Wear it in my sister's cultivating texts and let loose

Chapter 266 Yun Huan's Little Abacus Crackling

Chapter 266 Yun Huan's Little Abacus Crackling
Yun Huan took a deep breath in his heart, and planned to go back and ignore that rigid boy in charge.

However, when she thought of seeing her sister later, and secretly helping her to cheat, she felt happy again.He folded his arms and hummed a ditty, feeling very uncomfortable.

But before she was happy for a while, her heart suddenly jumped, and an ominous feeling arose spontaneously, which made her chest tight and she could hardly breathe.

what happened?

Yun Huan clutched his chest, widened his eyes, and looked shocked.

Something happened to my sister?
But she doesn't seem to be in any pain except the tightness in her chest...

Thinking of this, Yun Huan immediately summoned Yunchu's life lamp, and saw that the flame was still active, but the color became a little weird again, the orange-red flame was mixed with a trace of blue, and the blue was getting stronger and stronger, as if There is also the feeling of devouring red and yellow.

what on earth is it?

Yun Huan was so worried that he couldn't think of a reason for it, so he drove the white phoenix to speed up.

The huge wings of the white phoenix bird fluttered, and it let out a clear and sharp cry, and it took off to a higher place, bringing out long cloud shadows in the clouds.


"Old Xu, there was a sudden earthquake in the second ring mountain just now, and a cave was collapsed!" The elder who supervised the bell meeting hurriedly ran back to the meeting hall in Zhongling City set up by the Five Great Immortal Gates to report the situation just received .

The elders sitting around the huge round table drinking tea raised their heads, and the first one sat on the table was Xu Dingshan, the great elder of Beicangmen.

Xu Dingshan, who was gray-haired and old-fashioned, raised his head slightly, looked at the young elder who rushed in and asked, "Are there any disciples inside?"

"How many...the specific disciples are yet to be found out."

As soon as this remark came out, the other elders in the sect were also a little nervous.Those who can participate in the Juling Conference are the most outstanding juniors in each fairy sect. It took a lot of manpower and power for the immortal sect. If there is a disability, it will be a heavy loss.

Immediately someone was the first to ask: "Why can't you find out which disciple it is? Aren't they all assigned people to carefully follow the disciples in each group? Don't you know who is missing?"

The young elder showed embarrassment, "This... was originally followed, but it entered the second ring, and lost it for some reason."

"Trash, you have already ascended the immortal way, but you can't even keep up with a few young disciples. It really embarrasses our sect of cultivating immortals!"

"No, uncle." The young elder immediately explained to his fellow teacher, "There was an enchantment set up in the second ring, and we didn't notice it at first, but as long as the disciples entered it, they would disappear without knowing it, and we realized it. Weird, but it's too late."

Xu Dingshan asked again: "How can there be an enchantment, and who gave it up, do you know?"

While speaking, his eyes had scanned the people sitting around the round table. His sharp and sharp eyes made many people feel timid and shook their heads one after another.

They didn't know beforehand that there was an enchantment in Lingyu Mountain, so now they think about how uneasy they are.I'm afraid that someone did it intentionally with malicious intentions, just to kill their outstanding disciples of Xianmen.

"Mr. Xu, I'm afraid that there will be more dangers than good fortune this time around. It's an enchantment and the earth will shake the mountains. I'm afraid the picture is not shallow! In my opinion, this year's Bell Detention Conference should be stopped here, and the children will be found first. Come back to avoid any accidents!"

An elder whose seniority was second only to Xu Dingshan tried to persuade him, Xu Dingshan nodded after thinking for a while, and then several elders followed suit, saying that they would first find the disciples in their own sect, and that the Bell Detention Conference would wait for a later date Besides.

Of course, there were a few who disagreed, thinking that it was nothing serious, but in fact, they all had selfish intentions and each had their own calculations.

Because of these elders who did not agree to end the Bell Detention Assembly, everyone in the hall started a heated discussion.

Ci Hai, who had been huddled in a corner, didn't participate in the conversation of the crowd, he was smacking his lips a little bored, thinking about where to drink at night.The wine in Zhong Ling City is not good, why not go south to Fanshui City?
"Senior Brother Ci Hai, what shall we do?" Ci He looked at Ci Hai who looked like a normal person with some worry, and couldn't help asking.His most proud disciple also participated in the Bell Detention Conference this time, but he didn't want to just let it go.

Ci Hai glanced at him lazily, and just as he was about to speak, two more people rushed in from outside the door, one of the old men shouted in horror: "Dear fellows, it's not good, just now a group of water demons swarmed in the northwest of Lingyu Mountain Go in, they have dispersed at this time, and are going to various places in the mountain..."

"how many?"

"There are more than a thousand of them, most of them are not low in cultivation, and many of them have already turned into human forms!"

Frightened, someone complained: "Why did this happen? What did you do earlier, why did you come to tell me now?"

"Lingyu Mountain is vast, and our Bell Juling Conference is only a hundred miles away. They first appeared thousands of miles away, so we couldn't perceive them at all. In addition, these water monsters are also somewhat evil. Although there are many of them, they are Their actions are extremely methodical, and they disappear after they disperse, making it extremely difficult to find them."

"No, hurry up, go get the disciples back!"

Some elders were overly frightened and felt that something was wrong, so they wanted to recall the disciples.

This time, no one disagreed, and after reaching an agreement, they all rushed out to search for the precious disciples in their respective sects in Lingyu Mountain.

Ci Hai was still slumped in his chair, he didn't even move when everyone was gone.

As a big Luo Jinxian who used to hang out in the Heavenly Court, there are very few things that can excite him.

What's more, his disciples don't need him to worry too much...

Qi Mo is with Chang Ci, Yun Chu is with Yuan Ji, what can happen?

Besides, everyone has his own life.Even if he took care of it, what should come will still come, what should happen will still happen, and what should be damned will still die.

What's more, it's just a few water monsters, so it's a good thing to give them some practice.


Yunchu lost consciousness after the cave collapsed, and the last thing he remembered was Junyi's pale and terrified face and the falling gravel...

She blinked hard, and slowly regained her five senses. She felt that her body was light and floating, as if she was floating... There was gurgling water and a strong fragrance of green grass around her.

She struggled hard for a while, and finally opened her eyes. The strong light pierced through her, and she felt a little uncomfortable. After a while, she finally saw the surrounding environment clearly. It turned out that she was floating on a river at this time.

The river is not wide, and the scenery on both sides is beautiful, surrounded by green hills, shaded by trees, and full of vitality everywhere.

Yun Chu took a deep breath, looked at the shore, jumped out of the water, and jumped onto a huge rock on the shore.

After checking her body, she found that there was nothing wrong, and began to try to recall what happened before she fell into a coma, how she fell into the river...

(End of this chapter)

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