Wear it in my sister's cultivating texts and let loose

Chapter 294 A Stupid Appears Suddenly

Chapter 294 An Idiot Who Appeared Suddenly

"Your Majesty!" Yun Chu called, and hurried to the edge of the pool to have a look.

As Yuan Ji jumped down, the black water in the pool began to bubble.Yun Chu stared at Tan Mian nervously, for fear of any accident.

The time of anxiously waiting was dragged on for a very long time, just when she felt that her breathing was about to stagnate, the water in the pool exploded again, and Yuan Ji jumped out of the black pool grabbing the horns of Huijiao.For a while, the water splashed everywhere, shining lustrously under the faint moonlight.

A man in a black robe, half of his black hair fluttered in the wind, against the cold white handsome face, there was a kind of breathtaking beauty.Holding the horn on Huiji's head with one hand, with a mighty and fierce aura, he dragged that long body to float down from the air...

Standing by the pool, Yun Chu raised his head and stared blankly, his heart pounding: Wow, so handsome!Domineering and mighty, handsome to my heart!
Yuan Ji pulled the huge dragon's body to the shore, Yun Chu recovered his senses and leaned over to look at it, only to see Hui Jiao limply shrunk into a ball, with shocking scars all over his body, looking extremely miserable.

"It...is dead?" Yun Chu couldn't bear to look directly at Huijiao's miserable state.

"It's not dead, but it's a pity that the bones are useless." Yuan Ji glanced lightly at Hui Jiao, who seemed to really feel it was a pity.

Huijiao, who was seriously injured, trembled and trembled, and almost cried out of fear.

At this time, all thoughts are lost, and it silently mourns its ill-fated fate in its heart. It looks like it will be transformed into a dragon in a hundred years, but it is inexplicably hit by this at this time!
Woohoo, whoever it provokes, why is it so miserable!

"The demon disaster should have nothing to do with it!" Yun Chu thought to himself that the Great Demon King was really ruthless in his attack, and for some reason felt a little sympathetic to the Huijiao.

In addition, when we fought before, I felt that this guy was dumbfounded. Although his strength is not bad, he is obviously not the culprit who is smart enough to organize such a big evil, so this should be a misunderstanding.

Yuan Ji nodded in agreement, he knew early on that it was not Huijiao who caused the trouble, but he just thought this guy had good bones and could make piano bones for Yunchu.

However, now even such a little value is gone!
Yun Chu took a sneak peek at Yuan Ji's face, seeing that he looked fine, and he couldn't see any joy or anger, so he accompanied Xiao Yi and asked, "If it didn't do evil, can you let it go...it's also strange." Poor! I heard that it is not easy for the Yaozu to practice, and it is considered useless in this way."

Yuan Ji didn't look at Yun Chu, and said indifferently: "You decide!"

For some reason, Yunchu felt that Yuan Ji was deliberately avoiding her since he woke up, and he couldn't help but feel empty.

She nodded obediently, leaned over and patted Huijiao's head, and said in a very low voice: "Practice hard in the future, there is still a chance!"

Huijiao thought of the scene of being tortured by this horrible woman before, the pain in his heart!

She beat herself up like this, and now she comes to falsely comfort her... This woman must be poisonous!
Of course Yunchu didn't know Hui Jiao's journey, so he took a small bottle of elixir from the storage bag and stuffed it into its big mouth.

"Who is it? Get out!" Yuan Ji, who was standing with his hands behind his back, suddenly yelled into the depths of the dead forest.

Yun Chu also immediately looked over there vigilantly.

"Hey! Tsk tsk, it's so pitiful, I almost can't see my little master!"

Hearing this sound, Yun Chu suddenly turned around, and at some point there was a man in a Chinese robe standing next to her, she didn't notice it at all.

Yuan Ji moved almost at the same time as the voice, and with a dodge, stood between Yun Chu and the man.

Seeing Yuan Ji protecting himself behind him, Yun Chu's originally lost heart slowly warmed up, seeing his firm and reliable back, couldn't help but secretly tugged on his belt.

The man who appeared suddenly was wearing a dazzling purple robe with intricate patterns embroidered with gold thread, and his hair stood up high with a golden crown. He was full of nobility.

Seeing Yuan Ji standing in front of him, he raised his handsome eyebrows and said contemptuously: "Two against one, what kind of skill is bullying a little snake!"

"You mean, you want me to beat you?" Yuan Ji snorted coldly, glared at him and said, "Ao Zhan, you're promising!"

Sao Zi coughed twice with embarrassment on her face, and said with a dry smile: "I let you back then, I was afraid that you would lose face to you on purpose!"

Yuan Ji sneered a little, and didn't want to argue with him.

Yun Chu stared at the two people who were communicating cordially with a dazed expression: Heh, so you two know each other!
"Who is this little beauty? Where did you find it?" Seeing the opportunity, Ao Zhan immediately ended the embarrassing topic, focused on Yun Chu who was hiding behind Yuan Ji, poked his head over and asked .

Yun Chu twitched the corner of his mouth and laughed dryly: ... She was, picked it up?
Yuan Ji raised his sleeve to block his sight, but Ao Zhan still didn't give up, waved Yuan Ji's hand away, and continued to lean over and ask with a smile: "Little beauty, what's your name?"

Yunchu took this opportunity to finally see Ao Zhan's face clearly.

I saw that this strange man's facial features were very tough, with sword eyebrows and starry eyes, cold and firm thin lips, a pair of bright eyes, quite masculine.It's just that he was dressed too coquettishly, which weakened his original heroic spirit.

Yun Chu was a little speechless, and didn't know what was going on with this person's aesthetics.

Seeing Yunchu looking at him, Ao Zhan couldn't help but bend the corners of his lips, but his eyes were like deep pools, there was no smile, but a chill.

Yun Chu was a little startled: Another duplicity, someone who likes to put on airs!He obviously has a murderous aura, but he wants to pretend to be a disguise, and I don't know why?
"Why are you here?" Yuan Ji pushed Ao Zhan away again, his voice was even colder, and he was not a little bit angry.

Ao Zhan straightened up, and finally stopped smiling. Instead, he took out a fan from somewhere and shook it smartly, with the vigor of "I'm so handsome" all over his body.

"As the saying goes, if you are destined to meet from a thousand miles away, I have been waiting here for a long time!"

Hearing him shaking his head and showing a strange mood, Yun Chu became even more puzzled: What is the origin of this guy, and he can still know Yuan Ji, only if his identity is not ordinary.

After Ao Zhan finished speaking, the folding fan rattled, but Yuan Ji ignored him, and pulled Yun Chu to turn around and leave.

Seeing that the two left without hesitation, Ao Zhan was stunned for a moment, looked down at Huijiao who was paralyzed on the ground, shook his head and smiled wryly, then shrunk it into his sleeve, and then hurriedly chased after Yuanji and Yunchu .

"Brother Yuan, why are you still so unreasonable!" He chattered endlessly as he followed up.

Yuan Ji ignored him at all, grabbed Yun Chu's waist and leaped into the sky, and landed on the back of the circling black-feathered black-eyed eagle after roaring all over his body.

Ao Zhan, who was left behind, was neither discouraged nor shameless, and jumped onto the eagle's back together.

"Okay, okay, let me say!" Ao Zhan seemed to have made a big decision, reluctantly preparing for a showdown.

However, Yuan Ji interrupted him unceremoniously, "I'm not interested in your plan at all, get out of here immediately!"

(End of this chapter)

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