Wear it in my sister's cultivating texts and let loose

Chapter 268 Who died at the age of 97, Naihe waited for 3 years on the bridge

Chapter 268 Who died at the age of 97, Naihe waited for three years on the bridge

Lian Lian,
We have been dating for a hundred years,
Which died at the age of 97,
Waiting on the Naihe Bridge for three years..."

After Yun Chu sang, her eyes changed, a soft halo circulated in her eyes, she lightly pursed her lips and smiled.

"What are you singing?" Yuan Ji had already smoothed out her hair while she was singing, and loosely pulled it up with a hairband made of silk yarn, and asked in a low voice.

Yun Chu thought for a while, then smiled and said, "It's a folk song from my hometown. Is it good?"

Yuan Ji nodded, turned his body slightly, and sat down beside her.

"You won't just live to be 97..."

The two sat side by side on the stone platform, quietly watching the river for a long time, Yuan Ji suddenly said something for no reason.

Yun Chu was slightly stunned, couldn't help but bend the corners of his lips, but still patiently explained: "That's what it means. In fact, 97 years old is already a very long lifespan for ordinary mortals."

"Not long...very short." Yuan Ji said stubbornly, turning his head to stare at Yun Chu seriously, "I live, and you will live. No matter at any time, don't you wait for me on the Naihe Bridge."

Yun Chu was stunned: Huh?Sir, what are you talking about?Why are we getting involved in matters of life and death?
Well, it's my fault, I shouldn't have sung this song, I just felt it and couldn't hold it back for a while.

Yun Chu raised his head with a dry smile, only to find that Yuan Ji was staring at him, as if he was still waiting for her response.

"Okay." She avoided his scorching gaze, her heart pounding.

I can't think about what he said just now... After thinking about it, I feel that my face is burning badly.

Yuan Ji pursed his lips and smiled in satisfaction, raised his hand to stroke her soft hair, and inadvertently touched her hot cheek with his fingers.

Ever since he realized what he wanted, Yuan Ji tried his best not to touch Yun Chu... It wasn't that he didn't want to, but that he couldn't.

He didn't want to cause her any discomfort until she didn't fully accept him.

In the past, it was because I didn’t care too much, so I could “act arbitrarily”, but now I care too much, so I have to be careful...

Yunchu felt a little deer running around in his heart, and his body was hot and dry, almost out of breath.

"Then you...will you wait for me?" She lowered her head, her voice was very soft.

Yuan Ji didn't make a sound, and there was a long silence between the two, only the gurgling sound of running water kept going, which seemed to reflect someone's thoughts.

Yunchu sensed a chill, and realized how ridiculous the words he asked were.

Is she indirectly cursing the Great Demon King to die?Why did I make this bad mouth again!
Alas, I don't know what's going on, but in front of the Great Demon King, she always loses her mind intermittently...

Just when Yunchu was about to use the 360-degree begging method to admit his weakness first and then slowly figure it out, Yuan Ji suddenly said "um",
"I will wait for you! No matter how long, I will wait."

For some reason, a soreness surged in Yunchu's heart, she immediately avoided Yuan Ji's gaze, turned her head dodgingly, tears welled up in her eyes...

While weeping and annoyed at the same time, why did I feel like I watched a dog blood romance drama?

Woohoo, why am I still so disappointing!
Seeing Yun Chu who turned his back to hide from him, Yuan Ji felt happy, and finally couldn't help but burst out laughing, "You think too much, I won't die so easily."

"Of course you won't die, you are so powerful, no one can hurt you!" Yun Chu wiped away his tears, frowned and put on a fierce look, "Stop saying death!"

Yuan Ji felt a little helpless: Obviously you mentioned it first.But her heart was so soft that she couldn't help but smile from the corners of her eyes, and said "yes" with a doting face, and rubbed her soft head by the way.

Yun Chu's eyes softened, he looked up at Yuan Ji, and felt that this man was poisonous, how could he be so good-looking, the more he looked at it, the more he liked it...


Yun Chu was taken aback by the thought that popped up in her head, but before she had time to think about it, a bird's cry suddenly came from the air, echoing in the empty valley.

"Sister!" Yun Huan jumped off the white phoenix spirit bird, and saw Yuan Ji staring at her precious sister "eye-catchingly", immediately raised her vigilance, walked over with a cold face, and squeezed to sit between the two of them.

Yuan Ji didn't care either. After these years of tempering, he had a thorough understanding of Yun Huan's temperament, because of Yun Chu's relationship, he would give her whatever he wanted.

Yun Huan leaned towards Yuan Ji, seeing that he was quite sensible, so he put away the harsh words he had brewed earlier, first checked her sister carefully from head to toe, and finally breathed a sigh of relief when she found that it was indeed intact.

"What happened, tell me carefully." Yun Chu stabilized his mind, stopped thinking about the things that bothered him, and acted very reserved in front of his sister.

Yun Huan pouted, seeing that her sister's cheeks were flushed, she frowned and stretched out her hand to touch it, and asked displeasedly, "Sister, did he bully you?"

"Get down to business!" Yun Chu gave Yun Huan a white look, and pushed away her tender little paws.

Yun Huan pouted and shrugged his shoulders disdainfully, "It's nothing serious, just that a group of water demons suddenly broke into Lingyu Mountain, and those old men were afraid that their precious lumps would be lost here, so they called them back If we go, this time, the bell detaining meeting will not be able to go on!"

"Water demon? What about Chang Ci and Qi Mo? Are they okay?" Yun Chu frowned slightly, always having a bad feeling.

"Except for your missing sister, they are all fine!" Yun Huan snorted.

Seeing Yuan Ji leaving from the tip of Yunchu's eyes, he lowered his voice and asked, "Where's Jun Yi? Is it okay?"

"It looks like he was seriously injured. Cihe's face is very ugly, but his life is safe. By the way, sister, what happened to you in that cave? How did such a big cave blow up like that!"

"Exploded?" Yun Chu frowned, trying to recall, "I just remember that those Yunmeng disciples started a big killing array, and then it was like an earthquake, the cave was about to collapse, and then, I don't remember..."

She smiled wryly, thinking in her heart that Yuan Ji should have rescued her at the last moment.Anyway, she just felt that the Great Demon King would not ignore her.

"You blasted that cave open!" Yuan Ji's voice floated from a distance, clear and faint, with a faint smile.

Yun Chu was a little confused: Did I blow it up?Am I so wild?

Yun Huan also stared at her sister in amazement, and elbowed her, "Sister, did you secretly research TNT? It's powerful enough!"

Yun Chu rolled his eyes and glared at her: "This is the world of cultivating immortals, don't mess with modern science, okay?"

"But the Thunderstorm Talisman isn't that powerful!" Yun Huan squeezed her chin, and looked at her sister with a smile, "Sister, did you have any tricks that you didn't tell me! You can't do this, you have agreed on something good to share together."

(End of this chapter)

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