Wear it in my sister's cultivating texts and let loose

Chapter 304 If you don't accept it, just do it!

Chapter 304 If you don't accept it, just do it!
However, even if they wanted to escape, the Flame Beast would not give them a chance.

The ugly fleshy wings on its back flapped, and its movements were extremely fast. After a few whistling sounds, three disciples were already shot down by the sharp claws, and another one was directly pressed under its claws...

The remaining four people were also sucked back by the hurricane brought up by its wings, and fell to the ground, groaning in pain.

Seeing this group of little bugs being toyed with by him, the Flame Beast was in a good mood, laughed wildly, and even spoke out.

"Stupid humans, are you going to play games with me!?"

The Flame Beast laughed wildly and despised everyone, grabbed the unlucky male disciple, opened its mouth full of fangs, and stuffed him in...

A mournful howl disappeared from the mouth of the Flame Beast, and the mouth of the Flame Beast was full of blood, flowing down patter as it chewed.

The few remaining disciples who were conscious were terrified by this shocking scene, and the two female disciples even screamed and hugged each other.

"The little bugs of your cultivators are really delicious!"

Its voice was unusually high-pitched, and it spoke like some kind of bird imitating human language.

The male disciples who were beaten to the ground realized that it was impossible to escape, so they could only struggle to get up from the ground, offering magic weapons and preparing to fight hard to survive.

Seeing several half-dead human monks staggering to stand up again, the big ugly face of the Flame Beast twitched and smiled contemptuously.The cloudy eyeballs rolled twice, and they raised their blood-stained claws and rushed towards them.

"Four defenders!"

Just when several people were about to be slapped to death by the sharp claws of the Flame Beast, a loud female voice suddenly sounded.

Yun Chu stood up slowly from the big hole he fell into, raised his sleeves to wipe away the blood from the corners of his mouth, the corners of his lips were slightly raised, and he smiled evilly and charmingly, squinting at the flame beast fixed in the air.

"You like to play, don't you! Come on, my sister will accompany you!"

At this moment, her anger was surging, her whole body was full of momentum, her powerful spiritual power overflowed, her clothes flew up, and it seemed that there was a raging fire burning all over her body... It looked like a completely different person.All the surrounding immortal disciples were stunned.

Who is this domineering god?Is it Junior Sister Yunchu who is the weakest among them?

Is this frightening, or is it crazy?
The disciples of the Immortal Sect were all terrified, and when they realized that Yunchu had really pinned down the Flame Beast, their shock was beyond words.

Yun Chu rose aggressively from the ground, made a speech that angered the Flame Beast, and then spat blood on the ground.

Depend on!She was careless just now, and she was actually broken by this ugly monster!It's also her fault for being overconfident. She was a little swollen after fighting Huijiao before...

Huijiao is the peak of the ninth-level monster beast that is close to ascending to the dragon, and the Huoyan beast in front of him is just a monster that has just reached the eighth level, and it is not in the same order of magnitude as Huijiao.

However, to deal with the Huijiao, the five immortal sects united and sent ten masters of the true immortal level. No matter how poor the eighth-level flame beast is, it can still reach the level of a true immortal... and the inflated classmate Chen Yunchu , has just reached the Ruins Returning Realm, and is still a hundred and eight thousand miles away from becoming an immortal!

But even with such a disparity in strength, Yunchu still felt that she was awesome. She could fight Huijiao head-on, so how could she be afraid of this little flame beast?
Although she knew Huijiao was beaten down by Yuan Ji, she didn't know where she got the confidence to swell her hair!
Yun Chu was looking for love and contempt for himself in all kinds of ways in his heart, and by the way, he also drew up the next battle strategy in his spiritual consciousness, staring at the flame beast that was trapped and furious, and hummed coldly in his heart: man-eating right!Your Yaodan sister is about to be decided!

Hehe, just do it if you don’t accept it!

The formation formed by more than 100 talismans can only control the flame beast for more than a dozen seconds. Yunchu has been silently counting seconds since the formation was activated. At this time, when he got up, with only three or four seconds left, his fingers danced quickly. , forming a seal... While the Flame Beast roared and broke free from the four defensive formations, a sharp golden light struck it!
"Looking for death! How courageous!" Facing the golden light shot by Yunchu, the Fire Flame Beast stared like copper bells, its eyes were red and piercing.

With a clang of metal colliding, the Huoyan Beast's huge body fell to the ground with a bang, and it staggered back two steps.

Yun Chu jumped up, threw several magic talismans, and attacked the Flame Beast in different directions.For a moment, the golden light flourished and dyed the entire forest.

The disciples who watched in horror were amazed at Yunchu's strength, and at the same time lamented that it would be nice to have a master master, and the spells that Yunchu casually cast were enough for them to eat for a year!
"Go first! Go!"

Yunchu once again controlled the furious Flame Beast, covered it with a golden net woven with spiritual talismans, and then yelled at the stunned crowd below.

The disciples of Xianmen who reacted from the shock only hesitated for a moment, and were about to flee in all directions immediately. The Penglai disciple who had shown great hospitality to Yunchu earlier asked anxiously, "Junior Sister Yunchu, what are you going to do!"

Yunchu: Heh, now you think of me, didn’t you run more happily than anyone else before?
"Go! Go to rescue the soldiers! Go, I can't hold it anymore!"

She hissed with difficulty, and the senior brother who asked the question glanced at the Flame Beast that was about to break through the net, and ran away without a trace!

Yun Chu heaved a sigh of relief, and the Flame Beast broke through the golden net at this time, staring at Yun Chu with its big cloudy eyes, its scales spread out, and roared that it would tear Yun Chu to pieces.

"Little bug, I'm going to chew you up bit by bit!"

Yun Chu: What kind of bad taste are you... Hehe, the idlers are all gone, and I can finally have fun with you!
The Flame Beast burst into rage, opened its incomparably stenchy mouth, and rushed towards Yunchu in the air.Yun Chu remained motionless, staring at it leisurely, provocatively.

Hearing a loud "dong", the Huoyan Beast was knocked dizzy, and several of its teeth were broken.

It was extremely astonished, it didn't know what it had bumped into, but there was no trace of that nasty little bug in front of it.

"What are you looking for?" Yun Chu was gearing up, and at a distance of several feet behind the Flame Beast, he smiled wickedly at it: "You promised to play with me, don't run away!"

The Flame Beast roared loudly, turned around and rushed towards Yunchu again, spitting out a large ball of flames by the way.

Yun Chu: You fire-breathing monster, you just remembered to spit fire!If you don't spit fire, I want to change your name!

The Flame Beast is a monster with a fire attribute, but it was the first time it spit out fire after appearing in such a long time. It can be seen that it didn't take this group of low-level monks like Yunchu seriously at all!
Yun Chu's body was like a leaf blown by the wind, fluttering in the air, but skillfully avoided all the flames sprayed out by the Flame Beast.

(End of this chapter)

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