Wear it in my sister's cultivating texts and let loose

Chapter 278 Hurry up, the beauty is in your arms

Chapter 278 Hurry up, the beauty is in your arms
Yuan Ji hugged her, and when his fingers were intertwined, his heartbeat became chaotic.Looking at her bright smile, I just want to lean up and kiss her soft and fair cheeks.

"If you like it, I'll take them all back for you to enjoy." Yuan Ji pressed against her ears, and the cool breath permeated her skin. Yun Chu felt a little itchy, and wanted to avoid it, but he pulled him even tighter. Tight, I can't break free no matter what.

Something is wrong with him today...

Yun Chu was so tightly bound by him that he felt it was difficult to breathe, so he couldn't help but snorted softly, and said with a dry smile, "I'll just take a look... Your Majesty, can you let me go first... They all ran away. "

"No! You are not allowed to leave me!" Yuan Ji lay on Yun Chu's shoulder, his cold forehead pressed against Yun Chu's slightly hot cheek, his voice was low and numb.

Clinging to her like this, feeling that her heart was as anxious and chaotic as his own, he felt unspeakable joy in his heart.

She told Yun Huan that she was very important to her... He really didn't expect that sincerity can be exchanged for sincerity; it turns out that waiting will eventually bear fruit.

Yun Chu's heart was pounding like a deer, and he didn't know what to say, so he could only keep silent and let him hug him.

In the empty and quiet valley, countless luminous water spirits surround two people who hug each other tightly. One is bright and pretty, the other is cool and handsome. Together with the green mountains and green waters, they weave a beautiful picture.

I don't know how long it took, Yuan Ji seemed to have regained his reason, and finally let go of Yun Chu, stroked her hair lightly, and said lightly: "Shui Ling has its benefits, but spirits of other attributes are not as good. not bad."

Yun Chu hurriedly took two steps back, heaved a sigh of relief, but felt lost in his heart.She sorted out her emotions in a panic, not wanting him to see her changes.

"Don't you like Huoling?" Yuan Ji raised his hand and waved away the Shui Lingzi who gathered towards him, and looked at Yunchu seriously.

He had noticed a long time ago that no matter what kind of difficult situation Yunchu was in or how strong an opponent she encountered, she would not use the fire element.

Over the years, she has worked hard on formations and talismans, and learned alchemy and dispensing medicine, but she has not benefited from the cultivation of Huo Ling.

"It's not that I don't like it, but I'm a little scared. Every time I use Fire Spirits, I feel that something is wrong with me... They are very aggressive and difficult to control."

Yun Chu tilted his head to cover his hot and red cheeks, and his eyes drifted into the distance along the direction of the Ganges River.

"In the past, I majored in the wood system, but I don't know when, except for the fire system, I can no longer use other exercises... It seems that they have been swallowed by the fire spirit.

Now I can only use the spells of the other four schools by borrowing talismans...Your Majesty, I often wonder if there is something weird about my body? "

Yuan Ji held her wrist, and probed the restless fire spirit in her body.Because Yun Chu's cultivation base has improved, the seal of Tu Huo Huo Ling can hardly be suppressed...

"Your soul belongs to fire. After awakening the fire of life, it is normal that you cannot tolerate the existence of other attributes. It is not a bad thing to only practice one element. This opportunity is also rare."

Yun Chu nodded slightly, tilted his head and pulled his arm out of his hand.

The smile on Yuan Ji's face was so thick that he couldn't melt it. He stared at Yun Chu for a moment, until she couldn't stand being stared at, and when she blushed and wanted to avoid it, a slap the size of a palm suddenly appeared in his hand. little mirror.

"this is for you!"

Yun Chu didn't dare to look up at him, and carefully took it from his hand, for fear of having physical contact with him again, which would upset him.

The cold little mirror feels wonderful, it feels so light in the palm of your hand that it doesn’t seem to exist, Yun Chu carefully sized it up and rubbed it... This mirror is small and delicate, and there is a bright and blooming Nether Flower engraved on the back. Up, some can't put it down.

"What a neat mirror!"

"It can change your appearance for you, and it doesn't have many restrictions like the shapeshifting talisman. You first drop three drops of blood on the mirror, let it recognize it, and then you can summon it as you like."

Yun Chu was a little surprised. Isn't the magic weapon that can change the shape exactly what she needs most?
Her beauty buff has brought her so much trouble. If she can change into whatever she wants in the future, wouldn't she no longer have to be bothered by the beauty buff?

Thinking like this, she conveniently landed and scratched a line on her right index finger.

Three drops of bright red blood dripped onto the flat mirror surface and were immediately sucked into the mirror, leaving no traces.

Yun Chu held the mirror up to himself, imagined Yuan Ji's appearance in his consciousness, closed his eyes and opened them again, Yuan Ji's face really appeared in the mirror.

Seeing her changing into his own appearance, Yuan Ji was a little surprised, but also unspeakably happy, and asked her with a smile, "Why did you change into me?"

Yun Chu chuckled, cleared his throat on purpose, and said solemnly: "This gentleman is Qingxie!"

Yuan Ji was already overjoyed, and pretended to be indifferent: "He doesn't talk to me like this."

"I haven't seen him for many years, is he okay?" Yun Chu held up the mirror to look at his current appearance carefully, and sighed in his heart: No matter how long he looks at this face, he is still so handsome that he is outrageous!

How could this great devil be born so good-looking!
"He's very nice..." Yuan Ji recalled Qing Xie's smug look, and the smile on his lips grew a little stronger.

Yun Chu held up the mirror and looked at it for a long time, then closed his eyes again, and turned into the appearance of Master Ci Hai, imitating him as he stroked his few remaining beards, and nodded with a kind smile, "Yes, yes, this The wine is good! Xiao Chu, you should make more wine this year!"

Yuan Ji had a hard time holding back his laughter, and felt that she had quite a charm in playing Ci Hai.

Yun Chu became playful, and successively changed into the appearances of the people she was most familiar with: Yun Huan, Chang Ci, Qi Mo, and imitated them one by one.

When she finally transformed back into herself, Yuan Ji was in a daze, and couldn't help feeling: "If you were changing into someone else, I might really not be able to find you..."

Yun Chuxiao: "I'm amazing, I used to play this kind of game of pretending to be someone else with Yun Huan when I was young."

Yuan Ji smiled, and looked at Yun Chu for a while, seeing her cheeks were flushed, her eyes were particularly moving because of excitement and joy, every frown and smile could be pictured.

Seeing her like this, he couldn't help but want to hold her in his arms.

"This mirror is really miraculous, Your Majesty, you are amazing." Yun Chu rubbed the small mirror in great surprise, blowing rainbow farts to Yuan Ji with admiration.

"It's good that you can use it." Yuan Ji resisted the impulse in his heart, watched Yun Chu stuff the small mirror into his bosom, and put it close to his body, his lips moved slightly.

"And this..." Restraining his impulse, he took out a gleaming silver object and stuffed it to Yunchu,
"What is this?" Yun Chu hadn't gotten over the joy of getting a new baby, and still had a smirk on his face.

(End of this chapter)

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