Wear it in my sister's cultivating texts and let loose

Chapter 276 Little Baozi complained about evil, don't even think about taking my sister away

Chapter 276 Little Baozi complained about evil, don't even think about taking my sister away

When Yun Huan heard him mention Cixuan, he always felt that his tone was weird, and his heart skipped a beat, "Well, the sect is already recruiting people. The five great immortal sects have also gathered at Feilai Peak, and they are discussing this matter. result."

"Why isn't this martial arts tournament cancelled?"

"That Xu Dingshan said that he was afraid of causing panic, and said that this is a good opportunity to train his disciples. By the way, he can also select outstanding disciples from this conference to participate in the future demon hunting."

Yuan Ji pursed his lips and smiled slightly, his eyes were slightly cold, "It's really a good excuse."

"The demon world has not moved for thousands of years. The elders feel that they are weak and will not cause a catastrophe." Yun Huan's momentum weakened, and he felt a little ashamed when he mentioned this.

Yuan Ji was right, she didn't take the matter of the water demon to heart.In her heart, only the safety of her sister is the most important thing, and she doesn't care about the others.

But she was still a little bit guilty when Yuan Ji said it so grandiosely...

She is the ancestor of Tianyi Sect, so she should really shoulder her responsibilities.If the evil disaster really happened, countless innocent people would die in vain. At that time, how could she stay with her sister with peace of mind.

Even if she doesn't care, with her sister's temperament, she will definitely not ignore it.

Yuan Ji sensed Yun Huan's psychological change, and his eyes softened a little, "This evil disaster must be organized, and someone is obviously driving them. As long as you find the person behind it, everything can be solved easily. But this person hides very well." Well, I'm afraid it will be difficult to find him."

Yun Huan suddenly had an ominous premonition, raised his head and stared at Yuan Ji in astonishment, "What are you going to do?"

"In a few days, I will take Yunchu out of here." Yuan Ji said lightly.

"Why do you... my sister won't go with you!"

"It's not up to her, let alone you!"

Yun happily cried, holding back tears and confronting him, "Yuan Ji, don't go too far, I can give you my sister's life lamp, but you can't...you can't take my sister away, don't even think about it!"

"Wait until you give me the lamp of life, then negotiate terms with me!" Yuan Ji said the last sentence, waved his clothes, and walked away.

Yun Huan froze on the spot, angrily biting her lower lip tightly.

This bastard, he did it on purpose!She was posed by him again...

If she really gave Yuan Ji the lamp of her sister's life, she would have no leverage to negotiate terms.But she didn't give it, and she didn't...

Yun Huanxi went mad with anger: Ah!I really want to strangle myself who wrote this broken novel!My old sister is right, what exactly is she thinking, why did she write such a villain whose force value reached the ceiling, and ended up making herself so miserable...

What if he really took his sister away?Woohoo, I really want to cry~


In the middle of the night, Yun Huan, who came back from outside with a cold body, tiptoed into her sister's bed again.

"Why did you go? Why are you so cold?" Yun Chu put his arms around her shoulders and wrapped the quilt tightly around her body.

"Sister, let me ask you a question." Yun Huan curled up in her arms, his voice hushed.

"Well, ask!" Yun Chu, who was awakened in a daze and still wanted to sleep, covered Yun Huan's hand while responding.

"Sister, who is your favorite person?"

"It's you!" Yun Chu said without hesitation.

"Then if Yuan Ji and I fall into the river at the same time, who do you save?"

"Don't you know how to swim, Master..." Yun Chu was sleepy and speechless, she was so strong as a true immortal, what the hell, could she drown?
"I don't care, I won't, who do you think you are saving?"

"save you!"

"Then if I get into a fight with Yuan Ji, who will you help?"

"Naturally to help you."

"Sister, will you separate from me? Will you... go with someone else and leave me?" Yun Huan's voice was so low that it was almost inaudible.

Yun Chu was stunned, and opened his eyes to stare at Xiao Baozi, "What's wrong with you? What happened?"

Seeing his sister looking at him with concern, Yun Huan burst into tears, "Wow, sister, Yuan Ji bullied me... He threatened me and beat me! He, he wants to take you away... Wuwu , sister, what should I do?"


Yun Chu was a little confused, "Where is this going? Why did he hit you? He threatened you! Is it true? No way, he's not that kind of person... Hasn't he always been very patient with you?"

The little bun was furious, "That's all an illusion! Sister, have you forgotten that he is a villain? He's a big villain, a big villain, don't let him be fooled!"

Yun Chu was even more speechless: Is this what your 'mother' should say?You didn't write this villain, and you used to show off how powerful he is to me, but now it's good, you tear up the book and don't recognize anyone...

"Well... okay, I'll pay attention." Yun Chu reluctantly agreed, feeling that Yun Huan had become more and more childish in the past few years.

But it's no wonder that her sister, the ancestor of the master, has always said one thing among the sect, she is respected and respected everywhere, and there is also a handsome head who spoils her... she seems to be spoiled.

Yunchu has also dealt with the sect master Cixuan several times in these years, at first she thought the sect master would be an old Taoist with a white beard, but only after meeting did she realize that he was actually a very handsome young Taoist.

This Ci Xuansheng's face is like a crown of jade, his body is upright, he is a true immortal, and he is wearing the most charming plain white Taoist robe.

However, Yun Chu's impression of Ci Xuan is not very good... The main reason is that he spoils Yun Huan too much.Whether it's right or wrong, everything is up to her, she just wants to soak her in honey.

Yun Chu was happy to see someone doting on her baby sister, but what made her uncomfortable was that the head's pampering made her smell a little dangerous.

The way he looked at Yun Huan was extremely possessive... This made Yun Chu very uncomfortable.

However, although she had worries in her heart, she would not influence her sister's preferences.She could see that Yun Huan had some affection for Ci Xuan.If it really reaches the level of mutual affection, she can't stop it.

In her eyes, Yun Huan's intentions are the most important.

"Sister, is it true?" Yun Huan pushed Yun Chu, with teardrops hanging on his eyelashes, "Don't trust Yuan Ji, he is very bad!"

"Okay, don't believe him." Seeing Yun Huan's tears, Yun Chu held her in his arms to comfort her.

"You can't leave me either, you agreed to stay with me forever!" Yun Huan refused to let go.

Yun Chu smiled and agreed, "Okay, we will always be together with Huanhuan and never be separated."

Yun Huan pursed her lips and stopped her tears, feeling satisfied.

Seeing her calm down, Yunchu touched her little head again, and asked softly, "Yun Huan, do you think Yuan Ji is bad? Has he done many bad things?"

Yun Huan looked up at her sister unhappily, "Sister, I just agreed..."

"I just want to hear what you think." Yun Chu interrupted her with a gentle smile, "You are my sister and my only family member. Your opinion is very important to me. So, I I want to hear your truth."

(End of this chapter)

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