Wear it in my sister's cultivating texts and let loose

Chapter 302 Junior Sister Yunchu is Really Skilled!

Chapter 302 Junior Sister Yunchu is Really Skilled!
Yun Chu was not good at dealing with compliments from others, so he just smiled lightly.

Seeing that she treated him very well, Lu Qingshu's eyes secretly turned cold.

When Yao Narcissus was kicked out of the mountain gate, something happened to her master Yao Mudan. Since then, Qianzifeng has become a mountain without an owner, and they, Yao Mudan's disciples, have no one to rely on.

The brothers and sisters could only leave Qianzi Peak one after another, each looking for a way out.

Fortunately, she is always diligent and alert, not only manages contacts in Qianzifeng, but also has contacts with several other great elder's proud disciples, which just came in handy when Qianzifeng lost power.After doing business in many ways, she was selected by Lin Ling's mother, Elder Lan Qing, and received her under the door.

Because of Lin Ling's prominent family background and status, she was very favored in the sect, so she tried her best to please Lin Ling and get close to him, just like she used to please Yao Narcissus...

Lin Ling's temperament is simpler than Yao Shuixian's. Although she has a bit of a spoiled young lady's temper, she is also easy to please.After decades of hard work, she finally gained Lin Ling's trust and was regarded as a close friend by her.

After getting Lin Ling's blue eyes, Lu Qingshu encouraged her to do many things that benefited him according to Lin Ling's preferences.

For example, when Lin Ling showed affection to Yuan Ji in public in the martial arts competition before, it was Lu Qingshu who instigated it...

Lu Qingshu was not as blatantly jealous of Yunchu as Yao Shuixian.At that time, Yun Chu was a waste in her eyes, not worth mentioning at all.No matter how good the resources are, they are just lumps of mud that cannot support the wall!

But what she didn't expect was that Yunchu would be able to become what he is now... She underestimated it!

Along the way, Lu Qingshu's attention was all on Yunchu, carefully observing her every move.

Yun Chu noticed it, but didn't pay much attention to it.She didn't know why this senior sister Lu was so interested in her. She thought it might be because she had a close relationship with the previous senior sister Yao Narcissus and wanted to find fault with her to avenge her or something.

But she just thought about it casually, after all, Senior Sister Lu seemed to be a shrewd person, and she probably wouldn't do such stupid things as hurting her fellow students under the watchful eyes of everyone.

There were 11 people in their aid team, seven of them, including Yunchu, were disciples of Tianyi sect, and the other four were disciples of other sects, who did not recognize Yunchu.

However, as a female classmate who has a beauty buff and is very conspicuous wherever she goes, Yun Chu quickly attracted the attention of other immortal disciples, and from time to time they leaned over to talk to her.

Especially after cleaning up a few little demons on the way, the two male disciples from Penglai Immortal Mansion were like hired knights, guarding Yunchu's side, which made her very upset, and it was difficult to explain clearly...

"Junior Brother Zhou, look, how delicately the spell of Junior Sister Yun is drawn, it really looks like a person!"

"Yes, Senior Brother Song, Junior Sister Yun is ingenious and ingenious, and she is born like this... It's a pity that we don't have such talents as Junior Sister in Penglai. It would be great if Junior Sister can visit us in Penglai when you have time in the future. Senior brother and I will personally entertain you!"

The two disciples of Penglai Immortal Mansion sang together to Yun Chuyi, it was very lively.

But Yunchu just thought they were noisy, so he gave them a few gags, trying to hint at them and make them shut up.However, the two students didn't have the slightest ideological awareness, and they blew rainbow farts at those ghostly drawing-like spells.

Yun Chu stroked his forehead and lamented: Forget it, just get used to it.

In comparison, her fellow apprentice brothers are much more knowledgeable.He doesn't get close to Yun Chu at all, and avoids as much as he can, tries not to talk to him as much as possible, and keeps a long distance when walking together.Seeing the two disciples from other sects being courteous to Yun Chu, they still had an attitude of watching the show.

If you want to talk about why the senior brother of the same sect is so enlightened, it is of course thanks to Master Yun Huan.

Who in the Tianyi Sect doesn't know that Grandmaster Yun Huan treasures her as his apprentice the most. In the past, there were male disciples who had any unreasonable thoughts about Yun Chu, but they were all "iron posts" afterward, and the end was miserable. .

So, from then on, no matter how buggy Yun Chu's beauty buff was, no one dared to touch her as a hard nail.

Compared with Paomei, her own life is more important!
Lu Qingshu saw that Yunchu was quite popular with the male disciples of Penglai Immortal Mansion, and the smile on his face was still friendly, but he was thinking about Lin Ling and that mysterious junior brother Chen Yuan in his heart.

Everyone knew that Junior Brother Chen Yuan had a very close relationship with Yunchu, and there were even rumors that the two of them had hit it off a long time ago and made a private decision for life.Lin Ling was rejected by Chen Yuan in public that day, and she cried loudly for several days when she returned home. While feeling sorry for his daughter, the master also called her to scold her severely, making her look like a human being inside and out.

This was the first time she had missed something and put herself in this situation.

In the final analysis, all of this is because of Yunchu's hindrance, as long as she is gone, I will definitely be able to succeed!

Therefore, she has been paying attention to Yunchu recently, and just happened to catch up with this opportunity, so she deliberately nodded to Elder Liu Feng, but she did not expect that Yunchu really followed...

While calculating, Lu Qingshu spoke to Yunchu calmly, trying to test her strength, but Yunchu prevaricated by pretending to be stupid.

Yunchu felt that this senior sister was not the same as before. When she followed Yao Shuixian, she always acted submissive and obedient, but now she has a bit more of a senior sister's air. When talking to her, she always put on a It's a feeling of looking down on the juniors from a high position, and I don't know who gave her the confidence.

Yun Chu twitched the corners of his mouth speechlessly: She just wanted to get rid of a demon seriously, but when she came out this time, she was followed by two pestering guardians on the left and one on the right, and behind her was a senior sister who was staring at her for no reason. ...

It seemed that she should have listened to Yun Huan and not leave the city by herself.


After walking awkwardly all the way, Yunchu and his party finally arrived at the place where the same door sent the distress signal, but the place was empty and there were no traces of fighting, so they had to split up to find it.

Unfortunately, Yun Chu was in a group with her two protectors, because the other disciples avoided her on purpose.In desperation, she could only recite the Mantra of Purifying Heart while walking and watching, turning all the chatter of the two people in her ears into birdsong.

Lu Qingshu formed a group with a man and a woman from the same school, and searched west.

Not long after we separated, one of the female disciples smiled strangely and said, "It is said that Junior Sister Yunchu of our Immortal Sect is a wonderful person, and it is truly unusual to see her today."

Lu Qingshu's eyes moved slightly, and he responded with a smile: "Yes, Junior Sister Yunchu has outstanding talents and extraordinary aptitude, but everyone who has seen it, no one does not like it."

The female disciple glanced at her lightly, then continued to laugh and said, "It's really a good skill to be able to flirt with other immortal disciples in public when we meet for the first time!"

(End of this chapter)

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