Chapter 282 Jun Yi's Identity

Ming Yi continued to report: "After the death of the third prince, Lian Zhao, Mrs. Mianyao fell into a slump, even a little crazy, and gradually lost the favor of the Demon Lord. Because of this, Mrs. Jingyue was favored even more, and the limelight was the same for a while, and the thirteenth prince was even more favored. He is valued by the Demon Venerable.

After Mrs. Jingyue became favored, her mother clan became more and more restless.In addition, Mozun's body has been in decline in recent years, and he is a little powerless in many things, so they secretly embezzled a lot of wealth and land from several big families.He was hated by several big families.

The eldest prince seems not to fight or grab these years, but he has secretly cultivated a large force, and finally, with the help of the empress, he united the four major families of the Lan family and the Feng family to launch a coup d'etat..."

"This battle lasted for more than ten days. Several princes died in this battle. In the end, the thirteenth prince was imprisoned and Mrs. Jingyue committed suicide. It was at that time that Mozun died." Speaking of this, Ming Yi paused, "Empress Zun and Mrs. Jingyue both fed poison to Mo Zun..."

Yuan Ji sighed very softly, "He probably didn't expect that he would die at the hands of his wife and children after taking all precautions. When I first met him back then, he was quite courageous and resourceful. It's a pity that it has been polished in the gentle countryside for hundreds of years."

Ming Yi listened silently. In his heart, the Demon Lord was to blame for his fate. His decision-making destined his sons to fight endlessly. No matter who won in the end, a bloody massacre would be inevitable.

And Mozun himself is the instigator of this result, there is really nothing worthy of sympathy.

"Where is Qingxie?" Yuan Ji asked again.

"The Little Demon Monarch has already returned to the Netherworld, and the Netherworld Palace has been rebuilt, all in accordance with his instructions. He has contributed a lot to the Elder Prince's seizure of the throne, and he has always been regarded as the honored guest by the Elder Prince when he was in Liaodu. "

"It turns out that this is his plan, to be with Lianfeng... Forget it, let him go!" Yuan Ji said indifferently, the demon world has been decayed for so many years, and it's time to change his family.It's not that Lian Feng will be someone else, the difference is almost the same.

Ming Yi lowered his head, and asked worriedly: "Master, if this continues like this, the little devil is already the master of the nether world, but where will he put you?"

"Let him alone, he can do what I can't. Those entanglements... He sees them more clearly than I do in many cases." Yuan Ji said lightly, without the restraint of the "Ghost Lord", he would have a better life. Take it easy.

Ming Yi murmured: "The eldest the new Demon Lord. He wanted the little Demon Lord to marry the Fourth Princess, but was rejected by the Little Demon Lord. The Fourth Princess was also born of the Empress Dowager, and she was already distinguished. Now the new Demon Lord Successor, she is the most honorable princess in the devil world. This is a great favor, but the little devil just refused...Master, I wonder if this will leave us with trouble?"

Yuan Ji chuckled, very disdainful, "It's another marriage thing. Lian Feng is really similar to his father. Besides the eldest and fourth children of the demon king, who else is alive?"

"There are a few others who had no sense of existence before and were always timid and cowardly. The seventh princess was imprisoned with the thirteenth prince, and she was sent to the military tent... I heard that she was humiliated very miserably and committed suicide After Mrs. Mianyao went mad, the Ninth Princess begged the Mozun to marry her into a small family, but she was not chased and killed by the new Mozun."

"That won't last long." Yuan Ji's expression was calm, but there was a hint of compassion in his voice, "Lian Feng used the aristocratic family to gain momentum. Stop them. With his cruel and heartless temperament, he will definitely start with those small families and transfer their interests to the four major families first... Oh, a new chaos is about to begin!"

Listening to his master's words, Ming Yi's face became even more ugly, "Master, ghosts and ghosts will be implicated."

"Lian Feng doesn't have that guts! Although he is similar to the Demon Lord, he is still far worse than his father!" Yuan Ji snorted coldly, and then asked: "Is the matter of the water demon related to the Demon Realm?"

Ming Yi thought for a while, then cautiously said: "The subordinates haven't found out yet. But recently the eldest prince has been busy with banqueting guests and showing off his power in the demon world, and he seems to be ignoring the collusion with the demon world. As for the others, they are dead. Remnant, remnant, without that strength..."

Yuan Ji pondered for a while, then suddenly raised his eyebrows and smiled, "In today's Great Wilderness, there are many forces, and the struggle between them has never ceased. Originally, the monster race was weak and not to be feared. But after a thousand years of dormancy, they are no longer what they used to be.

Now that the evil disaster is suddenly happening, it is not something that the great immortal sects in the human world can deal with.Although the Heaven Realm has been peaceful on the surface in recent years, since the arrival of the new emperor, the old and new forces have been fighting constantly. The new Heaven Emperor hated the monster race, and wanted to kill the demons back then, but was helplessly stopped by the heavenly officials.This time, the demon misfortune happened to give him a chance to completely eradicate the demon clan.

Neither the supporters of the new emperor nor the subordinates of the old emperor will let go of this opportunity to seize power, and it depends on which side can make a strange move. "

Ming Yi listened silently, feeling a chill in his heart.He never thought that this evil disaster would have such a deep origin and would spread so widely.But in the end, it's just a power struggle among the upper echelons, but I don't know how many innocent people will be implicated...

At that time, they knew that the Dragon Clan of Minghai was involved in the battle of the heavens, so they ended up with annihilation and defeat.

"Master, who exactly is going to cause the demon disaster?"

"I still can't see it at this time, but it will always show my feet." Yuan Ji's eyes gradually darkened, and he was calm and calm, "You go back first, don't worry about the evil thing, let him go!"

"Yes, my subordinate will retire... I would like to invite you again, master takes care of it." Ming Yi answered with bowed head, his eyes showed reluctance, and after taking two steps back, it turned into a cloud of black mist and dissipated.

Yuan Ji stood on top of the clouds, looking at the clouds rolling and relaxing in the sky, with an arrogant expression, his black robe fluttered with the wind, his whole body was imposing, like a king looking down on the world.

It was almost dusk at this time, and the afterglow of the setting sun reflected a large piece of gorgeous sunset glow, which looked like the Nether Flower blooming in the Nether Palace.

He looked at it, and Yun Chu's smiling face emerged in his consciousness, and the originally cold and arrogant eyes gradually softened.


On the other side, Junyi, who had returned to Tianyimen for cultivation due to a serious injury, was breaking into the Forbidden Forest alone at the moment.

"Your Highness." Three strong men in armor appeared out of nowhere, knelt down in front of him, and called out in unison.

Junyi frowned and glanced at the three of them with a cold expression, "Who ordered you to come?"

"There is a major event in the lower realm, so it's a loss. Your Highness should return to the heaven as soon as possible." The leader of the elite soldiers spoke sonorously, with a hint of persecution.

Jun Yi's voice sank immediately, but there was still a harmless smile on his lips, which matched his delicate face, but it looked extraordinarily intimidating, "Jing Wu, who gave you the courage to talk to me like that!"

(End of this chapter)

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