Chapter 310 A Sudden Awkward Thought

Liu Feng wished he could shut her mouth, so he quickly asked his disciples to come in and drag her out.

The rest of the elders looked on coldly, with disgust and resentment... Those who lost their beloved disciple all wanted to cut her into pieces!

Yun Chu looked at the scene in front of him coldly, and the cold light in his eyes gradually disappeared.

In this dangerous and cruel world, human life is cheap after all...


After being asked some questions by the elders again, Yun Chu walked out of the meeting hall.

She walked out slowly and walked into the glare of the sun, her face was pale and she looked extremely tired.

Stepping down the steps with some difficulty, Yun Chu narrowed his eyes and looked at Yuan Ji who was standing under the tall golden crabapple tree not far away, feeling a little relieved in his heart.

Today's Yuan Ji is still dressed in the same black robe that has not changed all year round, his black hair is tied up neatly, without the usual laziness and casualness, he looks more resolute and handsome, with a compelling chill and extravagance.

Seeing her coming out, Yuan Ji stared at her quietly for a moment, then stepped forward to pick her up in front of the guard disciples, and disappeared in front of everyone.

The disciples guarding the courtyard thought they were delusional, but when they confirmed it was true, they couldn't help whispering in amazement.

Seeing the scene in the courtyard, the elder of the other sect stroked his beard and sighed: "Elder Liu, there have been many young talents in your sect in recent years. I couldn't see through the cultivation of the one who just left! Is it just an ordinary disciple?"

Ignoring the matter of Lu Qingshu for now, Liu Feng finally heaved a sigh of relief, and when an elder asked about Yuan Ji, he immediately smiled and said, "That's the beloved disciple of Senior Brother Ci Hai from my school, although he is still young, he is indeed a good immortal Miao. It's because Senior Brother Ci Hai has a good eye, so I couldn't receive such an outstanding disciple!"

After Liu Feng finished speaking, he sighed again and again, with regret on his face.

The elder who asked the question heard that Yuan Ji was Ci Hai's disciple, he smiled in agreement, and felt a little jealous in his heart...

Ci Hai is one of the most masters in the immortal sect of the human world, his cultivation base is unfathomable, if it is his disciple, it is justified.


Yun Chu lay in Yuan Ji's arms, and was carried all the way back to the small courtyard where they lived temporarily.

Seeing that her complexion was not good, Yuan Ji wanted to send her into the house, but was stopped by Yun Chu.

"Sit in the yard... I miss you!"

Her voice was extremely low, especially the last sentence, as thin as a mosquito's moan.

But Yuan Ji could hear clearly, his chest heaved unnaturally, he carefully put her on the wicker chair in the yard, and then sat beside her to check the injury on her arm.

Because of the existence of the life lamp, Yuan Ji could feel that Yun Chu's injury was not serious, and knew that she didn't hurt that much.

But knowing it is one thing, seeing it is another thing... When tearing open her sleeve to reveal the shocking teeth marks and bloodstains inside, a stern look clearly flashed across Yuan Ji's eyes.

"How did you get hurt?" His hoarse voice trembled slightly, and his eyes were fixed on the bloody wound.

"A little monster, I have already killed it. The only thing that doesn't hurt is that it has poisonous teeth and it doesn't heal"

Yun Chu said half of what he said, and the rest got stuck in his throat because of Yuan Ji's sudden movement.

He bent down, put his head close to her arm, and then carefully stuck his lips to her wound, sucking gently...

Yun Chu felt numb all over his body, even his breathing was stagnant.She stared at the top of Yuan Ji's hair with wide eyes, the words she wanted to refuse were stuck in her throat, her cheeks flushed unnaturally again, her heart was beating wildly, and she was stunned.

The bloody wound gradually healed, but Yun Chu couldn't feel anything, his whole body was numb, as if drugged.

"At times like this again, don't fight hard, your safety is more important than anyone and anything! If something happens to you, I won't let them live!"

Yuan Ji raised his head, his expression was frighteningly cold, his dark and deep eyes were like a bottomless black pool, every word he uttered made Yun Chu's heart tremble.

"No...not that serious!" Her voice was so weird, her eyes fell on the bright red blood on Yuan Ji's lips, her eyes were hot.

This behavior is a bit perverted... She couldn't accept it at first, but seeing Yuan Ji's serious and even nervous burning eyes, her heart softened again.

He is so strange today, especially that domineering and affectionate kiss in the underground palace... as if he was afraid of something.

Yun Chu thought a little amusedly, how could the Great Demon King be afraid, wouldn't it be a joke.

Yuan Ji took a deep look at Yun Chu for a while, squeezed her hand tightly, and sat down next to her.

Yun Chu secretly turned his head to look at his side face, the high nose bridge, thin lips, and the eyebrows slanting into the temples like swords, they were perfect and impeccable.

This is her sweetheart, his every move, every frown and smile can easily touch her heart...

"Yuan Ji." She gently leaned her head into his arms, and asked slowly, "Do you know Fire God Yan Ling?"

Yuan Ji's movement of embracing her was slightly stiff, his brows were barely noticeable, and he hummed lightly.

"Yes, I know her..."

"What is she like? What kind of personality, what kind of appearance, I am a little curious, can you tell me? When I was in the underground palace, I saw her statue, which is very majestic and beautiful."

Yuan Ji thought of the woman he had buried deep in his memory, opened his mouth, but couldn't utter a word for a long time.

It's not that I forgot, and it's not that I don't want to mention it, but I don't know how to describe her at all.

Seeing Yuan Ji not speaking for a long time, Yun Chu smiled bitterly, slowly left his embrace, and straightened up.

Yuan Ji didn't move, and the two of them just sat in silence for a long time, from the sun shining until the dusk...

Yun Chu stopped mentioning Yan Ling, smiled and tugged Yuan Ji's sleeves, and leaned on his shoulder again, "That woman said her name was Xi He, and she was a water demon in the Ganges River. Is she a subordinate of the Demon King?" ?”

"Yes!" Yuan Ji answered concisely, with turmoil in his heart and responsible emotions.He didn't know how to tell Yun Chu about Yan Ling, so he could only avoid answering.He felt Yun Chu's loss and sadness, but he could only gently touch her life lamp in his heart.

Yun Chu suppressed the bitterness in his heart, raised his face to look at Yuan Ji, and said with a smile, "I never thought that Xi He is the beauty that Ao Zhan misses all the time, and it's a coincidence."

"It's not a coincidence, it's a predestined fate!" Yuan Ji looked sad, and raised his hand to caress Yun Chu's cheek, but suddenly stopped and retracted it.

Yun Chu gave a strange "Huh", but Yuan Ji continued to remain silent, saying nothing.

Yunchu felt that the two of them were really boring, so he got up and wanted to go back to the house to rest.However, Yuan Ji grabbed her again at this moment, pulled her into his arms forcefully, and pressed against her hair, his voice hoarse.

"I don't care about them, I don't care about anyone. I'll take you out of here, okay?"

Yun Chu pushed Yuan Ji hard, trying to break free from his embrace, "No... I still have a younger sister!"

(End of this chapter)

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