Wear it in my sister's cultivating texts and let loose

Chapter 338 The Heavenly Emperor's Call

Chapter 338 The Heavenly Emperor's Call

Qi Mo understood Yun Chu's kindness in his heart, but he felt a little uncomfortable. After all, getting along with her was not as natural as before.

Yunchu noticed these changes, so he stopped bothering Qi Mo, and only waited for Changci to leave the customs or when the catastrophe came down, and then came to have a look.

After ten days like this, Yuan Ji still hasn't come back. She was afraid that he would be inconvenient when he returned to the ghosts and ghosts, so she didn't take the initiative to contact her. He hung up the sentence, which showed that things were a little tricky for him.

Yunchu thought of Qingxie, remembered this guy's perverted behavior in the past, and appointed him to do a lot of disgusting things. Yuanji, who expected to go back to clean up the mess, was very difficult to appoint, so she behaved very well-behaved and sensible every time she called, although she thought in her heart He thought hard, but never urged.

On the surface, Yuan Ji remained calm, but in fact he returned home like an arrow, but just as Yun Chu thought, the mess caused by Qing Xie was really troublesome, and it was holding him back, so he really couldn't go back early.

On the 11th day of Huitian Yimen's No. [-], the head of Cixuan had already discussed a new strategy, and planned to select a group of disciples to exterminate the demon.

This time Yun Huan didn't stop her, her sister had ascended to the ascension now, she was different from the past, and she was able to take charge of her own life.

Tianyimen originally wanted to make another arrangement for her because of Yun Chufei's promotion, but because the matter of exterminating the demon was imminent, they really couldn't get away, so they had to put it aside for the time being.

Unexpectedly, since the matter of this reward was shelved, there was no chance to deal with it again.

In the afternoon of this day, several thunderstorms suddenly sounded in the sky above Tianyi Gate. Yun Chu noticed it early in the morning, thinking that the Heavenly Tribulation of Long Ci had arrived, so he rushed out to have a look, only to find that there were two burly immortal officials in silver armor standing upright. Above the clouds, with a solemn expression, he raised his voice and asked when he saw the people from the Tianyi Sect, "Is Fairy Yunchu here? Heavenly Venerable invites Fairy Yunchu!"

Yun Chu fell behind the crowd in a daze: When did she become a fairy?In the heavens, the size of a fairy is also a title.

Everyone on the sidelines was horrified. They had never heard that Tianzun wanted to see a human monk.

Yun Huan, who came in a hurry, brushed aside the people who were obstructive, stopped behind Yun Chu, looked at her sister who was still in a daze, and held her hand from behind. Yun Chu turned to look back at her and smiled, signaling She's fine by herself.

"I also ask Fairy Yunchu to set off with me immediately, don't let Tianzun wait for a long time!" The burly fairy official skipped the crowd, looked at Yunchu, and raised his voice to urge again.

The two Yunchu sisters frowned at the same time: Why are you so urgent?

Yun Chu lowered his eyes and pondered for a moment, then raised his head and gave the two immortal officials a friendly smile, "Can you wait a moment, I want to go back and get some things."

The two immortals looked at each other, nodded slightly and said: "I also ask the fairies to go and come back quickly, I will wait here."

Yun Chu clasped his hands and said with a smile, "Thank you." Then he led Yun Huan back to Feixian Pavilion through the crowd.

As soon as he returned to his place, Yun Huan's face twisted into a ball, and he frowned and asked, "What's going on? Tianzun, old man Tiandi? Why does he want to see you?"

Yun Chu recalled what the Queen Mother of the West had explained before, so he knew something about it, so he said to Yun Huan, "It should be about my surviving the catastrophe. You also know that the Nine Thunders Heavenly Tribulation is rare. Maybe there is something special about my identity. Anyway, it's not a bad thing." , you can rest assured. I will contact you when I arrive."

While groping for something beside the bed, she explained to Yun Huan.Yun Huan's face is still not good, she can't go with her, she is always worried.

found it!Yun Chu fumbled absent-mindedly for a while, and finally found the small mirror that Yuan Ji gave her in the corner of the couch.She didn't know where to throw it after being drunk.

"Those two outside are pretty fierce, so I have to go this time. If Yuan Ji comes back, tell him that I'm not breaking my promise, but there's really nothing I can do." Yun Chu put away his things, and told Yun Huan with a smile.

Yun Huan snorted displeasedly, "You tell him yourself!"

Feeling puzzled again, he roared angrily: "You still care about his thoughts at this time! Sister, you can do it!"

Yun Chu blinked, touched Yun Huan's cheek, and smiled meaningfully, "Be good with the head sister-in-law, don't always bully him, be good!"

Yun Huan was horrified when he heard the words, and defended incoherently, "I and him...how did you think! What...sister-in-law, sister, you!"

Yun Chu smiled and nodded, "I know, I know, be good, I'm leaving!" She didn't intend to shame her sister, but she just wanted to divert her attention so that she wouldn't worry too much about herself.

Yun Huan pouted, but finally nodded, and personally sent her out of Tianyi Gate.

At this moment, the crowd gathered in the sky above Tianyimen hadn't dispersed yet, some were discussing in a hurry, and some were bold enough to ask questions to the heavenly officials.

It's just that these two immortal officials turned into two wooden statues as if they had been unplugged since Yunchu left. They didn't say a word, they didn't move.It wasn't until Yunchu appeared again that the two recharged their batteries, made a gesture of invitation, and took Yunchu away calmly.

Seeing her sister being taken away, Yun Huan curled her lips and her eyes gradually darkened.There was a faint sense of uneasiness in my heart, but I forced myself to suppress it.Her sister is lucky and lucky, she will definitely be fine!If something happened, even if she tried her best, she would destroy the Heavenly Court!
The people left behind had different expressions, and several of them stole a look at Yun Huan with weird faces.To be invited by the heavens naturally shows that his status is not ordinary. I didn't expect that this disciple who they didn't like was actually a big shot.The master is worthy of being a master, but his vision is higher than theirs, and the apprentices he picks are different.

In other words, the master seems to have another apprentice.

Thinking of this, many people have made small calculations.From the day when Yun Chu was invited to the Heaven Realm, another disciple of Yun Huan had received extensive attention from the Tianyi Sect, and they ran to Xiao Lingfeng one after another to make friends with her, which made Qi Mo extremely annoyed.

Qi Mo originally had a cold temperament, and he just wanted to guard the long speech to pass the calamity in peace, but was disturbed by an endless stream of idlers. While he was tired of coping, he was also worried that they would affect the long speech that was about to cross the calamity.To get to the bottom of it, I felt a little resentment towards Yunchu in my heart.


The news that Yunchu was invited by the Emperor of Heaven stirred up a thousand layers of waves, and the pot exploded directly at Tianyi Gate.Junyi, who had been in seclusion, also got the news. Hearing that her father summoned Yunchu, she didn't even care about her new body, and wanted to fly back to the heaven.

But after thinking about it, he felt that maybe this was his ruthless father's trick to lure him back to heaven. Not willing to be used like this, he decided to wait a few days to see the situation before talking.


On the other side, there is an invisible dark cave hidden in a black swamp forest filled with thick fog.In the wide cave, the three-legged Golden Crow was trembling and kneeling in front of a cloud of thick black air, its teeth chattering and unable to speak.

(End of this chapter)

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