, smiled and said nothing, and obediently began to take off her coat.But because the movement was too big and the wound was involved, he hissed in pain.

Yun Chu hastily stepped forward to help, brushing his fingers lightly over his body, and carefully unbuttoned his robe, revealing his well-defined and well-textured abdomen.

The white robe soaked in blood was gently lifted, and Junyi felt a warm breath approaching, and Junyi's body trembled, as if it was in pain...

Yun Chu stared fixedly at Jun Yi's wound, but Jun Yi stared intently at her face.

Whether this face is real or not, it seems to be squeezed.I don't know if he used a fake skin like him...

She always wore a mask in her previous life, and he had never seen her true face.In this life, from the first time he saw her, he felt that she was too beautiful, just right, just what she should look like in his dreams...

At that time, he should have held on tightly to her... But at that time, why did he hesitate?

As a result, it was one step too late!
In this life, he originally wanted to get acquainted with her, get closer step by step, and never separate.

But his hesitant step pushed her away.

He should have firmly believed earlier: she is the person he wants to find, the one and only woman in this world who convinces him the most!
Yan Ling, I can help you regain your glory!In this world, only I, Jun Jiuyi, are compatible with you, and only I can take back those things that belonged to you for you...

No one knows you better than me, and only I know from the beginning to the end, what is what you want most...

So, you can't escape!


Yun Chu carefully applied good medicine to Jun Yi, seeing that he was sweating profusely in pain but insisted on not saying a word, his heart softened, "I'll go find a way out first."

"Senior Sister, it's not safe for you to be alone, I'll go with you!"

Junyi supported the stone wall to get up, but Yunchu shook his head and said: "You adjust your breath first, the wound is finally sealed, don't jump open again. The poison of the spider king is a bit tricky, I don't have enough medicine on hand, I will wait until I get out." Go find the right herbs."

After she finished speaking, she summoned her flying magic weapon, the little white boat, and helped Junyi up, "You stay on it first, I'll go find Senior Brother Li, and we'll go out together."

It has been two quarters of an hour since the discovery of the Crypt Spider King, but Li Jin has completely disappeared. He has never been found, and he does not know where he went.

Yun Chu spread out her palm, and a beautiful red bird flew out of her palm, flapping its wings happily, and after flying around Yun Chu twice, it disappeared in the dark cave.

She closed her eyes and felt the message sent by the spirit bird. She was still calm and didn't notice anything unusual, but as she approached the sealed hole, Yun Chu's eyes suddenly opened, her face was extremely ugly, she bent down and mouthed Panting heavily, almost vomited out.

"Senior Sister, what's the matter?" Jun Yi asked anxiously.

Yun Chu breathed a sigh of relief, his body was already drenched with sweat, his voice was hoarse, and he replied with difficulty: "Senior brother Li, he's dead..."

"How could it be?" Jun Yi was shocked, with a painful expression on his face, "He has never been in any danger, and there are no high-level monsters in this cave. Brother, he has always been fine, why did he suddenly..."

Yunchu knew what Junyi meant. At this time, only the four of them were trapped here. Low-level monsters were nothing to fear, but Li Jin, who was not in danger, suddenly died. It could only be...

"No, he won't!" Yun Chu desperately shook his head, but his stomach was churning.

Killing a person is nothing to the Great Demon King, but Yunchu just doesn't believe it, and she doesn't believe that the current Yuan Ji will kill people at will...

He is different from before, he will never kill innocent people indiscriminately.

"Senior Sister, you must be careful!" Jun Yi half leaned in the little white boat, holding his green sword tightly in his hand.

Yun Chu's face was pale, and he squatted down halfway, tears streaming from his eyes.

But she was still shaking her head desperately, she couldn't believe that Li Jin died at the hands of Yuan Ji.

Yuan Ji was a little annoyed at her just now, and when he left, he was full of murderous aura...

But he is a very rational person, there is a reason for everything he does, and he will never kill someone just because he is angry with her!
...Yes, he won't!

"Senior Sister! Let's... take the body of Senior Brother out!" Jun Yi's voice interrupted Yun Chu's chaotic thoughts, and she was now full of confusion and pain.

If Yuan Ji really killed Li Jin, then she is the real culprit!

"Senior Sister!" Seeing that Yun Chu was squatting there for a long time without any response, Jun Yi called out again.

However, Yunchu still remained motionless, as if he had lost his soul.

Junyi frowned, and the uneasy feeling spread in her heart again.He hated the feeling that he couldn't control it.

Li Jin died... a good death, a proper death.

Yes, he killed it!
Just now, when Yun Chu broke with Yuan Ji, he let out his spirit and killed that overconfident, clumsy and incompetent Senior Brother Li with a single blow!
The death of a good-for-nothing can just intensify the conflict between Yunchu and Yuanji, and also allow him to be alone with his senior sister for the rest of the time, which can be said to kill two birds with one stone.

It's just... Yun Chu's reaction seems to be a little different from what he expected!
What is the difference?
The radiant woman he knew in the past couldn't tolerate any sand in his eyes and heart. Once there was a quarrel with others, there was no room for relaxation.

She can't tolerate others making mistakes, let alone cheating and betrayal!

And I would rather kill a thousand by mistake than let one go.

Those people once commented on her, saying that she was rebellious and rebellious, that she was self-righteous, that even gods would make mistakes, why couldn't she forgive, and what right did she have to not forgive.

Of course she has!

She is a high god, the only god in his heart.She should be superior, should be respected by others, should be proud and arrogant, and cannot tolerate those who are stained with stains!

Even if everything she saw was false, and the stain she thought was fabricated...

Whether it is true or not, she never investigates, she only believes the facts she sees.That's why he likes her so much.

Strong enough and arrogant enough.What a match for him!

But now, why is the woman in front of her so fragile? What is she shaking?With the facts in front of you, is it that difficult to admit your inner doubts?

Jun Yi stared closely at Yun Chu, who was crouching on the ground with her knees hugged, and felt that she was a little strange, as if she was not the existence she admired and longed for in the past.

But she clearly bears the blood of Qinghuang, but why is there no trace of that person...

Impossible, he couldn't be wrong.Even if he was wrong, Yuan Ji would not be wrong!
Yuan Ji cherishes her so much because she is her reincarnation, otherwise, how could he abandon ghosts and ghosts and stay by her side.

Isn't it to make up for the mistakes made in the past?

(End of this chapter)

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