Wear it in my sister's cultivating texts and let loose

Chapter 312 Yun Huan is in danger, sisters love

Chapter 312 Yun Huan is in danger, sisters love

Yun Chu was completely stunned when he discovered this amazing fact... Does this kind of operation still exist in the world of cultivating immortals?Leapfrog directly?

Yun Chu, who was shocked by the surge of spiritual power in his body, immediately remembered another thing, and searched the surroundings with his spiritual sense, and found that Yuan Ji was really not there, and his heart was unavoidably empty.

The noisy Huo Ling was still clamoring endlessly in her consciousness, "Master, you don't know how much Yuan Ji has hurt me! He is nothing at all... Woohoo, Master, you don't care if he bullies me like this ?"

Thinking of Yuan Ji, Yun Chu smiled wryly, feeling that the heat in her body was getting worse, the spirit of fire was scorching every part of her body, making her extremely thirsty, and she missed the person who could cool her down.

"How did he bully you?"

"He didn't let me recognize Master, and even sealed me up! Woohoo, Master, you know that I'm most afraid of being alone. For so many years, I've been so close to Master, but I can't even say a word to Master. Say! I am so miserable! Yuan Ji is too bad!"

Xiaohuoling complained incoherently about his tragic experience. Yunchu listened silently, thinking of the reason why Yuanji sealed Huoling, he softened his voice to comfort him, "It's my fault, because I'm not strong enough, that's why Yuanji sealed you ...In the end, you shouldn't blame him, you should blame me!"

"How can you blame the master..." Tu Huo Huoling immediately retorted, and cut off the words as soon as he spoke, aware of Izumo Chu's strangeness, lowered his voice and asked worriedly: "Master, what's wrong with you? Is there something uncomfortable. It's not the master's fault, really not, it's all him..."

Yun Chu became weaker and weaker from the flames in his body, his body swayed, and his consciousness was a little fuzzy.

Sure enough... cheap is not so easy to take advantage of!The sudden soaring spiritual power made her about to be tossed half of her life before she had time to rejoice.

"Master! Master, wake up, don't sleep! You have been sleeping for three days, and you finally woke up, don't sleep anymore!" Tu Huo Huoling was afraid that Yunchu would finally talk to him, afraid of her After falling asleep, I became alone again, so I was very anxious.

Yun Chu's consciousness was pulled back a little by the noisy Huo Ling, and he asked feebly, "Tell me, how long have I been asleep?"

"Three days!" Tu Huo replied immediately.

Yun Chu suddenly opened his eyes.three days?She slept for three days?What about Yunhuan?In this way, Yunhuan has been to Wuzhitan for five days, but why hasn't she come back yet?

Didn't Huijiao get disabled? They should return soon without success... Why did they wait so long?
Yun Chu took out the mirror used to communicate between sisters, and urgently called Yun Huan to the mirror.

However, after she shouted for more than a quarter of an hour, what was always reflected in the mirror was her own blushing face, and there was no sign of Yun Huan at all.

How is this going?Something happened to Yun Huan?

Yunchu couldn't care less about his own discomfort, he even scrambled to get up from the collapse, and ran out staggeringly.

"Master, where are you going? Don't you want to adjust your breath?" Tu Huo Huoling was startled by her sudden movement, and anxiously wanted to call her, "Master, your internal breath is too chaotic, you can't run!"

Yun Chu turned a deaf ear to Tu Huo's quarrel, and she can't care about anything now, only thinking about Yun Huan's safety.

Something may have happened to Yun Huan... She had to go find Yun Huan!


Tu Huo Huoling wanted to persuade him again, but Yun Chu interrupted him as soon as he spoke, "Please don't talk yet...I'm going to find my sister!"

With a low voice, she jumped into the little white boat of the flying magic weapon, and even the boat and people were shaking.

Tu Huo Huoling finally shut up aggrieved, it found that this master was different from the previous one, and felt somewhat lonely.The former owner also thought it was noisy, and forced it to shut up every time, and would not talk to it so gently, nor would it feel so weak...

It got used to the powerful master it once had, so it was unavoidable to be a little uncomfortable with the new master with low cultivation.

Tu Huohuo closed his mouth wisely, and obediently retreated to Yunchu's Shenfu.

Because of its restraint, Yunchu's body also felt much more comfortable.She rode the magic weapon, pasted two invisibility talismans, walked around the elder hall in the center of Baifu City, confirmed that Yun Huan and the others had not returned, frowned, and flew to Wuzhitan again.


Three days ago, Yun Huan and others went to Wuzhitan to look for Huijiao, but found that the black pool was quiet and there was no trace of Huijiao at all, so they prepared to go back home.

But just as the group was about to leave, a thick fog suddenly rose in Wuzhi Lake, and the mist separated a group of more than a dozen people, and then countless monsters came out to attack...

Yun Huan was originally standing with Ci Hai, when he saw the thick fog rising and monsters appearing, he immediately became vigilant, but he didn't suffer any harm.But the rest of the elders were not as lucky as her.There were continuous wailing sounds from all around, making people panic, and even Ci Hai, who had always been carefree, felt that something was wrong.

There are too many monsters. Although they are not very powerful monsters, it is very troublesome to have such a number of level six or seven monsters... Both Ci Hai and Yun Huan heard the wailing of other people, but there are many dangers in the dense fog. It was also difficult to distinguish the real from the fake, and no one cared about anyone else at this time.

"Master, we are probably in an ambush. The other party is not kind, so it's difficult to deal with!" Ci Hai's voice was low, and he stood back to back with Yun Huan, "If you get the chance, you go out first and go back to talk to the head of the sect. A letter, let him send someone to support!"

"I won't go! If you want to go, go!" Yun Huan rudely rejected his proposal.

Ci Hai sighed helplessly. Before he came, he promised Ci Xuan that he would protect Yun Huan well. If something happened to her, he would not be able to explain it.

"Master, don't be self-willed at this time! Although the old Taoist is not talented, there are many ways to escape."

"Just these little monsters can scare you like this?" Yun Huan still insisted on refusing to leave, swung his whip and beheaded a monster that couldn't be seen clearly, and turned around to mock Ci Hai.She usually doesn't care about anything she looks at, and she is not close to Ci Hai, but in this kind of crisis, she has to leave Ci Hai alone and run for her life alone, she absolutely cannot do it!
Besides, how could her majestic grand master still hold back her legs!
"If you want to walk together, you will die... Heh, it's not that easy for me to die!"

Seeing that he couldn't persuade her, Ci Hai didn't say much.

This little master looks cold-hearted and indifferent, but he is actually a warm-blooded one. The old boy Cixuan is right, so it's no wonder Shangxin is like this.

"Okay, what the master said is right, but it's just a group of little demons, and I can't be cowardly as an old man! Haha!"

Yun Huan gave Ci Hai an annoyed look, and whipped Hu Xuan with the Thunderbolt in his hand, sending the monster attacking Ci Hai flying away with the whip.

(End of this chapter)

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