Wear it in my sister's cultivating texts and let loose

Chapter 316 How did I turn into a human from the ancient beast?

Chapter 316 How did I turn into a human from the ancient beast?
"You are Vulcan?" Thunderbolt Dragon's voice was a little weak, but he looked up at her firmly, "I am not at fault! They are the ones who are wrong!"

"I know!" Vulcan's laughter was clear and inexplicable, and he looked it up and down, "You may be transformed into a human form? I don't like this look very much!"

The Thunderbolt Dragon was a little displeased, "I am an ancient beast, how can I transform into a humble human form?"

"No, it's not easy!" Vulcan shook his head, his face full of regret, "If you can't change form, you can't follow me!"

After finishing speaking, Kagami put his hands behind his back sullenly, and turned around in distress, as if he was about to leave.

Thunderbolt Dragon looked at her back and sneered in his heart: I didn't want to follow you either!Hmph, don't think that if you saved me, I will obey you!
Although, the grace of saving my life...has to be repaid.

"I... I'll try!"

Thousands of thoughts flashed through his mind, and finally he couldn't help calling out the red shadow that was leisurely going away.

Vulcan turned around with a smile, flashed back to Batalong in an instant, and stared at Thunderbatlong with satisfaction, "Well, this looks good, it's not fierce at all, it looks much better."

The Thunder Bat Dragon was a little baffled. He didn't understand what Vulcan was talking about. When he looked down, he realized that he had turned into a little guy in a skirt.

"I haven't..." As soon as it exited its mouth, it found that its own voice had also become very weird... soft and soft female voice, what the hell is this?

She hadn't figured out how to transform herself, so she was forced to look like a little girl? !

This Vulcan is so domineering!

"I like it very much!" Vulcan took the little girl's soft hand, scrutinized him with downcast eyes, and smiled complacently, "You look so cute, I named you... Uh, in the future you will be with me." By my side, call me Ling Huan!"

The "cute" little girl rolled her eyes: Ling Huan?What a broken name, I don't like it very much, it's not domineering at all!
This gentleman is an ancient monster, how could he be called such a childish name?

Just when she was about to reject this undominant name, Vulcan pinched her face happily again, and smiled softly: "You really didn't disappoint me, I knew you would like it! Let's go, I'll take you back Home!"

go home?Bat Dragon was slightly stunned, his body froze, but he had already been pulled away by Vulcan.

"Vulcan! If you set fire to the immortal officials, are you going to rebel?"

The two were about to leave, but the relentless roar came from the clouds again.

Vulcan looked back, his smile turned cold in an instant, he no longer had the gentleness he had when he was talking to Ling Huan, and seemed to have turned into a hellish ghost in an instant, with a hideous expression on his face.

"You reminded me! If I kill you all, won't I die without evidence?"

"How dare you!!" The other party gritted his teeth, obviously hating her very much.

Luan Qing is so strong, but others are not as courageous as him.Hearing Vulcan's words, some people quickly flinched, full of fear and said: "Mr. Luanqing, let's step back first! Vulcan is something I can provoke!"

The cruelty of Vulcan is known to almost everyone in the heavens. Since she appeared, she has shocked many immortal officials. Except for Luan Qing, no one dared to challenge her openly!
But at this time, seeing that Luanqing angered Vulcan again, and even wanted to implicate them, he immediately stepped forward to dissuade them.

Luan Qing knew that he was powerless to do anything about today's affairs, so he could only grit his teeth and watch the two go away with resentment.

Fire god Yan Ling looked away, and then threw a strange smile at the unwilling young man on the cloud, his red eyes were slightly fixed, meaning inexplicable, but Luan Qing's heart trembled when he saw it...

He stared at the red shadow that disappeared into the sky, and his heart was shaking:
She's gone...but she remembers my name!In the future, she will remember me too! ?
The image of the first scene disappeared with the disappearance of Vulcan, and the scene in Yun Huan's consciousness changed. The originally dark environment became bright, and the surrounding fairy air was lingering, and the scenery was pleasant.

The little girl who transformed into the Thunderbolt Dragon seemed to have grown up a little bit, and was about the size of an eight or nine-year-old human child.

At this time, she was running on a corridor, rushing towards a temple in the distance, with a bright smile, her black eyes rolled around, and she seemed to be in high spirits.

"Sister, sister, you are back! I miss you so much!"

Without the awkward and wronged look when he first met, Ling Huan saw Yan Ling as a bird flying into the forest as happily as if he had regained his freedom, chattering and making noise around Yan Ling.

Against the backdrop of Yan Ling's golden mask, his face was slightly pale and looked a little tired.But when she saw Ling Huan running towards her, she still maintained a gentle smile, embraced the jumping Ling Huan into her arms, pinched her tender cheeks lovingly, raised her eyebrows and asked:
"When my sister is not at home, are you good?"

"Be good!" Ling Huan pushed his little head into Yan Ling's arms and let her stroke his hair.

Yan Ling returned to her Fire God Temple, leaned on the beauty couch with Ling Huan in her arms, and regained her previous laziness and comfort.

"By the way, let me introduce you to a new playmate!"

She suddenly remembered something and pointed to the door.

Ling Huan looked out in the direction of her finger, only to see a black shadow slowly moving in, revealing a peerless face in front of her eyes.

The skin is cold and white, the facial features are exquisite, and the edges and corners are sharp. At first glance, the deep black eyes are extremely dark, but they are very clear, reflecting a gorgeous brilliance, which is gorgeous and dazzling.

Ling Huan's face sank in an instant. Seeing the black-robed boy approaching, her body gradually tensed up, her eyes were full of vigilance, and she deeply felt that her position was about to be threatened.

"Sister... who is he?"

Yan Ling looked at the young man with satisfaction, "He... his name is Yuan Ji, and I picked it up from the Netherworld ghosts and monsters! He was born so well, isn't he?"

Ling Huan curled his lips, turned his head away, and snorted softly, "It's not good-looking! It's so ugly!"

Yan Ling covered her mouth and smiled, pointing at her pouty mouth, her hair trembling with laughter, "Ah Huan, your mouth is so ugly!"

"Sister, do you not like me anymore, are you trying to drive me away!" Ling Huan lowered his eyes, and took another peek at the young man standing in front of him, his nose sore.

Yan Ling stared at Ling Huan in confusion, and then squeezed her hand even tighter.

"This palace is too big and deserted. I'm afraid you'll be lonely... I'm also lonely, and a few more people can make it more lively. Ling Huan, you are my most important sister, how could I abandon you? In my heart , no one can compare to you!"

Yun Huan's eyes were slightly red, and he sobbed softly, then turned his head to look at the young man with hollow eyes, and said to him like a tough elder: "I will take care of you in the future..."

Yan Ling covered her mouth and smiled again, pinching her face and boasting: "Our A Huan is the most sensible!"

Then she looked at the young man standing blankly, and said softly, "Yuan Ji, we will be a family in the future. This is our home!"

(End of this chapter)

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