Chapter 332 I Want To Marry You
"Yunchu..." Yuan Ji's hoarse voice was filled with unprecedented solemnity.

"Huh?" Yun Chu raised his head and snorted softly, staring fixedly into his eyes, her shadow could be clearly reflected in his dark pupils, full of tenderness and sweetness.

"I want to take you back to Wucheng." Yuan Ji smiled, holding her hand tightly, a little trembling, the other hand was slowly spread out in front of her, a delicate bone ring lay quietly in the palm, the ring There is also a blood-red gemstone inlaid on the holder, emitting a faint red light, which is extremely dazzling.

Yun Chu was stunned looking at the ring, and couldn't believe it.

"Go back to Wucheng, you marry me, okay?" Yuan Ji finally said it after contemplating for a long time, pressing against her cheek, his voice was low, hoarse but very pleasant, "I remember you said, what you said Where you came from, you have to use a ring to propose a marriage... I wonder if this one can hold your heart?"

Yun Chu's heart was beating wildly, and he was at a loss for a moment, and his whole body was in a daze.

Is she being proposed?So suddenly, she was not prepared at all!
Yuan Ji stared at her nervously, afraid that she would refuse... If she refused, what should he do?
His heart was beating chaotically and quickly, and he had never been so nervous in his life for so many years.I was afraid that she would say the word "no" and make myself afraid to bear it.

Yun Chu looked at Yuan Ji, his lips moved, and before he could speak, Yuan Ji interrupted him in a panic.

"Yunchu, it doesn't matter if you don't give me an answer now, I can wait! I can wait as long as I want..." His hands were clenched tightly, his knuckles were blue and white, reflecting his panicked thoughts at the moment.The majestic Demon Monarch has never been so nervous and flustered in his entire life.

Seeing his appearance, Yun Chu suddenly smiled, his heart was filled with sweetness, he lowered his head, his body was trembling from laughing, but tears welled up.

"When did you do it?" she asked in a choked voice.

"I prepared it when I heard you mention it, but it took me a while to find the right material... This one is the most satisfying."

"These are the bones of Bibi Bird. They will only form a pair for life. They are truly inseparable and depend on each other in life and death. I don't think there is anything more suitable than this..." Yuan Ji's lips turned white, and at the end he felt faint Uneasy, "If you don't like it, I can do it again..."

Hot tears fell on the back of Yuan Ji's hand, Yun Chu took out a finger and pressed it on his cool lips.

A scorching warm current penetrated into his limbs, and he heard Yunchu shrink into his arms and whispered, "I like it very much...I am willing..."

Yuan Ji was stunned for a long time before he could react, he suddenly pulled her into his arms, couldn't bear it any longer, pressed her lips against her, and kissed her deeply.

His initial willingness, he waited for her reply, and he could clearly feel her love... That was enough, with her response, even if he was tortured by the silk-wrapping gu all his life, he would never I won't regret it!

This kiss was quick, hot, and long. Because of her response, he was so happy that he couldn't restrain himself. He left her lips and walked downstream, letting go of all the worries and longings during this period. Turned into a gentle trembling...

In Baifu City, Yun Huan sat solemnly on the large carved chair at the head of the elder hall, listening to the disciples report on the recent situation of eliminating demons.

"Master, over the past month, we have lost as many as a hundred disciples, but it has only barely weakened the demon disaster within a hundred miles of Baifu City, and other places are still very serious."

"Master, if this goes on, I'm afraid it will be difficult to support..."

After the disciple finished speaking, he glanced at the elders of the other four sects with an angry expression.

Recently, demon disasters have occurred frequently, and the elders of these sects have made up their own calculations, using various reasons to protect the disciples in their own sects, but let the disciples of their Tianyi sect bear the brunt. As a result, more than half of the casualties are disciples in their sects , How to make people feel uncomfortable.

Moreover, since coming here, more than half of the elders who went to Wuzhitan have never returned. Without Master Cihai, only Master Yun Huan is left in charge of Tianyi Sect.

And Master Yun Huan is notoriously lazy and careless, they didn't intend to complain to him at first, but the other four immortal sects were too deceitful, making them lose fellow sects again and again, and there was nowhere to vent their grief.

Yun Huan listened indifferently, feeling extremely depressed: My sister hasn't been found yet, yet I'm still plagued by these troubles... Enough is enough.

Originally, she didn't care much about other people's lives, but after taking on this responsibility and the entrustment of Cixuan, she still couldn't bear it.

It's not like she didn't know about the tricks the other four elders were doing secretly. Taking advantage of her absence and the Tianyi sect being left unattended, they played tricks to bully them.
At this time, the evil disaster became more and more serious. If the five immortal sects did not unite and continued to act for their own selfishness, they could only end up in the end.

Yun Huan snorted coldly in his heart, these bastards have been stable for too long, thinking that being a coward can avoid disaster... How stupid!

If she didn't miss her sister and wasn't in the mood to deal with them, how could she let them run wild?
Oh, really, I have never been so speechless in my life.

"Okay, I got it! Now that the evil disasters around Baifu City are almost over, we should return to the Immortal Gate." Yun Huan cleared his throat, showing the majesty of the grand master, "As for other troubles, We will make arrangements after returning to the Immortal Sect and asking the Sect Leader for instructions. I wonder what your plans are?"

"It's time to go back... Sigh, I have hurt so many disciples, and the old master still doesn't know how to explain to the master!" An elder Yunmeng began to hold his forehead and shook his head pretendingly, with a face full of regret.

The disciples of Tianyi Sect who were standing with their hands down in the hall felt even more sad, their mouths shrunk, and tears of anger almost came out.They, Yunmeng, had the fewest casualties this time, but they were also the most pretentious.

"Yes, master, the bones of all senior brothers should be sent back to Xianmen for burial soon..." He was a little annoyed, and couldn't help interrupting, his voice was choked up at the end, and tears were streaming down his face.

Those fellow disciples who died were all partners who had grown up with him day and night. Although there were occasional quarrels on weekdays, he was really sad to see them fall one by one, and wished he could go with him.

The other elders in the hall saw the young disciple interrupting the elder's speech, and wanted to reprimand him a few words, but seeing his appearance, they all looked away, pretending they didn't see him.

Yun Huan, who was at the top, frowned slightly, looking at the tall and burly young disciple who was secretly wiping tears, the string in his heart that had not been touched for a long time suddenly tightened, and a pair of star pupils flashed a cold light.

A thought suddenly came into her mind: kill all these mobs, kill all these bastards who bully her disciples of Tianyi Sect!
(End of this chapter)

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