Wear it in my sister's cultivating texts and let loose

Chapter 287 The new overthrowing skill is hard to restrain yourself again

Chapter 287 The new overthrowing skill is hard to restrain yourself again
Yun Chu lowered his eyes, his expression gloomy, "She won't suddenly have such a big change. Before, she never cared about the Tianyi Sect, the head of the sect? I'm afraid she was instigated and fell into a trap..."

Yuan Ji shrank his eyes, and suddenly thought of a possibility: that little girl must have changed her mind because of the few words he said before!
Hehe, how is that possible?

If she is so easy to obey, why has he worked so hard all these years...

Although he denied this possibility in his heart, when he saw the unconcealable worry on Yunchu's face, he still felt a little guilty.

"I only have this one sister, and I can't watch her go out on her own and do nothing."

Yuan Ji was silent for a moment, and said directly: "Her cultivation base is more than a hundred times stronger than yours... It seems that it is useless for you to worry about her!"

Yun Chu rolled her eyes in her heart, she was speechless and helpless to such direct ridicule, who made her really so weak!
Where is the starting point, even if she works hard, she still falls far behind Yun Huan...

"I have my lord! You promised me just now!" Yun Chu calmed down in an instant, smiling so hard that his teeth could not see his eyes.

Yuan Ji: So they are waiting for me here!

"Your sister will be angry! Don't you love her the most, and don't want her to be wronged?"

The smile on Yuan Ji's face was quite meaningful, Yun Chu didn't seem to notice it, but still smiled flatteringly, "Are you going to go back on your word?"

"Do you think I'll go back on my word?" Yuan Ji asked back.

Yunchu was in a bad position, "I don't think you can!"

"That depends on what benefits you give me!"

Yun Chu pushed the teacup in front of him, and said with a pleasant smile, "You drink tea!"

"I'm full!" Yuan Ji pushed the teacup away, and complained helplessly, "Just a cup of herbal tea is too dishonest!"

Yun Chu curled his lips secretly, wanting to scold him in his heart, but held back again, and put on a high hat for him in a good-tempered manner: "You are a majestic devil, you can't go back on what you say!"

Yuan Ji remained unmoved, and said calmly: "Senior sister, I'm just your little junior brother."

"Then junior brother, you should obediently listen to senior sister's words!"

Yun Chu smiled shamelessly, and the two brothers patted Yuan Ji on the shoulder very kindly.

Yuan Ji accepted it with a light smile, but when Yun Chu was about to take back his hand, he stood up, twisted his body around her waist, and pushed her down on the table.

"The younger brother also needs to be coaxed, otherwise how can he be responsible to the senior sister."

He pressed on her and whispered in her ear in a very ambiguous tone.

Yun Chu's face turned red in an instant: There's no end to it, has this random throwing down become your regular skill?How many times this month, can it still work!
"Don't worry, I'll protect her for you." Yuan Ji pressed his lips against her ear, and his hoarse voice was so magnetic that Yun Chu's ears turned red.

He raised his head slightly, looked at her face carefully, and felt that every part of her face was beautiful, even the shameful appearance haunted him in dreams.

Yun Chu was lying on his back on the table, his legs were hanging in the air, because he was dissatisfied with his restraint, he began to kick around.

"Yuan Ji, let go! They're all outside!"

Her body was hot and soft, and her waist was so thin that it would break if she folded it lightly, which made him reluctant to use force on her.After weighing it up, he spread his legs apart and wrapped her legs inside to hold her down...

"Call again!" He stared into her eyes, his tone soft as if coaxing a child.

Yun Chu was ashamed and annoyed, very inexplicable, and finally couldn't help scolding him: "Are you sick?"

"Well, I'm very ill, and I need you to come and treat me." Yuan Ji's panting was rough, and his voice was extremely low, and the hand around her waist unconsciously moved down, and touched a slightly protruding soft... ...I was in a trance for a while, and when I came back to my senses, I immediately retracted my hand.

Yun Chu's body trembled, and he was so annoyed that he kicked his legs desperately, trying to kick him away... But as he kicked, his knees suddenly went numb, as if he touched something that shouldn't be touched...

Her face instantly turned into a boiled shrimp, and she froze, motionless, her heart beating like a drum.

Yuan Ji's reaction was stronger and stronger than hers, resisting the throbbing in his heart and the discomfort under his body, his Adam's apple rolled, slowly moved away from her, and stood up.

Yun Chu was still frozen there, covering his eyes with his arms, his whole body was hot, like a roasted suckling pig with thin skin and crispy skin...

Yun Chu, who was lying on his back on the table, was outlined with a bumpy figure. Yuan Ji looked away, coughed lightly, and pushed the door out.

Yun Chu moved the arm covering his eyes, looked at the ceiling of the bamboo house, blinked, and was in a trance.


The rare rivalry between Yunchu and Yunhuan finally ended with Yunhuan's compromise.

Three days later, the Tianyi Sect disciples began to gather and descended the mountain in batches.It was not until the fifth day that Yun Huan and his party set off.

On this day at the end of July, Grand Master Zu Yunhuan wore a white Taoist robe embroidered with dark patterns of clouds and Luo, and held a golden handle of floating dust standing upright outside the Zhengxin Hall, accepting the entrustment of the master Cixuan.

Behind her stood the six most outstanding disciples in the sect, as well as Ci Hai who was full of laziness.

"Be careful, nothing is more important than your life."

After finishing those high-sounding scenes, Ci Xuan finally sent a voice to Yun Huan.

Yun Huan's eyelids drooped slightly, avoiding his worried and anxious gaze, and when he cupped his hands in salute, he smiled brightly, revealing two shallow dimples on his cheeks.

Ci Xuan pursed his lips and wanted to say something more, but Yun Huan had already led everyone around.

Ci Hai, who was left at the end, saw that the headmaster looked distraught, and sighed leisurely, "Hui Jiao is not very powerful, so you don't have to worry. I guarantee that she will come back intact."

Ci Xuan's expression finally relaxed a little, and he bowed his hands to Ci Hai's back, "Thank you, Daoist."

Ci Hai raised his hand with his back facing him, and shook his head lightly.

In the sky, the white phoenix spirit bird, which had been circling for a long time, finally waited for the master's call, swooped down quickly, and disappeared into the clouds carrying Yun Huan.

Ci Hai saw it eagerly, and clicked twice: This mount is really good... Then he summoned his magic weapon, the big gourd, and asked six disciples to ride on it together with him.


On the eaves of Feixian Pavilion, Yun Chu looked up at the direction where Yun Huan disappeared, feeling both proud and disappointed.

She is proud because her little sister is so powerful and so handsome; but she is disappointed because she is still a weakling compared to her sister.

"Have to wait another half an hour?" Yun Chu helped down the hem of his skirt, and sat beside Yuan Ji.

"At her speed, it will take at least two days to rush to Wuzhitan, so there is no rush."

Yun Chu nodded, wrapped his hands around his knees, and buried his head down.

She had discussed with Yun Huan before that she didn't need to go to Wuzhitan, but she would go to the nearby Baifu City to wait for Yun Huan.

 ... What did I write?

  Uh... oh... the sense of shame is overwhelming
(End of this chapter)

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